Sosyoekonomi is an open-access, scientific and international journal. Established in 2005, it has been published quarterly by the Sosyoekonomi Society. Sosyoekonomi is a resource for researchers interested in economics, economic development, and the interface between economics and socioeconomic issues. Sosyoekonomi is indexed/abstracted in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), TUBITAK ULAKBIM TR Dizin, EconLit, EBSCO, SOBIAD, ProQuest, and RePEc (Research Papers in Economics).
Sosyoekonomi strictly adheres to academic publication ethics. It is committed to peer-review integrity upholding the highest standards of review. Papers submitted to Sosyoekonomi are first assessed for suitability by the editorial team. Then they go under a double-blind peer-review process by independent and anonymous expert referees in the field. Authors planning to submit their papers to Sosyoekonomi are strongly advised to read the Publication Ethics and Submission and the Author Guidelines sections.
Araştırma Makalesi
Tek Ebeveynli Aile Örüntüsündeki Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Aile Algısı ve Sosyal Hizmet Gereksinimlerinin BelirlenmesiAraştırma Makalesi
Yurtiçi Tasarruf Oranları Üzerine Bir Mekânsal Etki İncelemesi: AB-15 ülkeleri ve TürkiyeAraştırma Makalesi
International Student Mobility: Encountered Problems and Socio-economic FactorsAraştırma Makalesi
Financial Complexity: A Comparison Study of Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia and UAEAraştırma Makalesi
The Effect of Economic Policy Uncertainty (EPU) of the Trade Partner Countries on the Real Effective Exchange Rate of TurkeyAraştırma Makalesi
Yenilenebilir Enerji Difüzyon Patikası ve Bilgi Difüzyonu Temelinde Sosyal EtkileşimlerAraştırma Makalesi
The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Acquirers’ Stock Returns: Evidence from TürkiyeAraştırma Makalesi
The role of absorptive capacity in R&D firms’ location choiceAraştırma Makalesi
Economic development, maternal education and infant mortality rates in Türkiye 1960-2010Araştırma Makalesi
Analysis Of Financial Performance Of Companies In Bist Transportation And Storage Sector With Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Techniques