Research Article
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The Effect of The Different Training Systems on Yield and Vegetative Growth of “Santa Maria” and “Deveci” Pear Cultivars

Year 2021, Volume: 31 Issue: 4, 870 - 875, 31.12.2021


The study was conducted between 2012-2014 in order to determine the effects of the training systems on "Deveci" and "Santa Maria" cultivars grafted on Quince A rootstock. The effect of the training system on the TCSA and canopy volume values of the trees was significant, but there were differences in the effect depending on the cultivar. The trees, which had a thicker trunk, were obtained with Y Palmette in Santa Maria cultivar and Vertical Axis in Deveci cultivar. The yield values changed depending on the training system and cultivar. It has been determined that the trees treated in Vertical Axis and Y Palmette training systems have a higher yield. It can be said that the Deveci cultivar had a relatively higher yield. Deveci cultivar had larger fruit, and the effect of the training system varied depending on the cultivar. In Santa Maria cultivar, the fruit of the trees on which the One Arm Cordon training system was bigger. In Deveci cultivar, the larger fruit was harvested from the trees on which One Arm Cordon and Vertical Axis training systems. As a result, the training systems have been influential in the vegetative growth and yield of the trees.


  • Anthony, B., Serra, S., & Musacchi, S. (2020). Optimization of Light Interception, Leaf Area and Yield in “WA38”: Comparisons among Training Systems, Rootstocks and Pruning Techniques. Agronomy 2020, 10, 689; doi:10.3390/agronomy10050689
  • Baïram, E., leMorvan, C., Delaire, M., & BuckSorlin, G. (2019). Fruit and leaf response to different source–sink ratios in apple, at the scale of the fruit-bearing branch. Front Plant Sci, 10: 1039–1052.
  • Corelli-Grappadelli, L., & Lakso, A.-N. (2007). Is maximizing orchard light interception always the best choice? In VIII International Symposium on Canopy, Rootstocks and Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems. Acta Hortic. 732, 507–518.
  • Du, Y.-L. (2018). The effects of different pruning methods on growth and fruit quality of arid dwarf middle stock ‘Yanfu 3’ apple trees [M. D. Dissertation]. Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, China.
  • Jajo, A., Rahim, M.-D.-A., Serra, S., Gagliardi, F., Jajo, N.-K., Musacchi, S., Costa, G., Bonghi, C., & Trainotti, L. (2014). Impact of tree training system, branch type and position in the canopy on the ripening homogeneity of ‘Abbé Fétel’ pear fruit. Tree Genet Genomes, 10: 1477–1488.
  • Jung, S.-K., & Choi, H.-S. (2010). Light penetration, growth, and fruit productivity in ‘Fuji’ apple trees trained to four growing systems. Sci Hortic, 125: 672–678.
  • Lin, L., Yu, L., Wang, H.-N., Niu, Z.-M., & Xie, P. (2020). Effect of canopy structure on foliar photosynthetic characteristics and fruit quality of pears. Acta Bot Boreal-Occident Sin, 40: 1180–1191.
  • Lordan, J., Francescatto, P., Dominguez, L.I., Robinson, T.L., 2018. Long-term effects of tree density and tree shape on apple orchard performance, a 20 year study Part 1, agronomic analysis. Sci Hortic, 238: 303–317.
  • Mitchem, E., & Etkins, R. (2007). Pear Production and Handling Manual
  • Musacchi, S., Serra, S., & Ancarani, V. (2011). Comparison among pear training systems and rootstocks for high density planting (HDP) of the cultivar 'Abbe Fetel'. Acta Hortic. 909, 251-258
  • Ran, X.-T., Song, H.-Z., Gao, Z.-H., Han, J.-C., Wei, J.-M., & Le, W.-Q. (2012). The effects of different tree shapes of pear on the light and fruit yield and quality. Acta Hortic Sin, 39: 957–962.
  • Sun, W.-T., Niu, J.-Q., Dong, T., Liu, X.-L., Yin, X.-N., & Ma, M. (2018). Effect of thinning and reshaping on the canopy structure and leaf quality at late growth stage in dense apple orchard in Loess Plateau of eastern Gansu, China. Chin J Appl Ecol, 29: 3008–3016
  • Wang, Y.-F., Travers, S., Bertelsen, M.-G., Thorup-Kristensen, K., Petersen, K.-K., & Liu, F.-L. (2014). Effect of root pruning and irrigation regimes on pear tree: growth, yield and yield components. Hort. Sci (prague) Vol. 41, 2014, No. 1: 34–43
  • Wang, Y., Li, H.-L., Zhao, W.-X., Chang, G.-Z., Kang, L.-Y., Li, X.-H., Liang, S., & Gao, N.-N. (2019). Analysis on seasonal canopy characteristics variation, leaf quality and photosynthetic characteristics of different apple tree shapes. Heilongjiang Agric Sci, 100–103.
  • Wünsche, J.-N. & Lakso, A.-N. (2000). Apple tree physiology: Implications for orchard and tree management. Compact Fruit Tree, 33, 82–88.
  • Xie, P., Yu, L., Niu, Z.-M., Li, Z.-Q., Wang, H.-N., & Li, X.-P. (2018). Effect of difference of number of main branches on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of apple leaves. J Shanxi Agric Sci, 46: 905–909.
  • Zhao, D.-Y., Xu, K., Yuan, J.-C., Yan, S., & Cheng, C.-G. (2018). Physiological response of fruit tree on light environment changes. Northern Fruits, (1:1-5).

Santa Maria” and “Deveci” Armut Çeşitlerinin Vejatatif Gelişimi ve Meyve Verimi Üzerine Farklı Terbiye Sistemlerinin Etkisi

Year 2021, Volume: 31 Issue: 4, 870 - 875, 31.12.2021


Çalışma, Quince A üzerine aşılanmış "Deveci" ve "Santa Maria" çeşitlerinde farklı terbiye sistemlerinin etkisini belirlemek amacıyla 2012- 2014 yılları arasında yürütüldü. Ağaçlarda TCSA ve taç hacmi değerlerinde terbiye sisteminin etkisi önemliydi, ancak çeşide bağlı olarak etkide farklılıklar meydana geldi. Santa Maria çeşidinde Y Palmette, Deveci çeşidinde ise Vertical Axis terbiye sistemi ile daha kalın gövdeli ağaçlar elde edildi. Uygulanan terbiye sistemine ve çeşide bağlı olarak meyve verimi değerleri değişti. Vertical Axis ve Y Palmette uygulaması ile ağaçların daha verimli oldukları belirlendi. Deveci çeşidinin nispeten daha verimli olduğu söylenebilir. Deveci çeşidi daha büyük meyvelere sahipti ve terbiye sisteminin etkisi çeşide bağlı olarak değişiklik gösterdi. Santa Maria çeşidinde One Arm Cordon terbiye sistemi uygulanmış ağaçların meyveleri daha büyütü. Deveci çeşidinde ise One Arm Cordon ve Vertical Axis terbiye sistemleri uygulanmış ağaçlarda daha büyük meyveler hasat edildi. Sonuç olarak, terbiye sistemleri ağaçların vejetatif gelişiminde ve meyve veriminde etkili oldu.


  • Anthony, B., Serra, S., & Musacchi, S. (2020). Optimization of Light Interception, Leaf Area and Yield in “WA38”: Comparisons among Training Systems, Rootstocks and Pruning Techniques. Agronomy 2020, 10, 689; doi:10.3390/agronomy10050689
  • Baïram, E., leMorvan, C., Delaire, M., & BuckSorlin, G. (2019). Fruit and leaf response to different source–sink ratios in apple, at the scale of the fruit-bearing branch. Front Plant Sci, 10: 1039–1052.
  • Corelli-Grappadelli, L., & Lakso, A.-N. (2007). Is maximizing orchard light interception always the best choice? In VIII International Symposium on Canopy, Rootstocks and Environmental Physiology in Orchard Systems. Acta Hortic. 732, 507–518.
  • Du, Y.-L. (2018). The effects of different pruning methods on growth and fruit quality of arid dwarf middle stock ‘Yanfu 3’ apple trees [M. D. Dissertation]. Gansu Agricultural University, Lanzhou, China.
  • Jajo, A., Rahim, M.-D.-A., Serra, S., Gagliardi, F., Jajo, N.-K., Musacchi, S., Costa, G., Bonghi, C., & Trainotti, L. (2014). Impact of tree training system, branch type and position in the canopy on the ripening homogeneity of ‘Abbé Fétel’ pear fruit. Tree Genet Genomes, 10: 1477–1488.
  • Jung, S.-K., & Choi, H.-S. (2010). Light penetration, growth, and fruit productivity in ‘Fuji’ apple trees trained to four growing systems. Sci Hortic, 125: 672–678.
  • Lin, L., Yu, L., Wang, H.-N., Niu, Z.-M., & Xie, P. (2020). Effect of canopy structure on foliar photosynthetic characteristics and fruit quality of pears. Acta Bot Boreal-Occident Sin, 40: 1180–1191.
  • Lordan, J., Francescatto, P., Dominguez, L.I., Robinson, T.L., 2018. Long-term effects of tree density and tree shape on apple orchard performance, a 20 year study Part 1, agronomic analysis. Sci Hortic, 238: 303–317.
  • Mitchem, E., & Etkins, R. (2007). Pear Production and Handling Manual
  • Musacchi, S., Serra, S., & Ancarani, V. (2011). Comparison among pear training systems and rootstocks for high density planting (HDP) of the cultivar 'Abbe Fetel'. Acta Hortic. 909, 251-258
  • Ran, X.-T., Song, H.-Z., Gao, Z.-H., Han, J.-C., Wei, J.-M., & Le, W.-Q. (2012). The effects of different tree shapes of pear on the light and fruit yield and quality. Acta Hortic Sin, 39: 957–962.
  • Sun, W.-T., Niu, J.-Q., Dong, T., Liu, X.-L., Yin, X.-N., & Ma, M. (2018). Effect of thinning and reshaping on the canopy structure and leaf quality at late growth stage in dense apple orchard in Loess Plateau of eastern Gansu, China. Chin J Appl Ecol, 29: 3008–3016
  • Wang, Y.-F., Travers, S., Bertelsen, M.-G., Thorup-Kristensen, K., Petersen, K.-K., & Liu, F.-L. (2014). Effect of root pruning and irrigation regimes on pear tree: growth, yield and yield components. Hort. Sci (prague) Vol. 41, 2014, No. 1: 34–43
  • Wang, Y., Li, H.-L., Zhao, W.-X., Chang, G.-Z., Kang, L.-Y., Li, X.-H., Liang, S., & Gao, N.-N. (2019). Analysis on seasonal canopy characteristics variation, leaf quality and photosynthetic characteristics of different apple tree shapes. Heilongjiang Agric Sci, 100–103.
  • Wünsche, J.-N. & Lakso, A.-N. (2000). Apple tree physiology: Implications for orchard and tree management. Compact Fruit Tree, 33, 82–88.
  • Xie, P., Yu, L., Niu, Z.-M., Li, Z.-Q., Wang, H.-N., & Li, X.-P. (2018). Effect of difference of number of main branches on chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of apple leaves. J Shanxi Agric Sci, 46: 905–909.
  • Zhao, D.-Y., Xu, K., Yuan, J.-C., Yan, S., & Cheng, C.-G. (2018). Physiological response of fruit tree on light environment changes. Northern Fruits, (1:1-5).
There are 17 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Horticultural Production
Journal Section Articles

Emine Küçüker 0000-0002-4198-6262

Erdal Ağlar 0000-0002-4199-5716

Publication Date December 31, 2021
Acceptance Date November 18, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 31 Issue: 4


APA Küçüker, E., & Ağlar, E. (2021). The Effect of The Different Training Systems on Yield and Vegetative Growth of “Santa Maria” and “Deveci” Pear Cultivars. Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 31(4), 870-875.

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