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Yaşlanmanın Yoksullukla İlişkisi Var Mı? Türk Yaşlı Nüfusu Üzerinde Bir Örnek Çalışma

Yıl 2025, , 199 - 211, 31.01.2025


Bu çalışma, gelişmekte olan bir ülke olan Türkiye açısından sosyodemografik değişkenlik açısından yaşlanmanın yoksullukla ilişkili olup olmadığı sorusuna yanıt aramayı amaçlamaktadır. Çalışma, Ekim 2021-Ocak 2022 tarihleri arasında Türkiye’nin yedi ilinden rastgele seçilen 1.512 referans kişiye dayanılarak genelleştirilmiş, hiyerarşik ve logit log-doğrusal model analizleri incelenmiştir. Yaş faktörünün yoksulluk üzerinde diğer değişkenlere göre en güçlü etkiye sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Cinsiyete dayalı yoksulluk analizi sonuçlarına göre kadın-erkek eşitliğine yakındır. 65 yaş altı eğitimli bireylerin gelir düzeyleri geçim masraflarını karşılamada yetersizdir.

Etik Beyan

Çalışma Helsinki Bildirgesi ilkelerine uygun olarak yürütüldü. Araştırmanın etik onayı Ulusal Sosyal ve Uygulamalı Gerontoloji Derneği Etik Kurulu'ndan 16.09.2021 tarihli kararla alınmıştır. Protokol kodu: 176.14-86; ve Etik No: 42/ Tüm yazarlar bu makalenin araştırılması, yazarlığı ve/veya yayınlanmasıyla ilgili herhangi bir potansiyel çıkar çatışması beyan etmemişlerdir. Çalışmaya dahil edilen tüm katılımcılardan bilgilendirilmiş onay alınmıştır.

Destekleyen Kurum

Bu araştırma hiçbir dış finansman almamıştır.


Massachusetts Üniversitesi Gerontoloji Enstitüsü'nden Profesör Dr. Nina Silverstein'a çalışmaya tavsiyelerde bulunduğu için teşekkür ederiz.


  • Andreß, H.J. et al. (1997), Analyse von tabellen und kategorialen daten: Log-lineare modelle, latente klassenanalyse, logistische regression und GSK-ansatz, Berlin, Springer.
  • Aydın, K. & T. Güloğlu (2021), “Old-Age Income Poverty in the European Union and Turkey”, Sosyoekonomi, 29(48), 473-488.
  • Backes, G.M. (2001), “Lebenslagen und alter(n)sformen von frauen und männern in den neuen und alten bundesländern”, DZA-expertisen zum dritten altenbericht der bundesregierung, Leske Budrich Verlag, 11-116.
  • Barreti, G.F. et al. (2000), “Demographic trends and consumption inequality in Australia between 1975 and 1993”, Review of Income and Wealth, 46(4), 437-456.
  • Bühl, A. (2010), PASW 18 - Eine einführung in die moderne datenanalyse, 12th ed., München, Pearson Studium.
  • Cameron, L.A. (2000), “Poverty and inequality in Java: Examining the impact of the changing age, educational and industrial structure”, Journal of Development Economics, 62(1), 149-180.
  • Chan, L. & K. Chou (2018), “Poverty in old age: Evidence from Hong Kong”, Aging & Society, 38(1), 37-55.
  • Chu, C. & L. Jiang (1997), “Demographic transition, family structure, and income inequality”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 79, 665-669.
  • DESA Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2022), World Population Prospects 2022 - Summary of Results, ISBN: 978-92-1-148373-4.
  • Deyshappriya, N.R. & R.W.W.K. Minuwanthi (2020), “Determinants of poverty: Is age non-linearly related with poverty? Evidence from Sri Lanka”, International Journal of Asian Social Science, (4), 181-192.
  • Dong, Z. et al. (2018), “Does population aging intensify income inequality? Evidence from China”, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 23(1), 66-77.
  • Feldmann, K. (2001), Soziologie Kompakt, 2nd ed., Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher, Verlag.
  • Gustafsson, B. & M. Johansson (1999), “In search of smoking guns: what makes income inequality vary over time in different countries?”, American Sociological Review, 64, 585-605.
  • Hassen, B.T. & E.H. Bilali (2022), “Impacts of the Russia-Ukraine war on global food security: Towards more sustainable and resilient food systems?”, Foods, 11(2301), 1-17.
  • Hwang, S. et al. (2021), “Population aging and income inequality”, The Journal of the Economics of Aging, 20, 1-6.
  • Jantti, M. (1997), “Inequality in five countries in the 1980s: The role of demographic shifts, markets and government policies”, Economica, 64(255), 415-440.
  • Jenkins, S.P. (1995), “Accounting for inequality trends: Decomposition analyses for the UK, 1971-86”, Economica, 62, 29-63.
  • Karadeniz, O. & N.D. Öztepe (2013), “Elderly poverty in Türkiye”, The Journal of Labor and Society, 38(3), 77-102.
  • Lam, D. & D. Levison (1992), “Age, experience, and schooling: decomposing earnings inequality in the United States and Brazil”, Sociological Inquiry, 62(2), 220-245.
  • Lee, H.Y. et al. (2013), “Empirical analysis on the determinants of income inequality in Korea”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 53(1), 95-109.
  • Li, Y. & J.E. Mutchler (2020), “Older adults and the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic”, Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 32(4-5), 477-487.
  • Liebig, P.S. (1983), “Mental health care of the elderly in a time of scarcity”, Administration in Mental Health, 11, 124-132.
  • Lin, C.H.A. et al. (2015), “Population aging and regional income inequality in Taiwan: A spatial dimension”, Social Indicators Research, 122(3), 757-777.
  • Marchand, J. & T. Smeeding (2016), “Poverty and aging”, Handbook of The Economics of Population Aging (905-950), North-Holland.
  • Niederfranke, A. (1999), “Das alter ist weiblich: Frauen und männer altern unterschiedlich”, Funkkolleg, 2nd ed., VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 7-52.
  • Rosenmayr, L. & H. Rosenmayr (1978), Der alte mensch in der gesellschaft, Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt.
  • Tkalec, I. (2017), “The Interplay between active aging and silver economy - a QCA analysis”, Cahiers RESUME, 1-12.
  • Tsakloglou, P. (1997), “Changes in inequality in Greece in the 1970s and the 1980s”, in: P. Gottschalk et al. (eds.), The Changing Distribution of Economic Well-being: International Perspectives (154-183), Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
  • Tufan, İ. (2007), First aging report of Turkey, Antalya: GeroYay.
  • TÜİK (2021), General explanation on income and living conditions of research methodology, < >, 02.07.2022.
  • TÜİK (2022a), Income and living conditions survey, 2021, <>, 30.05.2022.
  • TÜİK (2022b), The results of the address-based population registration system, 2021, <>, 14.05.2022.
  • Uluocak, Ş. (2017), “Income, wealth and poverty in Turkey”, in: İ. Tufan & M. Durak (eds.), Gerontology: Scope, Interdisciplinary Cooperation Economics Policy (339-386), Ankara, Türkiye: Nobel Academic Publishing.
  • Van Vliet, O. & C. Wang (2015), “Social investment and poverty reduction: A comparative analysis across fifteen European countries”, Journal of Social Policy, 44(3), 611-638.
  • Walker, A. & T. Maltby (2012), “Active aging: A strategic policy solution to demographic aging in the European Union”, International Journal of Social Welfare, 21, 117-130.
  • Wang, C. et al. (2017), “Aging and Inequality: The Perspective of Labor Income Share”, Asian Development Bank Institute Working Paper Series, 764.
  • Zhong, H. (2011), “The impact of population aging on income inequality in developing countries: Evidence from rural China”, China Economic Review, 22(1), 98-107.

Is Ageing Related to Poverty? A Case Study in Turkish Older Population

Yıl 2025, , 199 - 211, 31.01.2025


This study seeks answers to whether ageing is related to poverty or not in terms of socio-demographic variability in terms of Türkiye, a developing country. The study is based on 1,512 reference people randomly selected from seven provinces of Türkiye in October 2021-January 2022, and generalised, hierarchical, and logit log-linear model analyses were examined. It is determined that the age factor has the most decisive impact on poverty compared to the other variables. The gender-based poverty analysis results show that equality between women and men is close. The income levels of educated individuals younger than 65 are insufficient to meet living costs.

Etik Beyan

The study was conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Ethical approval of the study was obtained from the National Society of Social and Applied Gerontology Ethics Committee with the decision dated 16.09.2021; Protocol code: 176.14-86; and Ethics-42/ All the authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. Informed consent was obtained from all participants included in the study.

Destekleyen Kurum

This research received no external funding.


Thanks to Professor. Dr. Nina Silverstein from Gerontology Institution, University of Massachusetts for making recommendations.


  • Andreß, H.J. et al. (1997), Analyse von tabellen und kategorialen daten: Log-lineare modelle, latente klassenanalyse, logistische regression und GSK-ansatz, Berlin, Springer.
  • Aydın, K. & T. Güloğlu (2021), “Old-Age Income Poverty in the European Union and Turkey”, Sosyoekonomi, 29(48), 473-488.
  • Backes, G.M. (2001), “Lebenslagen und alter(n)sformen von frauen und männern in den neuen und alten bundesländern”, DZA-expertisen zum dritten altenbericht der bundesregierung, Leske Budrich Verlag, 11-116.
  • Barreti, G.F. et al. (2000), “Demographic trends and consumption inequality in Australia between 1975 and 1993”, Review of Income and Wealth, 46(4), 437-456.
  • Bühl, A. (2010), PASW 18 - Eine einführung in die moderne datenanalyse, 12th ed., München, Pearson Studium.
  • Cameron, L.A. (2000), “Poverty and inequality in Java: Examining the impact of the changing age, educational and industrial structure”, Journal of Development Economics, 62(1), 149-180.
  • Chan, L. & K. Chou (2018), “Poverty in old age: Evidence from Hong Kong”, Aging & Society, 38(1), 37-55.
  • Chu, C. & L. Jiang (1997), “Demographic transition, family structure, and income inequality”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, 79, 665-669.
  • DESA Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2022), World Population Prospects 2022 - Summary of Results, ISBN: 978-92-1-148373-4.
  • Deyshappriya, N.R. & R.W.W.K. Minuwanthi (2020), “Determinants of poverty: Is age non-linearly related with poverty? Evidence from Sri Lanka”, International Journal of Asian Social Science, (4), 181-192.
  • Dong, Z. et al. (2018), “Does population aging intensify income inequality? Evidence from China”, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 23(1), 66-77.
  • Feldmann, K. (2001), Soziologie Kompakt, 2nd ed., Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher, Verlag.
  • Gustafsson, B. & M. Johansson (1999), “In search of smoking guns: what makes income inequality vary over time in different countries?”, American Sociological Review, 64, 585-605.
  • Hassen, B.T. & E.H. Bilali (2022), “Impacts of the Russia-Ukraine war on global food security: Towards more sustainable and resilient food systems?”, Foods, 11(2301), 1-17.
  • Hwang, S. et al. (2021), “Population aging and income inequality”, The Journal of the Economics of Aging, 20, 1-6.
  • Jantti, M. (1997), “Inequality in five countries in the 1980s: The role of demographic shifts, markets and government policies”, Economica, 64(255), 415-440.
  • Jenkins, S.P. (1995), “Accounting for inequality trends: Decomposition analyses for the UK, 1971-86”, Economica, 62, 29-63.
  • Karadeniz, O. & N.D. Öztepe (2013), “Elderly poverty in Türkiye”, The Journal of Labor and Society, 38(3), 77-102.
  • Lam, D. & D. Levison (1992), “Age, experience, and schooling: decomposing earnings inequality in the United States and Brazil”, Sociological Inquiry, 62(2), 220-245.
  • Lee, H.Y. et al. (2013), “Empirical analysis on the determinants of income inequality in Korea”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 53(1), 95-109.
  • Li, Y. & J.E. Mutchler (2020), “Older adults and the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic”, Journal of Aging & Social Policy, 32(4-5), 477-487.
  • Liebig, P.S. (1983), “Mental health care of the elderly in a time of scarcity”, Administration in Mental Health, 11, 124-132.
  • Lin, C.H.A. et al. (2015), “Population aging and regional income inequality in Taiwan: A spatial dimension”, Social Indicators Research, 122(3), 757-777.
  • Marchand, J. & T. Smeeding (2016), “Poverty and aging”, Handbook of The Economics of Population Aging (905-950), North-Holland.
  • Niederfranke, A. (1999), “Das alter ist weiblich: Frauen und männer altern unterschiedlich”, Funkkolleg, 2nd ed., VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 7-52.
  • Rosenmayr, L. & H. Rosenmayr (1978), Der alte mensch in der gesellschaft, Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt.
  • Tkalec, I. (2017), “The Interplay between active aging and silver economy - a QCA analysis”, Cahiers RESUME, 1-12.
  • Tsakloglou, P. (1997), “Changes in inequality in Greece in the 1970s and the 1980s”, in: P. Gottschalk et al. (eds.), The Changing Distribution of Economic Well-being: International Perspectives (154-183), Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
  • Tufan, İ. (2007), First aging report of Turkey, Antalya: GeroYay.
  • TÜİK (2021), General explanation on income and living conditions of research methodology, < >, 02.07.2022.
  • TÜİK (2022a), Income and living conditions survey, 2021, <>, 30.05.2022.
  • TÜİK (2022b), The results of the address-based population registration system, 2021, <>, 14.05.2022.
  • Uluocak, Ş. (2017), “Income, wealth and poverty in Turkey”, in: İ. Tufan & M. Durak (eds.), Gerontology: Scope, Interdisciplinary Cooperation Economics Policy (339-386), Ankara, Türkiye: Nobel Academic Publishing.
  • Van Vliet, O. & C. Wang (2015), “Social investment and poverty reduction: A comparative analysis across fifteen European countries”, Journal of Social Policy, 44(3), 611-638.
  • Walker, A. & T. Maltby (2012), “Active aging: A strategic policy solution to demographic aging in the European Union”, International Journal of Social Welfare, 21, 117-130.
  • Wang, C. et al. (2017), “Aging and Inequality: The Perspective of Labor Income Share”, Asian Development Bank Institute Working Paper Series, 764.
  • Zhong, H. (2011), “The impact of population aging on income inequality in developing countries: Evidence from rural China”, China Economic Review, 22(1), 98-107.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Kalkınma Ekonomisi - Makro, Sağlık Ekonomisi
Bölüm Makaleler

Seda Sönmez 0000-0001-9155-9480

Şengül Akdeniz 0000-0002-4477-7159

İsmail Tufan 0000-0002-7185-7373

Özlem Özgür 0000-0001-5330-0902

Fatma Sıla Ayan 0000-0003-0576-1338

Sanam Asadi Faezi 0000-0003-4511-4688

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 1 Ocak 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 5 Haziran 2024
Kabul Tarihi 19 Aralık 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025

Kaynak Göster

APA Sönmez, S., Akdeniz, Ş., Tufan, İ., Özgür, Ö., vd. (2025). Is Ageing Related to Poverty? A Case Study in Turkish Older Population. Sosyoekonomi, 33(63), 199-211.
AMA Sönmez S, Akdeniz Ş, Tufan İ, Özgür Ö, Ayan FS, Asadi Faezi S. Is Ageing Related to Poverty? A Case Study in Turkish Older Population. Sosyoekonomi. Ocak 2025;33(63):199-211. doi:10.17233/sosyoekonomi.2025.01.10
Chicago Sönmez, Seda, Şengül Akdeniz, İsmail Tufan, Özlem Özgür, Fatma Sıla Ayan, ve Sanam Asadi Faezi. “Is Ageing Related to Poverty? A Case Study in Turkish Older Population”. Sosyoekonomi 33, sy. 63 (Ocak 2025): 199-211.
EndNote Sönmez S, Akdeniz Ş, Tufan İ, Özgür Ö, Ayan FS, Asadi Faezi S (01 Ocak 2025) Is Ageing Related to Poverty? A Case Study in Turkish Older Population. Sosyoekonomi 33 63 199–211.
IEEE S. Sönmez, Ş. Akdeniz, İ. Tufan, Ö. Özgür, F. S. Ayan, ve S. Asadi Faezi, “Is Ageing Related to Poverty? A Case Study in Turkish Older Population”, Sosyoekonomi, c. 33, sy. 63, ss. 199–211, 2025, doi: 10.17233/sosyoekonomi.2025.01.10.
ISNAD Sönmez, Seda vd. “Is Ageing Related to Poverty? A Case Study in Turkish Older Population”. Sosyoekonomi 33/63 (Ocak 2025), 199-211.
JAMA Sönmez S, Akdeniz Ş, Tufan İ, Özgür Ö, Ayan FS, Asadi Faezi S. Is Ageing Related to Poverty? A Case Study in Turkish Older Population. Sosyoekonomi. 2025;33:199–211.
MLA Sönmez, Seda vd. “Is Ageing Related to Poverty? A Case Study in Turkish Older Population”. Sosyoekonomi, c. 33, sy. 63, 2025, ss. 199-11, doi:10.17233/sosyoekonomi.2025.01.10.
Vancouver Sönmez S, Akdeniz Ş, Tufan İ, Özgür Ö, Ayan FS, Asadi Faezi S. Is Ageing Related to Poverty? A Case Study in Turkish Older Population. Sosyoekonomi. 2025;33(63):199-211.