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İlköğretim ve ortaöğretim öğrencilerinin atom ve moleküllerin şekli üzerine bazı fiziksel etkenlerin etkisini anlamalarının araştırılması

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3, 56 - 73, 31.07.2014


Bu çalışmanın amacı, öğrencilerin atom ve moleküllerin şekli üzerine bazı fiziksel etkenlerin etkilerini anlamalarının araştırılmasıdır. Çalışma, karşılaştırmalı nicel geriye dönük bir araştırmadır ve çalışmada tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini 278’i ilköğretim (106 ilkokul, 172 ortaokul) ve 207’si ortaöğretim öğrencisi olmak üzere toplam 485 (223 kız, 262 erkek) öğrenci oluşturmaktadır. Evreni, araştırmanın yapıldığı ders yılında 4-12 sınıflarındaki toplam öğrenciler oluşturmaktadır. Veriler, Maddenin Parçacıklı Yapısı Kavram Testi (MPYKT, α = .86) ile toplanmıştır. Betimsel istatistik sonuçlarına göre, örneklemin sadece %16’sı (n = 77), fiziksel etkenlerin atom ve moleküllerin şekli üzerinde etkili olamayacağını ifade etmiştir. %84’ü (n = 308), örneğin, darbelerin atomları, molekülleri parçalayabileceğini ifade etmiştir. Öğretim düzeyi temelinde, ilkokul öğrencilerinin tamamı, ortaokul öğrencilerinin %97’si ve lise öğrencilerinin %65’i, fiziksel etkenlerin atom ve moleküllerin şeklini değiştirebileceğini belirtmişlerdir. Sonuçlar, atom ve molekül kavramlarının, lise seviyesinde bile yeterince anlaşılamadığını göstermektedir. Bu sonuçların ışığında, atom, molekül kavramlarının öğretimine daha fazla özen gösterilmesi gerektiği vurgulanmıştır.


  • Adbo, K., & Taber, K. S. (2009). Learners’ mental models of the particle nature of matter: A study of 16‐year‐old Swedish science students. International Journal of Science Education, 31(6), 757-786.
  • Al-Balushi, S. M., Ambusaidi, A. K., Al-Shuaili, A. H., & Taylor, N. (2012). Omani twelfth grade students' most common misconceptions in chemistry. Science Education International, 23(3).
  • Albanese, A., & Vicentini, M. (1997). Why do we believe that an atom is colourless? Reflections about the teaching of the particle model. Science & Education, 6, 251-261.
  • Andersson, B. (1990). Pupils' conceptions of matter and its transformation (age 12 -16). Studies in Science Education, 18(1), 53-85.
  • Ayas, A., Özmen, H., & Calik, M. (2010). Students’conceptions of the particulate nature of matter at secondary secondary and tertiary level. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 8(1), 165-184.
  • Aydin, A., & Altuk, Y. G. (2013). Turkish science student teachers' conceptions on the states of matter. International Education Studies, 6(5).
  • Ben-Zvi, R., Eylon, B., & Silberstein, J. (1986). Is an atom of copper malleable? Journal of Chemical Education, 63(1), 64-66.
  • Boz, Y. (2006). Turkish pupils’ conceptions of the particulate nature of matter. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 15(2), 203-213.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2004). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Veri Analizi El Kitabı (4. Baskı). Pegem A Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Cakmakci, G. (2010). Identifying alternative conceptions of chemical kinetics among secondary school and undergraduate students in Turkey. Journal of Chemical Education, 87(4), 449-455.
  • Canpolat, N., Pınarbaşı, T., Bayrakçeken, S. ve Geban, Ö. (2004). Kimyadaki bazı yaygın yanlış kavramalar. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24 (1), 135-146.
  • Dindar, A., Bektas, O., & Celik, A. Y. (2010). What are the pre-service chemistry teachers’ explanations on chemistry topics?. The International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 1, 32-41.
  • Erdem, E., Yılmaz, A., Atav, E. ve Gücüm, B. (2004). Öğrencilerin madde konusunu anlama düzeyleri, kavram yanılgıları, fen bilgisine karşı tutumları ve mantıksal düşünme düzeylerinin araştırılması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 27, (74-82).
  • Gabel, D. L., Samuel, K.V. & Hunn, D. (1987). Understanding the particulate nature of matter. Journal of Chemical Education, 64(8), 695
  • Gabel, D. L. (1993). Use of the particle nature of matter in developing conceptual understanding. Journal of Chemical Education, 60, 193-194
  • Griffiths, A. K., & Preston K. R. (1992). Grade 12 students’ misconceptions relating to fundamental characteristics of atoms and molecules. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29(6), 611-628.
  • Haidar, A. H. (1988). A comparasion of applied and theoritical knowledge of concepts based on the particulate nature of matter. Phd Thesis, The University of Oklahoma. Oklahoma, USA.
  • Haidar, A. H., & Abraham M. R. (1991). A comparasion of applied and theoritical knowledge of concepts based on the particulate nature of matter. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 28(10), 919-938.
  • Harrison, A. G., & Treagust, D. F. (2003). The particulate nature of matter: Challenges in understanding the submicroscopic world. Chemical education: Towards research-based practice, 189-212.
  • Henriques, L. (2002). Children's ideas about weather: A review of the literature. School Science and Mathematics, 102(5), 202-215.
  • Hinton, M. E., & Nakhleh, M. B. (1999). Students’ microscopic, macroscopic, and symbolic representations of chemical reactions. The Chemical Educator, 4(5), 158-167.
  • Johnson, P., & Papageorgiou, G. (2010). Rethinking the introductory of particle theory: A substance-based framework. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(2), 130-150.
  • Karasar, N. (2005). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi (15. Baskı), Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • Kaya, E. (2013). Argumentation Practices in Classroom: Pre-service teachers' conceptual understanding of chemical equilibrium. International Journal of Science Education, 35(7), 1139-1158.
  • Kind, V. (2004). Beyond apperances: Students’ misconceptions about basic chemical ideas (2nd edition). Durham: Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Kokkotas, P. & Vlachos, I., Koulaidis, V. (1998). Teaching the topic of theparticulate nature of matter in prospective teachers’ trainnig courses. International Journal of Science Education, 20(3), 291-303.
  • Kolomuç, A. & Tekin, S. (2011). Chemistry teachers' misconceptions concerning concept of chemical reaction rate. Eurasian Journal of Physics & Chemistry Education, 3(2), 84-101.
  • Kottonau, J. (2011). An interactive computer model for improved student understanding of random particle motion and osmosis. Journal of Chemical Education, 88(6), 772-775.
  • Kramer, E. M., & Myers, D. R. (2012). Five popular misconceptions about osmosis. American Journal of Physics, 80(8), 694-699.
  • Lee, O., Eichinger, D. C., Anderson, C. W., Berkheimer, G. D., & Blakeslee, T. D. (1993). Changing middle school students’ conceptions of matter and molecules. Journal of Rearch in Science Teaching, 30(3), 249- 270.
  • Liu , C. K., Lai C. W., & Chiu, M. H. (1997). Teaching and learning the conception of material in chemistry education. a1101-1.pdf adresinden 27.08.2010 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Meyer, H. (2005). Is it molecules? Again A review of students' learning about particle theory. The Chemical Education Journal, 9(2) adresinden 24.10.2010 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Miller, L. S. (2008). Prospective elementary school teachers’ understanding of the particulate nature of matter. Phd Thesis, Purdue University, USA.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı İlköğretim Kurumları Yönetmeliği [MEB]. (27.08.2003). Resmi Gazete, Sayı: 28360
  • Nakhleh, M. B. (1992). Why some students don’t learn chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education, 69(3), 191- 196.
  • Nakhleh, M. B. & Samarapungavan, A. (1999). Elementary school children's beliefs about matter. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36(7), 777-805.
  • Nakhleh, M. B., Samarapungavan, A., & Saglam, Y. (2005). Middle school students' beliefs about matter. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 42(5), 581-612.
  • Novick, S., & Nussbaum, J. (1978). Junior high school pupils’ understanding of the particulate nature of matter: an interview study. Science Education, 62(3), 273-281.
  • Novick, S., & Nussbaum, J. (1981). Pupils’ understanding of the particulate nature of matter: A cross-age study. Science Education, 65(2), 187-196.
  • Özmen, H., Ayas, A., & Coştu, B. (2002). Fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının maddenin tanecikli yapısı hakkındaki anlama seviyelerinin ve yanılgılarının belirlenmesi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 2(2), 507- 529.
  • Özmen, H., & Kenan, O. (2007). Determination of the Turkish primary students’ views about the particulate nature of matter. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 8(1), 1-15.
  • Peşman, H. & Eryılmaz, A. (2010). Development of a three-tier test to assess misconceptions about simple electric circuits. The Journal of Educational Research, 103 (3), 208-222.
  • Pideci, N. (2002). Öğrencilerin atom-molekül kavramlarına ilişkin yanılgıları. Yanılgıları gidermek üzere özel bir öğretim yönteminin geliştirilmesi ve değerlendirilmesi. Yüksek lisans tezi. Marmara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Pinarbasi, T., Sozbilir, M., & Canpolat, N. (2009). Prospective chemistry teachers’ misconceptions about colligative properties: boiling point elevation and freezing point depression. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 10(4), 273-280.
  • Sarıkaya, M. (1996). Maddenin Parçacıklı Yapısı Kavram Testi. Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi.
  • Sarikaya, M. (2007). Prospective teachers’ misconceptions about the atomic structure in the context of electrification by friction and an activity in order to remedy them. International Education Journal, 8(1), 40-63.
  • Singer, J. E., Tal, R. T., & Wu, H. K. (2003). Students' understanding of the particulate nature of matter. School Science and Mathematics, 103(1), 28-44.
  • Smith, K. C., & Nakhleh, M. B. (2011). University students' conceptions of bonding in melting and dissolving phenomena. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 12(4), 398-408.
  • Stavy, R. (1988). Children’s conceptions of gas. Journal of Science Education, 10(5), 533-560.
  • Stavy, R. (1990). Children’s conceptions of changes in the state of matter: from liquid (or solid) to gas. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 27(3), 247-266.
  • Stepans, J. (2003). Targeting students’ science misconceptions. Physical science concepts using the conceptual change model. Tampa, FL: Showboard.
  • Şengören, S. K. (2010). Turkısh students' mental models of lıght to explain the single slit diffraction and double slit interference light: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 9(1).
  • Tanahoung, C., Chitaree R. & Soankwan, C. (2010). Probing thai freshmen science students’ conceptions of heat and temperature using open-ended questions: a case study. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 2(2), 82-94.
  • Tezcan, H., ve Salmaz, Ç. (2005). Atomun yapısının kavratılmasında ve yanlış kavramaların giderilmesinde bütünleştirici ve geleneksel öğretim yöntemlerinin etkileri. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(1), 41-54.
  • Treagust, D. F., Chandrasegaran, A. L., Crowley, J., Yung, B. H., Cheong, I. P. A., & Othman, J. (2010). Evaluating students’understanding of the kinetic particle theory concepts relating to the states of matter, changes of state and diffusion: a cross-national study. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education,8(1), 141-164.
  • Tsai, C. C. (1999). Overcoming junior high school students' misconceptions about microscopic views of phase change: a study of an analogy activity. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 8(1), 83-91.
  • Tsaparlis, G., Kolioulis, D., & Pappa, E. (2010). Lower-secondary introductory chemistry course: a novel approach based on science-education theories, with emphasis on the macroscopic approach, and the delayed meaningful teaching of the concepts of molecule and atom. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 11(2), 107-117.
  • Tsitsipis, G., Stamovlasis, D., & Papageorgiou, G. (2012). A probabilistic model for students’ errors and misconceptions on the structure of matter in relation to three cognitive variables. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 10(4), 777-802.
  • Wallquist, L., Visschers, V. H., & Siegrist, M. (2010). Impact of knowledge and misconceptions on benefit and risk perception of CCS. Environmental Science & Technology, 44(17), 6557-6562.
  • Wu, H. K., & Shah, P. (2004). Exploring visuospatial thinking in chemistry learning. Science Education, 88(3), 465-492.
  • Valadines, N. (2000). Primary student teachers’ understanding of the particulate nature of matter and its transformations during dissolving. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 1(2), 249-262.
  • Yezierski, E. J. (2003). The particulate nature of matter and conceptual change: a cross-age study. Phd Thesis, The Arizona State University, USA.
  • Yılmaz, A. ve Morgil, İ. (2001). Üniversite öğrencilerinin kimyasal bağlar konusundaki kavram yanılgılarının belirlenmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 20, 172-178.

Investigating the primary and secondary school students’ understanding of the effects of some physical elements on the shape of the atoms and molecules

Yıl 2014, Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3, 56 - 73, 31.07.2014


The purpose of this study is to research the students’ understandings of the effects of some physical elements on the shape of the atoms and molecules. The study is a comparatively quantitative and retroactive research and the screening model was utilized for the study as well. The sampling population of the study is comprised of 485 students, (223 females and 262 males) including 278 students from primary education (106 primary school and 172 secondary school) and 207 students from secondary education. The population of the study is comprised of the total number of the students from 4th to 12th grades within the study term in which the study had been conducted. The data was obtained by the Conceptual Test “The Particle Based Structure of the Matter” (CT-PBSM α = .86). According to the descriptive analysis results; only 16% of the sampling population (n = 77) indicated that the physical elements would have no effect on the shapes of atoms and molecules. 84% of the population however, (n = 38) stated that the impacts may shatter the atoms and molecules. Within the scope of the level of education, all primary school students as well as 97% of the secondary school students and 65% of the high school students claimed that the physical elements may change the shape of the atoms and molecules. The results point out that the concepts of atoms and molecules are not totally grasped even at high school education levels. In the light of such results; it was underlined that the education and the teaching of the concepts of atoms and molecules should be given more care and importance.


  • Adbo, K., & Taber, K. S. (2009). Learners’ mental models of the particle nature of matter: A study of 16‐year‐old Swedish science students. International Journal of Science Education, 31(6), 757-786.
  • Al-Balushi, S. M., Ambusaidi, A. K., Al-Shuaili, A. H., & Taylor, N. (2012). Omani twelfth grade students' most common misconceptions in chemistry. Science Education International, 23(3).
  • Albanese, A., & Vicentini, M. (1997). Why do we believe that an atom is colourless? Reflections about the teaching of the particle model. Science & Education, 6, 251-261.
  • Andersson, B. (1990). Pupils' conceptions of matter and its transformation (age 12 -16). Studies in Science Education, 18(1), 53-85.
  • Ayas, A., Özmen, H., & Calik, M. (2010). Students’conceptions of the particulate nature of matter at secondary secondary and tertiary level. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 8(1), 165-184.
  • Aydin, A., & Altuk, Y. G. (2013). Turkish science student teachers' conceptions on the states of matter. International Education Studies, 6(5).
  • Ben-Zvi, R., Eylon, B., & Silberstein, J. (1986). Is an atom of copper malleable? Journal of Chemical Education, 63(1), 64-66.
  • Boz, Y. (2006). Turkish pupils’ conceptions of the particulate nature of matter. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 15(2), 203-213.
  • Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2004). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Veri Analizi El Kitabı (4. Baskı). Pegem A Yayıncılık, Ankara.
  • Cakmakci, G. (2010). Identifying alternative conceptions of chemical kinetics among secondary school and undergraduate students in Turkey. Journal of Chemical Education, 87(4), 449-455.
  • Canpolat, N., Pınarbaşı, T., Bayrakçeken, S. ve Geban, Ö. (2004). Kimyadaki bazı yaygın yanlış kavramalar. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24 (1), 135-146.
  • Dindar, A., Bektas, O., & Celik, A. Y. (2010). What are the pre-service chemistry teachers’ explanations on chemistry topics?. The International Journal of Research in Teacher Education, 1, 32-41.
  • Erdem, E., Yılmaz, A., Atav, E. ve Gücüm, B. (2004). Öğrencilerin madde konusunu anlama düzeyleri, kavram yanılgıları, fen bilgisine karşı tutumları ve mantıksal düşünme düzeylerinin araştırılması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 27, (74-82).
  • Gabel, D. L., Samuel, K.V. & Hunn, D. (1987). Understanding the particulate nature of matter. Journal of Chemical Education, 64(8), 695
  • Gabel, D. L. (1993). Use of the particle nature of matter in developing conceptual understanding. Journal of Chemical Education, 60, 193-194
  • Griffiths, A. K., & Preston K. R. (1992). Grade 12 students’ misconceptions relating to fundamental characteristics of atoms and molecules. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 29(6), 611-628.
  • Haidar, A. H. (1988). A comparasion of applied and theoritical knowledge of concepts based on the particulate nature of matter. Phd Thesis, The University of Oklahoma. Oklahoma, USA.
  • Haidar, A. H., & Abraham M. R. (1991). A comparasion of applied and theoritical knowledge of concepts based on the particulate nature of matter. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 28(10), 919-938.
  • Harrison, A. G., & Treagust, D. F. (2003). The particulate nature of matter: Challenges in understanding the submicroscopic world. Chemical education: Towards research-based practice, 189-212.
  • Henriques, L. (2002). Children's ideas about weather: A review of the literature. School Science and Mathematics, 102(5), 202-215.
  • Hinton, M. E., & Nakhleh, M. B. (1999). Students’ microscopic, macroscopic, and symbolic representations of chemical reactions. The Chemical Educator, 4(5), 158-167.
  • Johnson, P., & Papageorgiou, G. (2010). Rethinking the introductory of particle theory: A substance-based framework. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 47(2), 130-150.
  • Karasar, N. (2005). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi (15. Baskı), Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara.
  • Kaya, E. (2013). Argumentation Practices in Classroom: Pre-service teachers' conceptual understanding of chemical equilibrium. International Journal of Science Education, 35(7), 1139-1158.
  • Kind, V. (2004). Beyond apperances: Students’ misconceptions about basic chemical ideas (2nd edition). Durham: Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • Kokkotas, P. & Vlachos, I., Koulaidis, V. (1998). Teaching the topic of theparticulate nature of matter in prospective teachers’ trainnig courses. International Journal of Science Education, 20(3), 291-303.
  • Kolomuç, A. & Tekin, S. (2011). Chemistry teachers' misconceptions concerning concept of chemical reaction rate. Eurasian Journal of Physics & Chemistry Education, 3(2), 84-101.
  • Kottonau, J. (2011). An interactive computer model for improved student understanding of random particle motion and osmosis. Journal of Chemical Education, 88(6), 772-775.
  • Kramer, E. M., & Myers, D. R. (2012). Five popular misconceptions about osmosis. American Journal of Physics, 80(8), 694-699.
  • Lee, O., Eichinger, D. C., Anderson, C. W., Berkheimer, G. D., & Blakeslee, T. D. (1993). Changing middle school students’ conceptions of matter and molecules. Journal of Rearch in Science Teaching, 30(3), 249- 270.
  • Liu , C. K., Lai C. W., & Chiu, M. H. (1997). Teaching and learning the conception of material in chemistry education. a1101-1.pdf adresinden 27.08.2010 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Meyer, H. (2005). Is it molecules? Again A review of students' learning about particle theory. The Chemical Education Journal, 9(2) adresinden 24.10.2010 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Miller, L. S. (2008). Prospective elementary school teachers’ understanding of the particulate nature of matter. Phd Thesis, Purdue University, USA.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı İlköğretim Kurumları Yönetmeliği [MEB]. (27.08.2003). Resmi Gazete, Sayı: 28360
  • Nakhleh, M. B. (1992). Why some students don’t learn chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education, 69(3), 191- 196.
  • Nakhleh, M. B. & Samarapungavan, A. (1999). Elementary school children's beliefs about matter. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36(7), 777-805.
  • Nakhleh, M. B., Samarapungavan, A., & Saglam, Y. (2005). Middle school students' beliefs about matter. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 42(5), 581-612.
  • Novick, S., & Nussbaum, J. (1978). Junior high school pupils’ understanding of the particulate nature of matter: an interview study. Science Education, 62(3), 273-281.
  • Novick, S., & Nussbaum, J. (1981). Pupils’ understanding of the particulate nature of matter: A cross-age study. Science Education, 65(2), 187-196.
  • Özmen, H., Ayas, A., & Coştu, B. (2002). Fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının maddenin tanecikli yapısı hakkındaki anlama seviyelerinin ve yanılgılarının belirlenmesi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 2(2), 507- 529.
  • Özmen, H., & Kenan, O. (2007). Determination of the Turkish primary students’ views about the particulate nature of matter. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 8(1), 1-15.
  • Peşman, H. & Eryılmaz, A. (2010). Development of a three-tier test to assess misconceptions about simple electric circuits. The Journal of Educational Research, 103 (3), 208-222.
  • Pideci, N. (2002). Öğrencilerin atom-molekül kavramlarına ilişkin yanılgıları. Yanılgıları gidermek üzere özel bir öğretim yönteminin geliştirilmesi ve değerlendirilmesi. Yüksek lisans tezi. Marmara Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul.
  • Pinarbasi, T., Sozbilir, M., & Canpolat, N. (2009). Prospective chemistry teachers’ misconceptions about colligative properties: boiling point elevation and freezing point depression. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 10(4), 273-280.
  • Sarıkaya, M. (1996). Maddenin Parçacıklı Yapısı Kavram Testi. Ankara: Gazi Üniversitesi.
  • Sarikaya, M. (2007). Prospective teachers’ misconceptions about the atomic structure in the context of electrification by friction and an activity in order to remedy them. International Education Journal, 8(1), 40-63.
  • Singer, J. E., Tal, R. T., & Wu, H. K. (2003). Students' understanding of the particulate nature of matter. School Science and Mathematics, 103(1), 28-44.
  • Smith, K. C., & Nakhleh, M. B. (2011). University students' conceptions of bonding in melting and dissolving phenomena. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 12(4), 398-408.
  • Stavy, R. (1988). Children’s conceptions of gas. Journal of Science Education, 10(5), 533-560.
  • Stavy, R. (1990). Children’s conceptions of changes in the state of matter: from liquid (or solid) to gas. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 27(3), 247-266.
  • Stepans, J. (2003). Targeting students’ science misconceptions. Physical science concepts using the conceptual change model. Tampa, FL: Showboard.
  • Şengören, S. K. (2010). Turkısh students' mental models of lıght to explain the single slit diffraction and double slit interference light: a cross-sectional study. Journal of Baltic Science Education, 9(1).
  • Tanahoung, C., Chitaree R. & Soankwan, C. (2010). Probing thai freshmen science students’ conceptions of heat and temperature using open-ended questions: a case study. Eurasian Journal of Physics and Chemistry Education, 2(2), 82-94.
  • Tezcan, H., ve Salmaz, Ç. (2005). Atomun yapısının kavratılmasında ve yanlış kavramaların giderilmesinde bütünleştirici ve geleneksel öğretim yöntemlerinin etkileri. Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 25(1), 41-54.
  • Treagust, D. F., Chandrasegaran, A. L., Crowley, J., Yung, B. H., Cheong, I. P. A., & Othman, J. (2010). Evaluating students’understanding of the kinetic particle theory concepts relating to the states of matter, changes of state and diffusion: a cross-national study. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education,8(1), 141-164.
  • Tsai, C. C. (1999). Overcoming junior high school students' misconceptions about microscopic views of phase change: a study of an analogy activity. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 8(1), 83-91.
  • Tsaparlis, G., Kolioulis, D., & Pappa, E. (2010). Lower-secondary introductory chemistry course: a novel approach based on science-education theories, with emphasis on the macroscopic approach, and the delayed meaningful teaching of the concepts of molecule and atom. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 11(2), 107-117.
  • Tsitsipis, G., Stamovlasis, D., & Papageorgiou, G. (2012). A probabilistic model for students’ errors and misconceptions on the structure of matter in relation to three cognitive variables. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 10(4), 777-802.
  • Wallquist, L., Visschers, V. H., & Siegrist, M. (2010). Impact of knowledge and misconceptions on benefit and risk perception of CCS. Environmental Science & Technology, 44(17), 6557-6562.
  • Wu, H. K., & Shah, P. (2004). Exploring visuospatial thinking in chemistry learning. Science Education, 88(3), 465-492.
  • Valadines, N. (2000). Primary student teachers’ understanding of the particulate nature of matter and its transformations during dissolving. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 1(2), 249-262.
  • Yezierski, E. J. (2003). The particulate nature of matter and conceptual change: a cross-age study. Phd Thesis, The Arizona State University, USA.
  • Yılmaz, A. ve Morgil, İ. (2001). Üniversite öğrencilerinin kimyasal bağlar konusundaki kavram yanılgılarının belirlenmesi. Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 20, 172-178.
Toplam 63 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Eğitim Üzerine Çalışmalar
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mustafa Sarikaya

Aysegul Ergun

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Temmuz 2014
Kabul Tarihi 20 Temmuz 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014 Cilt: 3 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Sarikaya, M., & Ergun, A. (2014). İlköğretim ve ortaöğretim öğrencilerinin atom ve moleküllerin şekli üzerine bazı fiziksel etkenlerin etkisini anlamalarının araştırılması. Turkish Journal of Education, 3(3), 56-73.

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