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Expected Effects of Global Temperature Increase on Wheat and The Physiological Indices of High Temperature Tolerance

Year 2016, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 439 - 447, 30.09.2016


The wheat production is done mostly in arid and semi-arid areas, depending on rainfall in our country. The spring wheats are exposed to high temperatures especially during anthesis and grain filling. This situation is caused a significant decrease on the yield. Climatic changes have occurred seriously in different parts of the world that are voiced by the researchers. In 2007, at the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, it was reported that, the temperature rise was the main effect of will have on crop production. Climate change-induced temperature rise with all the violence continues. Consequently, potential yield losses in wheat in developing countries are expected to be around 20 to 30%. High temperature and drought, many of the world wheat mega-environment, the most important environmental factors limiting plant growth, and they occurred at the same time. Under normal circumstances, the period of wheat growth, 1°C increase on the optimum temperature values causes 57 kg ha-1 yield loss for the spring-wheat.


  • Akbar, H., Jaime, A., Teixeira Da, S. (2012). Available online at www.notulaebiologicae. ro Print ISSN 2067-3205; Electronic 2067-Not Sci Biol, 2012, 4(3):97-109
  • Amthor, JS. (2001). Effects of atmospheric CO2 concentration on wheat yield: review of results from experiments using various approaches to control CO2 concentration. Field Crops Research, 73: 1-34.
  • Anonim (1999). Improving Heat Tolerans. CIMMYT World Wheat Facts and Trends. Global Wheat Research in a Changing World: Callenges and Achievement. Mexico, Lisboa 27, Apdo. Postal 6- 641, 06600.
  • Anonim (2011). W HEAT-Global Alliance for Improving Food Security and the Livelihoods of the Resources-Poor in the Developing W orld’. Proposal submitted by CIMMYT and ICARDA to the CGIAR consortium board, in collaboration with Bioversity, ICRISAT, IFPRI, ILRI, IRRI, IW MI, 86 NARS Institute, 13 Regional and International Organizations, 71 Universities and Advance Research Institutes, 15 Private Sector Organizations, 14 NGOs and Farmers Cooperatives and 20 Host Countries. 197pp.
  • Anonim (2015a). (Erişim: 28.12.2015)
  • Anonim (2015b). (Erişim: 28.12.2015)
  • Anonim (2015c). Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü. (Erişim: 28.12.2015)
  • Anonim (2015d). Dünya Meteoroloji Örgütü continues-2014 (Erişim: 28.12.2015)
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  • Anonim (2015f). JMA, (Erişim: 28.12.2015)
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  • Ayeneh, A., Van Ginkel, M., Reynolds, MP., Ammar, K. (2002). Comparison of leaf, spike, peduncle and canopy temperature depression in wheat under heat stress. FieldCrops Research, 79: 173- 184.
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  • Bretschneider-herrmann, B. (1967). Untersuchungen über den einfluss von lichtintensitact und tageslaenge auf dem einfluss von hafer unter Klimatisch kontrollierten badingungen. Angewadte botanik, 41, 38-51.
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  • Fıscher, RA. (2001). Selektion Traits for Improving Yield Potantial. In:M.P. Reynold, j.I. Ortiz- Monasterio and McNab (eds), Aplication of physiology to Wheat breeding, CIMMYT, Mexico, D.F., pp148-159
  • Fischer, RA., Rees, D,, Sayre, KD,, Lu, ZM., Condon, AG., Larque-Saavedra, A. (1998). Wheat yield progress is associated with higher stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate, and cooler canopies. Crop Sci., 38: 1467-1475.
  • Grigorova, B., Vaseva, I., Demirevska, K., Feller, U. (2011). Combined drought and heat stress in wheat: Changes in some heat shock proteins. Biol. Plant. 55:105-111.
  • Gruza, G., Rankova, E., Razuaev, V., Bulygina, O. (1999). İndicators of climate change fort he Russian federation, Climatic Change 42:219-242
  • Hede, AR., Skovmand, B., Reynolds, MP., Crossa, J., Vilhelmsen, AL., Stolen, O. (1999). Evaluating genetic diversity for heat tolerance traits in Mexican wheat landraces. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. Res., 46: 37–45.
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Küresel Sıcaklık Artışının Buğdayda Beklenen Etkileri ve Yüksek Sıcaklığa Toleranslılığın Fizyolojik Göstergeleri

Year 2016, Volume: 26 Issue: 3, 439 - 447, 30.09.2016


Ülkemizde buğday yetiştiriciliği çoğunlukla kurak ve yarı kurak alanlarda yağışa dayalı şartlarda yapılmaktadır. Yazlık buğdaylar, özellikle çiçeklenme ve tane doldurma döneminde yüksek sıcaklara maruz kalmakta, bu durum verimde önemli düşüşlere neden olmaktadır. İklim değişikliği dünyanın farklı bölgelerindeki araştırmacılar tarafından sıklıkla dile getirilmektedir. Hükümetler Arası İklim Değişikliği ile ilgili 2007 yılında yapılan panelde, sıcaklık artışının bitki üretimi üzerine ana etkiye sahip olacağı bildirilmiştir. İklim değişikliği kaynaklı sıcaklık artışı tüm şiddeti ile devam etmektedir. Bunun sonucu olarak, gelişmekte olan ülkelerdeki buğday olası verim kayıplarının % 20-30 civarında olması beklenmektedir. Yüksek sıcaklık ve kuraklık dünyanın birçok mega buğday sahasında bitki büyümesini kısıtlayan en önemli çevresel faktörlerdir ve aynı anda meydana gelmektedirler. Normal koşullarda buğday gelişme döneminde optimum sıcaklık değerlerinin üzerindeki ortalama 1°C’lik artış, yazlık buğdaylarda 5.7 kg/da verim kaybına neden olmaktadır.


  • Akbar, H., Jaime, A., Teixeira Da, S. (2012). Available online at www.notulaebiologicae. ro Print ISSN 2067-3205; Electronic 2067-Not Sci Biol, 2012, 4(3):97-109
  • Amthor, JS. (2001). Effects of atmospheric CO2 concentration on wheat yield: review of results from experiments using various approaches to control CO2 concentration. Field Crops Research, 73: 1-34.
  • Anonim (1999). Improving Heat Tolerans. CIMMYT World Wheat Facts and Trends. Global Wheat Research in a Changing World: Callenges and Achievement. Mexico, Lisboa 27, Apdo. Postal 6- 641, 06600.
  • Anonim (2011). W HEAT-Global Alliance for Improving Food Security and the Livelihoods of the Resources-Poor in the Developing W orld’. Proposal submitted by CIMMYT and ICARDA to the CGIAR consortium board, in collaboration with Bioversity, ICRISAT, IFPRI, ILRI, IRRI, IW MI, 86 NARS Institute, 13 Regional and International Organizations, 71 Universities and Advance Research Institutes, 15 Private Sector Organizations, 14 NGOs and Farmers Cooperatives and 20 Host Countries. 197pp.
  • Anonim (2015a). (Erişim: 28.12.2015)
  • Anonim (2015b). (Erişim: 28.12.2015)
  • Anonim (2015c). Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü. (Erişim: 28.12.2015)
  • Anonim (2015d). Dünya Meteoroloji Örgütü continues-2014 (Erişim: 28.12.2015)
  • Anonim (2015e). NOAA, (Erişim: 28.12.2015)
  • Anonim (2015f). JMA, (Erişim: 28.12.2015)
  • Aydoğan, S., Şahin, M., Akçacık, AG., Türköz, M. (2010). İleri makarnalık buğday hatlarının farklı çevrelerde verim ve kalite özellikleri yönünden değerlendirilmesi, Harran Üniv. Ziraat Fak. Dergisi, 14(4): 23-31.
  • Ayeneh, A., Van Ginkel, M., Reynolds, MP., Ammar, K. (2002). Comparison of leaf, spike, peduncle and canopy temperature depression in wheat under heat stress. FieldCrops Research, 79: 173- 184.
  • Bahar, B., Barutçular, C., Yıldırım. M,, Genç, D. (2005). Buğdayda bitki topluluğu sıcaklığı düşüşünün verim ve verim unsurları ile ilişkisi. Türkiye VI. Tarla Bitkileri Kongresi, Cilt II. S, 665-668. 5-9 Eylül, Antalya.
  • Bavec, F. ve Bavec, M. (2001). Chlorophyll meter readings of winter wheat cultivars and grain yield prediction. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. Res., 32: 2709–2719.
  • Boyd, WJR. ve Walker, MG. (1972). Variation in chlorophyl a Content and stability in wheat leaves. Aus. Bot. Western Australia, 36: 87-92.
  • Boyer, JS. 1982. Plant productivity and environment. Science, 218: 443-8.
  • Braun, HJ., Atlin, G., Payne, T. (2010). Multi-location testing as a tool to identify plant response to global climate change. In MP Reynolds, ed, Climate Change and Crop Production. CABI, Oxfordshire, UK, pp 115 138.
  • Bray, EA., Buchanan B, Gruissem W, Jones R (2000). Responses to abiotic stresses, biochemistry and molecular biology of plants, pp.1158-1203, Rockville, MD: ASPB, 2000. Engineering for Stress Tolerance, Planta, 218, 1-14.
  • Bretschneider-herrmann, B. (1967). Untersuchungen über den einfluss von lichtintensitact und tageslaenge auf dem einfluss von hafer unter Klimatisch kontrollierten badingungen. Angewadte botanik, 41, 38-51.
  • Briggle, LW. ve Curtis, BC. (1987). “Wheat worldwide,” in Wheat and Wheat Improvement, ed E. G. Heyne (Madison, WI: American Society of Agronomy ), 4–31.
  • Craufurd, PQ. ve Wheeler, TR. (2009). Climate change and the flowering time of annual crops. Journal of Experimental Botany 60, 2529–2539.
  • Çekiç, C. (2007). Kurağa Dayanıklı Buğday (Triticum aestivum L.) Islahında Seleksiyon Kriteri Olabilecek Fizyolojik Parametrelerin Araştırılması. Doktora Tezi.
  • Easterling, DR., Apps, M. (2005). Assessing the consequences of climate change for food and forest resources: a view from the IPCC. Clim Change 70: 165–189
  • Easterling, DR., Horton, B., Jones, PD., Peterson, T.C., Karl, TR., Parker, DE., Salinger, MJ., Pazuvayev V., Plummer, N., Jamason, P., Folland, CK. (2007). Maximum and minimum temperature trends for the globe. Science 277:364-367.
  • El-Haremein, FJ., El-Saleh, A., Nachit, MM. (1996). Environmental effect on durum wheat grain quality in Syria. 10th International Cereal and Bread Congress, June 9-12 1996, Porto Carras, Greece.
  • FAO (2002). The State of Food Insecurity In The World 2002 FAO Rome. Retrieved 15 October from
  • Fıscher, RA. (2001). Selektion Traits for Improving Yield Potantial. In:M.P. Reynold, j.I. Ortiz- Monasterio and McNab (eds), Aplication of physiology to Wheat breeding, CIMMYT, Mexico, D.F., pp148-159
  • Fischer, RA., Rees, D,, Sayre, KD,, Lu, ZM., Condon, AG., Larque-Saavedra, A. (1998). Wheat yield progress is associated with higher stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate, and cooler canopies. Crop Sci., 38: 1467-1475.
  • Grigorova, B., Vaseva, I., Demirevska, K., Feller, U. (2011). Combined drought and heat stress in wheat: Changes in some heat shock proteins. Biol. Plant. 55:105-111.
  • Gruza, G., Rankova, E., Razuaev, V., Bulygina, O. (1999). İndicators of climate change fort he Russian federation, Climatic Change 42:219-242
  • Hede, AR., Skovmand, B., Reynolds, MP., Crossa, J., Vilhelmsen, AL., Stolen, O. (1999). Evaluating genetic diversity for heat tolerance traits in Mexican wheat landraces. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution. Res., 46: 37–45.
  • Hess, TM., Stephens W, Maryah UM (1995). Rainfall trends in the North east arid zone of Nigeria 1961-1990, Agric. For. Meteorol.,74:87-97.
  • Hoffman, AA. ve Parsons, PA. (1991). Evolutionary genetics and environmental stress. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Hoffman, E. ve Bahn, E. (1966). Die austandrtung langjaehfiger von feldversuchhertraegon in andrbindung mit agrermeteologishen daten
  • Holdefleıss, R. (1930). Die abhaengigkeit der ernteertraege von Wetter und klima agrarmeteorologie, p. Parey, Berlin
  • IPCC (2007). Climate Change (2007). The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of W orking Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA., p. 996.
  • Jackson, P., Robertson, M., Cooper, M. & Hammer, G. (1996). The role of physiological understanding in plant breeding, from a breeding perspective. Field Crops Res., 49: 11-37.
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There are 85 citations in total.


Journal Section Articles

Çetin Sayılğan

Publication Date September 30, 2016
Published in Issue Year 2016 Volume: 26 Issue: 3


APA Sayılğan, Ç. (2016). Expected Effects of Global Temperature Increase on Wheat and The Physiological Indices of High Temperature Tolerance. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 26(3), 439-447.
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Yuzuncu Yil University Journal of Agricultural Sciences by Van Yuzuncu Yil University Faculty of Agriculture is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.