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Türkiye’de Enerji Yoksulluğu

Yıl 2019, , 283 - 299, 31.10.2019


Enerjiye erişim, insani gelişme için bir ön koşuldur. Bu bağlamda, enerji yoksulluğu kavramı “Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma” hedefleri kapsamında, özellikle Birleşmiş Milletler ve Avrupa Birliği tarafından dikkatle izlenmektedir. Çalışmada enerji yoksulluğu kavramsal olarak incelenmiş ve çeşitli ülkelerde mevcut enerji tüketimlerine ilişkin verilere yer verilerek ve enerji yoksulluğu ile ilgili temel göstergeler incelenmiştir. Diğer yandan Türkiye özelinde enerji yoksulu haneler 2017 yılı hanehalkı bütçe anketi veri seti yardımıyla tespit edilerek, enerji yoksulu olarak değerlendirilen hanelerin sosyoekonomik özellikleri incelenmiştir. En güncel veriler olan 2017 yılı hanehalkı verilerine göre Türkiye’de hanelerin yaklaşık dörtte birinin, en düşük gelir seviyesine sahip hanelerin ise yaklaşık yarısının enerji yoksulluğu sorunuyla karşı karşıya olduğu bulunmuştur. En zengin dilimde yer alan hanelerde ise bu oran yalnızca %3,48 olarak bulunmuştur. Bununla birlikte 2003 yılından 2017 yılına gelindiğinde enerji yoksulu hanelerin oranında azalış tespit edilmiştir.


  • Alkon, M. & S. Harish & J. Urpelainen (2016), “Household Energy Access and Expenditure in Developing Countries: Evidence from India 1987-2010”, Energy for Sustainable Development, 35, 25-34.
  • Aristondo, O. & E. Onaindia (2018), “Inequality of Energy Poverty Between Groups in Spain”, Energy, 153, 431-442.
  • Barnes, D. (2010). The Concept of Energy Poverty, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.05.2018).
  • Barnes, D.F., Khandker, S., Samad, H. (2011). Energy poverty in rural Bangladesh, Energy Policy, 39, Issue 2, p. 894-904.
  • Boardman, B. (1991). Fuel Poverty: From Cold Homes to Affordable Warmth, Belhaven Press: London.
  • Boardman, B. (2010). Fixing fuel poverty. Challenges and Solutions, Earthscan: London.
  • Bouzarovski, S., Petrova S. (2015). “A Global Perspective on Domestic Energy Deprivation: Overcoming the Energy Poverty–Fuel Poverty Binary”, Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 10.
  • Bravo, V. & G. Mendoza & J. Legisa & C. Suarez & I. Zyngierman (1979), “Estudio Sobre Requerimientos Futuros No Convencionales de Energia en America Latina”, Report to the UNDP.
  • Bridge, B. (2017), “Individual and Household-Level Effect of Energy Poverty on Human Development”, PhD. Dissertation, University of New Mexico.
  • Buzar, S. (2007), Energy Poverty in Eastern Europe: Hidden Geographies of Deprivation, Abingdon: Routledge.
  • EC. (2012). “Share of Households' Expenditure on Electricity, Gas and Other Housing Fuels”, European Commission, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.10.2017).
  • Eguino, M.G. (2015), “Energy Poverty: An Overview”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 47, 377-385.
  • Emec, H. & A. Altay & E. Aslanpay & M.O. Ozdemir (2015), “Energy Poverty and Energy Choice Profile in Turkey”, Finans Politik & Ekonomik Yorumlar, 52(608), 9-21.
  • EPEE (2009), Study of Fuel Poverty in Europe, European fuel Poverty and Energy Efficiency, <>, 28.08.2018.
  • EU. (2018). Energy Poverty Statistics, EU Energy Poverty Observatory, (Erişim Tarihi: 04.10.2017).
  • EUROSTAT. (2018). Statistics Database, (Erişim Tarihi: 05.09.2017).
  • Goldemberg, J. (1990), “One Kilowatt per Capita”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 46, 12-26.
  • Hills, J. (2012), “Getting the Measure of Fuel Poverty”, Final Report of the Fuel Poverty Review.
  • Ibitoye, F. (2013), “The Millennium Development Goals and Household Energy Requirements in Nigeria”, Springerplus, 2(1), 2-9.
  • IEA (2017a), Energy Access Outlook 2017: From Poverty to Prosperity, Paris: OECD/IEA.
  • JRF (2017), “UK Poverty 2017”, Report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
  • Lenz, N.V. & I. Grgurev (2017), “Assessment of Energy Poverty in New European Union Member States: The Case of Bulgaria, Crotia and Romania”, International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 7(2), 1-8.
  • Lewis, J. (1982), A Three-Part Proposal: Three Stages for Natural Disaster Mitigation Strategy: Intergrated with Socia-Evonomic Development at National, Provincial and Local Levels, The United Nations Environment Programme.
  • Li, K. & L. Bob & X.J. Liang & Y.M. Wei (2014), “Energy Poor or Fuel Poor: What are the Differences?”, Energy Policy, 68, 476-481.
  • Liddell, C. & C. Morris (2010), “Fuel Poverty and Human Health: A Review of Recent Evidence”, Energy Policy, 38(6), 2987-2997.
  • Marmot Review Team (2011), The Health Impact of Cold Homes and Fuel Poverty, London: Friends of the Earth & the Marmot Review Team.
  • Modi, V., McDade, S., Lallement, D., Saghir, J. (2005). Energy Services for the Millennium Development Goals, Joint publication of the World Bank, Washington DC and the United Nations Development Programme, New York.
  • Moore, R. (2012), “Definitions of Fuel Poverty: Implications for Policy”, Energy Policy, 49, 19-26.
  • Mzavanadze, N. (2018), “Quantifying Energy Poverty- Related Health Impacts of Energy Efficiency”, WP5 Social Welfare Final Report.
  • Nussbaumer, P. (2012), “Energy for Sustainable Development - An Assessment of the Energy - Poverty - Development Nexus”, Doctoral Thesis, Barcelona: Institute of Environmental Science and Technology.
  • Ozcan, K.M. & E. Gülay & S. Ucdogruk (2013), “Economic and Demographic Determinants of Household Energy Use in Turkey”, Energy Policy, 60, 550-557.
  • Pachauri, S. & A. Mueller & A. Kemmler & D. Spreng (2004), “On Measuring Energy Poverty in Indian Households”, World Development, 32(12), 2083-2104.
  • Papada, L., Kaliampakos, D. (2016). “Measuring energy poverty in Greece”, Energy Policy, Volume 94.
  • Pereira, M.G. & M. Freitas & N.F. da Silva (2011), “The Challenge of Energy Poverty: Brazilian Case Study”, Energy Policy, 39(1), 167-175.
  • Practical Action. (2008). Energy Poverty: Estimating the Level of Energy Poverty in Sri Lanka, (Erişim Tarihi: 20.10.2017).
  • Preston, I. & V. White & K. Blacklaws (2014), Fuel and Poverty, The Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
  • Pye, S., Dobbġns, A., Baffert, C., Brajkovġc, J., Grgurev, I., De Mġglġo, R., & Deane, P. (2015). Energy Poverty and Vulnerable Consumers in The Energy Sector Across The EU: Analysis Of Poli-cies And Measures, Insight-E.
  • Rademaekers, K., Yearwood, J., Ferreira, A., Pye, S., Hamil-Ton, I., Agnolucci, P., Anisimova, N. (2016). Selecting Indi-cators to Measure Energy Poverty, Rotterdam: European Commission, DG Energy.
  • Sadath, A. & R.H. Acharya (2017), “Assessing the Extent and Intensity of Energy Poverty Using Multidimensional Energy Poverty Index: Empirical Evidence from Households in India”, Energy Policy, 12, 540-550.
  • Sovacool, B. K., Cooper, C., Bazilian, M., Johnson, K., Zoppo, D., Clarke, S., Eidsness, J., Crafton, M., Velumail, T., Raza, H. A. (2012). “What move sand works: Broadening the Consideration of Energy Poverty” Energy Policy, 42, 715–719.
  • Tennakoon, D. (2008), Practical Action. Energy Poverty: Estimating the Level of Energy Poverty in Sri Lanka, Colombo: Practical Action South Asia.
  • Thomson, H., Bouzarovski, S. (2018). Addressing Energy Poverty in the European Union: State of Play and Action, ENER/B3/SER/2015-507/SI2.742529 Concerning the EU Energy Poverty Observatory, EU Energy Poverty Observatory
  • Tod, A. & H. Thomson (2016), “Health Impacts of Cold Housing and Energy Poverty”, in: K. Csiba (ed.), Energy Poverty Handbook, Brussels and Budapest: The European Parliament.
  • TSI (2016), Surveys on Income and Living Conditions, Micro Data Set.
  • TSI (2017), Household Budget Survey Data Set. TSI (2017), Household Budget Survey Newsletter, <;jsessionid=x7wgcRyGGh6WWyH2xnK WhN7Z7ZQpKX47Cw5ThkSGh6ffGL4BgLM1!147391579?id=27840>, 28.08.2018.
  • WB (2018), World Bank Development Indicator.
  • WB. (2017), World Bank Development Indicator.

Energy Poverty in Turkey

Yıl 2019, , 283 - 299, 31.10.2019


Access to energy is a prerequisite for human development. For this reason, the concept of
energy poverty is carefully monitored by the United Nations and the European Union within the scope
of “Sustainable Development” objectives. In this study, energy poverty is conceptually investigated,
and the data related to the current energy consumption and the main indicators of energy poverty in
various countries were examined. Moreover, socioeconomic characteristics of energy poor households
in Turkey were examined with the help of the 2017 Household Budget Survey data set. According to
the most recent data available, about one-quarter of households in Turkey are energy poor while nearly
half of the households, which have the lowest income levels, were found to carry the risk of facing
energy poverty. For the richest households, this rate is only 3.48%. Additionally, the share of energy
poor households was observed to decrease from 2003 to 2017.


  • Alkon, M. & S. Harish & J. Urpelainen (2016), “Household Energy Access and Expenditure in Developing Countries: Evidence from India 1987-2010”, Energy for Sustainable Development, 35, 25-34.
  • Aristondo, O. & E. Onaindia (2018), “Inequality of Energy Poverty Between Groups in Spain”, Energy, 153, 431-442.
  • Barnes, D. (2010). The Concept of Energy Poverty, (Erişim Tarihi: 10.05.2018).
  • Barnes, D.F., Khandker, S., Samad, H. (2011). Energy poverty in rural Bangladesh, Energy Policy, 39, Issue 2, p. 894-904.
  • Boardman, B. (1991). Fuel Poverty: From Cold Homes to Affordable Warmth, Belhaven Press: London.
  • Boardman, B. (2010). Fixing fuel poverty. Challenges and Solutions, Earthscan: London.
  • Bouzarovski, S., Petrova S. (2015). “A Global Perspective on Domestic Energy Deprivation: Overcoming the Energy Poverty–Fuel Poverty Binary”, Energy Research & Social Science, Volume 10.
  • Bravo, V. & G. Mendoza & J. Legisa & C. Suarez & I. Zyngierman (1979), “Estudio Sobre Requerimientos Futuros No Convencionales de Energia en America Latina”, Report to the UNDP.
  • Bridge, B. (2017), “Individual and Household-Level Effect of Energy Poverty on Human Development”, PhD. Dissertation, University of New Mexico.
  • Buzar, S. (2007), Energy Poverty in Eastern Europe: Hidden Geographies of Deprivation, Abingdon: Routledge.
  • EC. (2012). “Share of Households' Expenditure on Electricity, Gas and Other Housing Fuels”, European Commission, (Erişim Tarihi: 15.10.2017).
  • Eguino, M.G. (2015), “Energy Poverty: An Overview”, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 47, 377-385.
  • Emec, H. & A. Altay & E. Aslanpay & M.O. Ozdemir (2015), “Energy Poverty and Energy Choice Profile in Turkey”, Finans Politik & Ekonomik Yorumlar, 52(608), 9-21.
  • EPEE (2009), Study of Fuel Poverty in Europe, European fuel Poverty and Energy Efficiency, <>, 28.08.2018.
  • EU. (2018). Energy Poverty Statistics, EU Energy Poverty Observatory, (Erişim Tarihi: 04.10.2017).
  • EUROSTAT. (2018). Statistics Database, (Erişim Tarihi: 05.09.2017).
  • Goldemberg, J. (1990), “One Kilowatt per Capita”, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 46, 12-26.
  • Hills, J. (2012), “Getting the Measure of Fuel Poverty”, Final Report of the Fuel Poverty Review.
  • Ibitoye, F. (2013), “The Millennium Development Goals and Household Energy Requirements in Nigeria”, Springerplus, 2(1), 2-9.
  • IEA (2017a), Energy Access Outlook 2017: From Poverty to Prosperity, Paris: OECD/IEA.
  • JRF (2017), “UK Poverty 2017”, Report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
  • Lenz, N.V. & I. Grgurev (2017), “Assessment of Energy Poverty in New European Union Member States: The Case of Bulgaria, Crotia and Romania”, International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 7(2), 1-8.
  • Lewis, J. (1982), A Three-Part Proposal: Three Stages for Natural Disaster Mitigation Strategy: Intergrated with Socia-Evonomic Development at National, Provincial and Local Levels, The United Nations Environment Programme.
  • Li, K. & L. Bob & X.J. Liang & Y.M. Wei (2014), “Energy Poor or Fuel Poor: What are the Differences?”, Energy Policy, 68, 476-481.
  • Liddell, C. & C. Morris (2010), “Fuel Poverty and Human Health: A Review of Recent Evidence”, Energy Policy, 38(6), 2987-2997.
  • Marmot Review Team (2011), The Health Impact of Cold Homes and Fuel Poverty, London: Friends of the Earth & the Marmot Review Team.
  • Modi, V., McDade, S., Lallement, D., Saghir, J. (2005). Energy Services for the Millennium Development Goals, Joint publication of the World Bank, Washington DC and the United Nations Development Programme, New York.
  • Moore, R. (2012), “Definitions of Fuel Poverty: Implications for Policy”, Energy Policy, 49, 19-26.
  • Mzavanadze, N. (2018), “Quantifying Energy Poverty- Related Health Impacts of Energy Efficiency”, WP5 Social Welfare Final Report.
  • Nussbaumer, P. (2012), “Energy for Sustainable Development - An Assessment of the Energy - Poverty - Development Nexus”, Doctoral Thesis, Barcelona: Institute of Environmental Science and Technology.
  • Ozcan, K.M. & E. Gülay & S. Ucdogruk (2013), “Economic and Demographic Determinants of Household Energy Use in Turkey”, Energy Policy, 60, 550-557.
  • Pachauri, S. & A. Mueller & A. Kemmler & D. Spreng (2004), “On Measuring Energy Poverty in Indian Households”, World Development, 32(12), 2083-2104.
  • Papada, L., Kaliampakos, D. (2016). “Measuring energy poverty in Greece”, Energy Policy, Volume 94.
  • Pereira, M.G. & M. Freitas & N.F. da Silva (2011), “The Challenge of Energy Poverty: Brazilian Case Study”, Energy Policy, 39(1), 167-175.
  • Practical Action. (2008). Energy Poverty: Estimating the Level of Energy Poverty in Sri Lanka, (Erişim Tarihi: 20.10.2017).
  • Preston, I. & V. White & K. Blacklaws (2014), Fuel and Poverty, The Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
  • Pye, S., Dobbġns, A., Baffert, C., Brajkovġc, J., Grgurev, I., De Mġglġo, R., & Deane, P. (2015). Energy Poverty and Vulnerable Consumers in The Energy Sector Across The EU: Analysis Of Poli-cies And Measures, Insight-E.
  • Rademaekers, K., Yearwood, J., Ferreira, A., Pye, S., Hamil-Ton, I., Agnolucci, P., Anisimova, N. (2016). Selecting Indi-cators to Measure Energy Poverty, Rotterdam: European Commission, DG Energy.
  • Sadath, A. & R.H. Acharya (2017), “Assessing the Extent and Intensity of Energy Poverty Using Multidimensional Energy Poverty Index: Empirical Evidence from Households in India”, Energy Policy, 12, 540-550.
  • Sovacool, B. K., Cooper, C., Bazilian, M., Johnson, K., Zoppo, D., Clarke, S., Eidsness, J., Crafton, M., Velumail, T., Raza, H. A. (2012). “What move sand works: Broadening the Consideration of Energy Poverty” Energy Policy, 42, 715–719.
  • Tennakoon, D. (2008), Practical Action. Energy Poverty: Estimating the Level of Energy Poverty in Sri Lanka, Colombo: Practical Action South Asia.
  • Thomson, H., Bouzarovski, S. (2018). Addressing Energy Poverty in the European Union: State of Play and Action, ENER/B3/SER/2015-507/SI2.742529 Concerning the EU Energy Poverty Observatory, EU Energy Poverty Observatory
  • Tod, A. & H. Thomson (2016), “Health Impacts of Cold Housing and Energy Poverty”, in: K. Csiba (ed.), Energy Poverty Handbook, Brussels and Budapest: The European Parliament.
  • TSI (2016), Surveys on Income and Living Conditions, Micro Data Set.
  • TSI (2017), Household Budget Survey Data Set. TSI (2017), Household Budget Survey Newsletter, <;jsessionid=x7wgcRyGGh6WWyH2xnK WhN7Z7ZQpKX47Cw5ThkSGh6ffGL4BgLM1!147391579?id=27840>, 28.08.2018.
  • WB (2018), World Bank Development Indicator.
  • WB. (2017), World Bank Development Indicator.
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Makaleler

İşıl Şirin Selçuk 0000-0001-9559-1349

Ali Gökhan Gölçek 0000-0002-7948-7688

Altuğ Murat Köktaş 0000-0002-0911-2143

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ekim 2019
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Aralık 2018
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Selçuk, İ. Ş., Gölçek, A. G., & Köktaş, A. M. (2019). Energy Poverty in Turkey. Sosyoekonomi, 27(42), 283-299.
AMA Selçuk İŞ, Gölçek AG, Köktaş AM. Energy Poverty in Turkey. Sosyoekonomi. Ekim 2019;27(42):283-299. doi:10.17233/sosyoekonomi.2019.04.15
Chicago Selçuk, İşıl Şirin, Ali Gökhan Gölçek, ve Altuğ Murat Köktaş. “Energy Poverty in Turkey”. Sosyoekonomi 27, sy. 42 (Ekim 2019): 283-99.
EndNote Selçuk İŞ, Gölçek AG, Köktaş AM (01 Ekim 2019) Energy Poverty in Turkey. Sosyoekonomi 27 42 283–299.
IEEE İ. Ş. Selçuk, A. G. Gölçek, ve A. M. Köktaş, “Energy Poverty in Turkey”, Sosyoekonomi, c. 27, sy. 42, ss. 283–299, 2019, doi: 10.17233/sosyoekonomi.2019.04.15.
ISNAD Selçuk, İşıl Şirin vd. “Energy Poverty in Turkey”. Sosyoekonomi 27/42 (Ekim 2019), 283-299.
JAMA Selçuk İŞ, Gölçek AG, Köktaş AM. Energy Poverty in Turkey. Sosyoekonomi. 2019;27:283–299.
MLA Selçuk, İşıl Şirin vd. “Energy Poverty in Turkey”. Sosyoekonomi, c. 27, sy. 42, 2019, ss. 283-99, doi:10.17233/sosyoekonomi.2019.04.15.
Vancouver Selçuk İŞ, Gölçek AG, Köktaş AM. Energy Poverty in Turkey. Sosyoekonomi. 2019;27(42):283-99.

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