Aim & Scope

The Journal of Tree (TreeFor) and Forest is a prereviewed journal published by Bursa Technical University, Faculty of Forestry, and TreeFor aims to share information on forestry and related issues at national and international level. In this context, the journal gives priority to issues that are original, on the agenda and whose results can be implemented by the practitioners.

Tree and Forest;

- Forest engineering,

- Forest Industry Engineering and

- Landscape architecture

It covers this sciences and sub-sciences and other subjects directly or indirectly related to these sciences. In this context, issues that have not been published in any other publication in part or in full text before, and the issues of interest and need of the industry and implementation units will be accepted for publication.

The journal accepts Turkish text, English abstract or English text, Turkish abstract articles.

Period Months
June December
Last Update Time: 2/21/25, 11:04:32 PM