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Dear colleagues,

We are honored to invite you and your valuable studies to the Turkish Journal of Health Science and Life. The main aim of our journal, which started its publication life in 2018; is to contribute to establishing and strengthening the relationship between practice and theory with support from you, as well as providing an environment in which occupational effectiveness is shared and evaluated among academicians working in the field of health sciences. 

In our Multidisciplinary Health Sciences and Life-oriented journal; we look forward to seeing your scientific work in the fields of Internal and Basic Medical Sciences, Nursing, Midwifery, Nutrition and Dietetics, Child Development, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, Biological and Life Sciences and Multidisciplinary Health Sciences.

In our journal may publish studies with the following characteristics:

- Research article: An article written in scientific format that presents original researches and results.

- Review: Comprehensive compilation of scientific studies mainly on recent literature in a particular subject.

- Case Report: Evaluation of interesting cases on a specific topic.

The Journal of Health Science and Life is an international journal, published three times a year.

Yayımlanma Ayları
Mart Ağustos Aralık
Son Güncelleme Zamanı: 3.12.2024 09:35:27