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Yıl 2019, , 247 - 256, 02.08.2019


Özellikle sağlık bilimleri alanında eğitim, öğrencileri olumlu tutum geliştirmeye,
kişisel bütünlüğü sağlamaya ve refleksiyon yapabilme kapasitesi geliştirmeye
zorlamaktadır. Mentörlük ilişkisi öğrencilerin bu becerileri öğrenip
uygulayabileceği ve örnek alabilecekleri bir alandır.  Bağlanma teorisi bu ilişkilerin kalitesi ve bu
ilişkilerdeki beklentilerin anlaşılması konusunda içgörü sağlayabilir. 

Gereç ve Yöntem: İki ayrı tıp fakültesinden
yaş ortalaması 20,5 (Ss=1,3) olan 375 öğrenci bilgi formu, ilişki ölçeği ve
önemli bulunan mentör davranışlarına ilişkin soruları, tek oturumda

Formal sistemdeki öğrencilerin mentörünün olma oranı yüksekti. Kadınlar
mentörün, motive etme işlevine daha fazla önem vermekteydi. Güvenli bağlanma
puanı akademik rehberlik ve motivasyon sağlama işleviyle pozitif korelasyon
gösterdi. Kayıtsız bağlanma tüm mentor işlevleriyle negatif korelasyon

Mentörlük ilişkisinde, bahsi geçen değişkenleri ele almak mentör-danışan
ikililerini daha iyi eşleştirme, program tipini belirleme, klinik öncesi
öğrencileri arasındaki ihtiyaç farklılıklarını anlama, mentör ve danışanları
daha iyi yönlendirme imkanı sunabilir. 


  • Garmel GM. Mentoring medical students in academic emergency medicine. Acad Emerg Med 2004; 11: 1351-1357.
  • Gormley B. An application of attachment theory: mentoring relationship Dynamics and ethical concerns. Mentoring & Tutoring Partnership in Learning 2008; 16: 45-62.
  • Banerjee, R. Attachment theory shaping adult development: Impact on mentoring experiences. In: M. S. Plakhotnik & S. M. Nielsen (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth Annual College of Education Research Conference: Urban and International Education Section Miami: Florida International University (pp. 1-6); 2006. Accessed December 2014, at
  • Bowlby J. Bağlanma ( T. V. Soylu, Trans.). Istanbul: Pinhan Yay. (Original work published 1972); 2012.
  • Banse R. Adult attachment and marital satisfaction: Evidence for dyadic configuration effects. Journal of Social and Personal Relationship 2004; 21: 273–282.
  • Allen TD, Eby LT, Poteet ML, Lentz E, Lima L. Career benefits associated with mentoring for protégés: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology 2004; 89: 127-136.
  • Bozeman B, Feeney MK. Toward a useful theory of mentoring: A conceptual analysis and critique. Administration & Society 2007; 39: 719-739.
  • Lewellen-Williams C, Johnson VA, Deloney LA, Thomas BR, Goyol A, Henry-Tillman R. The POD: A new model for mentoring underrepresented minority faculty. Academic Medicine 2006; 81: 275-279.
  • Sambunjak D, Straus S, Marušić A. Mentoring in Academic Medicine A systematic review. The Journal of the American Medical Association 2006; 296: 1103-1115.
  • Levy BD, Katz JT, Wolf MA, Sillman JS, Handin RI, Dzau VJ. An Initiative in Mentoring to Promote Residents’and Faculty Members’ Careers. Academic Medicine 2004; 79: 845– 850.
  • Tourigny L, Pulich M. A critical examination of formal and informal mentoring. The Health Care Management 2005; 24: 68-76.
  • Kandiko CB, Mawer M. Student Expectations and Perceptions of Higher Education: Project Report. 2013. Accessed December 2014, at
  • Rose GL. Group differences in graduate students' concepts of the ideal mentor. Research in High Education 2005; 46: 53-80.
  • Wolfe A, Retallick MS, Martin R, Steiner C, Ashley J, Wolfe MS, Retallick RM. Mentoring functions practiced by undergraduate faculty in agriculture. Journal of Agricultural Education 2008; 49: 99-108.
  • Middendorf Tom, “The impact of career, psychosocial, and spiritual functions of mentoring on undergraduate students”. Ed. D. diss., Olivet Nazarene University, Illinois, U.S.A., 2010. Accessed December 30, 2014, at
  • Dilmore TC, Rubio DM, Cohen E, Seltzer D, Switzer GE, Bryce C, Primack B, Fine MJ. Psychometric properties of the mentor role instrument when used in an academic medicine setting. Clinical and Translational Science 2008; 3:: 104-108.
  • Sümer N, Güngör D. Çocuk yetiştirme stillerinin bağlanma stilleri, benlik değerlendirmeleri ve yakın ilişkiler üzerindeki etkisi. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 1999, 14(4), 35-58.
  • Eby LT, Lockwood A. Proteges and mentors’ reactions to participating in formal mentoring programs: A qualitative investigation. Journal of Vocational Behavior 2005; 67, 441-458.
  • Aukes LC, Geerstma J, Cohen-Schotanus J, Zwierstra RP. The effect of enhanced experiential learning on the personal reflection of undergraduate medical students. Medical Education Online 2008, 1-10. doi:10.3885/meo.2008.Res00279.
  • Feldman M, Arean PA., Marshall J, Lovett M, O’Sullivan P. Does mentoring matter: Results from a survey of faculty mentees at a large health sciences university. Medical Education Online 2010, 1-8. doi:10.3402/meo.v15i0.5063.
  • Treboux D, Crowell JA, Waters E. When “new” meets “old”: Configurations of adult attachment representations and their implications for marital satisfaction. Developmental Psychology 2004; 40: 295-314.
  • McMahon Brian. “Organizational commitment, relationship commitment and their association with attachment style and locus of control”. MSc diss., the Academic Faculty Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, U.S.A. Accessed December 30, 2014, at;jsessionid=14A71114C42DE065AE28FFD8F37B1B24.smart1?sequence=1
  • Pietromonaco PR, Greenwood D, Barrett LF. Conflict in adult close relationships: An attachment perspective. In: Rholes, WS Simpson JA, ed. Adult attachment: New directions and emerging issues (1-49). New York: Guilford Press;2004 p 1-49 Accessed December 30, 2014, at
  • Bartholomew K, Horowitz LM. Attachment styles among young adults: A test of four category model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1991; 61: 199-244.
  • DuBois DL, Silverthorn N. Characteristics of natural mentoring relationships and adolescent adjustment: Evidence from a national study. Journal of Primary Prevention 2005, 26, 69-92.
  • Mikulincer M, Shaver PR. Attachment theory and emotions in close relationships: Exploring the attachment related dynamics of emotional reactions to relational events. Personal Relationships 2005; 12: 149-168.
  • Vogel DL, Wei M. Adult attachment and help-seeking intent: The mediating roles of psychological distress and perceived social support. Journal of Counselling Psychology 2005; 52: 347-357.
  • Larose S, Tarabulsy G, Cyrenne D. Perceived autonomy and relatedness as moderating the impact of teacher-student mentoring relationships on student academic adjustment. Journal of Primary Prevention 2005; 26: 111-128.
  • Burke RJ, Burgess Z, Fallon B. Benefits of mentoring to Australian early career women managers and professionals. Equal Opportunities International 2006; 25: 71 – 79.
  • Levesque LL, O’Neill RM, Nelson T, Dumas C. Sex differences in the perceived importance of mentoring functions. Career Development International 2005; 10: 426-442.


Yıl 2019, , 247 - 256, 02.08.2019


Especially in health related sciences, education urges students have positive
attitudes, personal integrity and self-reflection capacity Mentoring
relationship is one of the areas where students learn, practice and emulate
these abilities. Attachment theory may provide insight about the quality of and
expectancies in these relationships.

Material & Methods:
students (mean age=20.5, Sd=1,3) from two different medical faculties filled
the information form, relationships questionnaires and questions about the importance
of mentor behaviours in one setting.

Results: Students from formal mentoring program
have higher rate of having a mentoring relationship.
Women gave more importance to motivation function of the
mentors. Secure attachment score had positive correlation with academic
guidance and mutual respect functions of mentoring relationship. Dismissing
attachment score was negatively correlated with all mentor functions.

Handling these variables above in the realm of mentoring relationship may
provide opportunities to match mentor-mentee pairs more appropriately, to
determine the program type, to detect differences in needs among preclinical
years and orient the mentörs and mentees in the programs.


  • Garmel GM. Mentoring medical students in academic emergency medicine. Acad Emerg Med 2004; 11: 1351-1357.
  • Gormley B. An application of attachment theory: mentoring relationship Dynamics and ethical concerns. Mentoring & Tutoring Partnership in Learning 2008; 16: 45-62.
  • Banerjee, R. Attachment theory shaping adult development: Impact on mentoring experiences. In: M. S. Plakhotnik & S. M. Nielsen (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth Annual College of Education Research Conference: Urban and International Education Section Miami: Florida International University (pp. 1-6); 2006. Accessed December 2014, at
  • Bowlby J. Bağlanma ( T. V. Soylu, Trans.). Istanbul: Pinhan Yay. (Original work published 1972); 2012.
  • Banse R. Adult attachment and marital satisfaction: Evidence for dyadic configuration effects. Journal of Social and Personal Relationship 2004; 21: 273–282.
  • Allen TD, Eby LT, Poteet ML, Lentz E, Lima L. Career benefits associated with mentoring for protégés: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology 2004; 89: 127-136.
  • Bozeman B, Feeney MK. Toward a useful theory of mentoring: A conceptual analysis and critique. Administration & Society 2007; 39: 719-739.
  • Lewellen-Williams C, Johnson VA, Deloney LA, Thomas BR, Goyol A, Henry-Tillman R. The POD: A new model for mentoring underrepresented minority faculty. Academic Medicine 2006; 81: 275-279.
  • Sambunjak D, Straus S, Marušić A. Mentoring in Academic Medicine A systematic review. The Journal of the American Medical Association 2006; 296: 1103-1115.
  • Levy BD, Katz JT, Wolf MA, Sillman JS, Handin RI, Dzau VJ. An Initiative in Mentoring to Promote Residents’and Faculty Members’ Careers. Academic Medicine 2004; 79: 845– 850.
  • Tourigny L, Pulich M. A critical examination of formal and informal mentoring. The Health Care Management 2005; 24: 68-76.
  • Kandiko CB, Mawer M. Student Expectations and Perceptions of Higher Education: Project Report. 2013. Accessed December 2014, at
  • Rose GL. Group differences in graduate students' concepts of the ideal mentor. Research in High Education 2005; 46: 53-80.
  • Wolfe A, Retallick MS, Martin R, Steiner C, Ashley J, Wolfe MS, Retallick RM. Mentoring functions practiced by undergraduate faculty in agriculture. Journal of Agricultural Education 2008; 49: 99-108.
  • Middendorf Tom, “The impact of career, psychosocial, and spiritual functions of mentoring on undergraduate students”. Ed. D. diss., Olivet Nazarene University, Illinois, U.S.A., 2010. Accessed December 30, 2014, at
  • Dilmore TC, Rubio DM, Cohen E, Seltzer D, Switzer GE, Bryce C, Primack B, Fine MJ. Psychometric properties of the mentor role instrument when used in an academic medicine setting. Clinical and Translational Science 2008; 3:: 104-108.
  • Sümer N, Güngör D. Çocuk yetiştirme stillerinin bağlanma stilleri, benlik değerlendirmeleri ve yakın ilişkiler üzerindeki etkisi. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi 1999, 14(4), 35-58.
  • Eby LT, Lockwood A. Proteges and mentors’ reactions to participating in formal mentoring programs: A qualitative investigation. Journal of Vocational Behavior 2005; 67, 441-458.
  • Aukes LC, Geerstma J, Cohen-Schotanus J, Zwierstra RP. The effect of enhanced experiential learning on the personal reflection of undergraduate medical students. Medical Education Online 2008, 1-10. doi:10.3885/meo.2008.Res00279.
  • Feldman M, Arean PA., Marshall J, Lovett M, O’Sullivan P. Does mentoring matter: Results from a survey of faculty mentees at a large health sciences university. Medical Education Online 2010, 1-8. doi:10.3402/meo.v15i0.5063.
  • Treboux D, Crowell JA, Waters E. When “new” meets “old”: Configurations of adult attachment representations and their implications for marital satisfaction. Developmental Psychology 2004; 40: 295-314.
  • McMahon Brian. “Organizational commitment, relationship commitment and their association with attachment style and locus of control”. MSc diss., the Academic Faculty Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, U.S.A. Accessed December 30, 2014, at;jsessionid=14A71114C42DE065AE28FFD8F37B1B24.smart1?sequence=1
  • Pietromonaco PR, Greenwood D, Barrett LF. Conflict in adult close relationships: An attachment perspective. In: Rholes, WS Simpson JA, ed. Adult attachment: New directions and emerging issues (1-49). New York: Guilford Press;2004 p 1-49 Accessed December 30, 2014, at
  • Bartholomew K, Horowitz LM. Attachment styles among young adults: A test of four category model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 1991; 61: 199-244.
  • DuBois DL, Silverthorn N. Characteristics of natural mentoring relationships and adolescent adjustment: Evidence from a national study. Journal of Primary Prevention 2005, 26, 69-92.
  • Mikulincer M, Shaver PR. Attachment theory and emotions in close relationships: Exploring the attachment related dynamics of emotional reactions to relational events. Personal Relationships 2005; 12: 149-168.
  • Vogel DL, Wei M. Adult attachment and help-seeking intent: The mediating roles of psychological distress and perceived social support. Journal of Counselling Psychology 2005; 52: 347-357.
  • Larose S, Tarabulsy G, Cyrenne D. Perceived autonomy and relatedness as moderating the impact of teacher-student mentoring relationships on student academic adjustment. Journal of Primary Prevention 2005; 26: 111-128.
  • Burke RJ, Burgess Z, Fallon B. Benefits of mentoring to Australian early career women managers and professionals. Equal Opportunities International 2006; 25: 71 – 79.
  • Levesque LL, O’Neill RM, Nelson T, Dumas C. Sex differences in the perceived importance of mentoring functions. Career Development International 2005; 10: 426-442.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Orjinal Araştırma

Sinem Yıldız İnanıcı 0000-0001-8488-3231

Özlem Sarıkaya 0000-0002-6962-1185

Melike Şahiner Bu kişi benim 0000-0001-6561-7675

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Ağustos 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster