Tree and Forest Journal Writing Rules
1. Types of Articles Accepted for Publication
Articles in the form of "Original Research Article", "Review Article" "Research Note" or "Letter to the Editor" are accepted for publication in the Journal of Tree and Forest.
Original articles; It should be a scientific publication designed with scientific methods and methods and prepared based on the findings obtained as a result of measurement and observation.
Review articles; It should be in the form of a synthesis, interpretation and situation assessment of studies on a particular subject and articles published in scientific journals.
Research note; Preliminary studies and information regarding a research will be evaluated as a research note.
Letter to the editor; It should be in the form of a scientific text on a specific subject and for information purposes, not exceeding one page in total.
2. Page Layout
Manuscripts should be prepared on A4 (210 x 297 mm) size paper in Word, using Times New Roman font, 2.5 cm from the top and bottom margins, 1.5 cm from the left and right margins, single line spacing, justified.
Except for the Abstract, and/or Özet the entire text should be in two columns, with a 0.6 cm space between the columns and justified. Main and sub headings, including the Abstract and Abstract headings, should begin left justified and without paragraph indent.
3. Title
The first letter of the first word of the article title should be capitalized, and the other words (except for special names) should be written in bold letters, with 1 line space left on the top of the page, left justified, Times New Roman Tour 14 pt. The title of the article should not exceed 15 words.
Author names should not be included in the publication during the article submission. After the article is accepted for publication, author names should be written under the title of the article, leaving 1 line (9 pt) space, left justified, with capital letters, 9 pt bold. Full addresses should be specified by leaving 1 space (9 pt.) Under the author's names. Authors' addresses; It should be indicated in superscript form, using the same number at the end of each author's surname and beginning of their address. Corresponding author's name should be indicated with an asterisk (*) sign above the name of the article and the responsible author's e-mail address should be written, leaving 1 space after the addresses.
4. Abstract
It should be written after the title of "Abstract" (9 font size), not exceeding 250 words and with a single column justified and should not be headed. Before the abstract section, the title of the article in English (14 points) should be written in bold (bold).
5. Keywords
As a single column, there should be a maximum of 5 keywords after leaving 1 line space after the Abstract / Abstract and writing "Keywords:" The initial letter of the first keyword should be written in capital letters, and other words (except for proper names) should be written in lowercase letters, in 9 points. Each keyword should consist of a maximum of two words.
6.Text Sections
Original research articles “1. Introduction ”,“ 2. Materials and Methods ”,“ 3. Findings ”,“ 4. It should be written in order of "Discussion and Conclusion" and "Resources" sections. For review articles “2. Material and Method ”,“ 3. Findings ”,“ 4. Discussion ”sections are optional. Subheadings are 2.1., 2.2., 2.2.1. It should be listed as numbered.
Main and sub titles should be written in bold 10 pt. In main titles, the first letter of each word should be capital, and only the first letter of the first word in subtitles should be capital. All headings should have 12 pt space before and 6 nk before paragraphs, and no paragraph indentation.
The article should be written in Times New Roman Tur, 10-point font, and the entire text (including references) with page numbers starting from the first page should not exceed 12 pages in total. Scientific names of plants, fungi and animals in the text and the names of the journals in the "Resources" section should be written in italics.
7. Tables and Figures
All charts and figures (graphics, photographs, maps, etc.) should be placed centered on the page, numbered consecutively in the text according to their citation order, and placed right after the cited paragraph. All tables and figures used in the article should be cited in the text as (Figure 1), (Table 1). Tables and figures should be as simple and understandable as possible.
The titles of the Tables and Tables above and below the figures should be placed centered on the page. Tables and graphics contents and titles should be 9 points. If available, the sub-explanation in the tables should be 8 pt. Before the table titles and after the figure titles, a 6 point space should be left.
Figures should be prepared at a resolution of 300 dpi. Characters used in figures should also be in Times New Roman font. Page orientation should not be changed in order to fit the charts on the page. Vertical lines of the charts should not be drawn.
8. Rferences
The references should only include works that are cited in the manuscript and that are published or accepted for publication. Unpublished results and information obtained through articles and personal communications are not recommended for use as the reference. Reference entries should be listed in alphabetical order by the last names of the first author of each work. Abbreviated journal names and book titles can be used in references. Parenthetical citation should be: (Tutar & Çamlibel, 2010; World Health Organization, 2018; Grady et al., 2019; Lipscomb, 2021). Narrative citation should be: Tutar and Çamlibel (2010), Zambrano (2016) and Evans et al. (2019). All citations must be made according to the APA style shown below:
For a Journal Article
Lipscomb, A. Y. (2021). Addressing trauma in the college essay writing process. The Journal of College Admission, (249), 30–33.
Tutar, Ü., & Çamlibel, F. (2008). The conceptual dimensions of the consumer perception of value affecting consumer preference. Balıkesir University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal, 3(1), 47–58.
Grady, J. S., Her, M., Moreno, G., Perez, C., & Yelinek, J. (2019). Emotions in storybooks: A comparison of storybooks that represent ethnic and racial groups in the United States. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8(3), 207–217.
For a Book and a Chapter
Sapolsky, R. M. (2017). Behave: The biology of humans at our best and worst. Penguin Books.
Aron, L., Botella, M., & Lubart, T. (2019). Culinary arts: Talent and their development. In R. F. Subotnik, P. Olszewski-Kubilius, & F. C. Worrell (Eds.), The psychology of high performance: Developing human potential into domain-specific talent (pp. 345–359). American Psychological Association.
For a Report
National Cancer Institute. (2019). Taking time: Support for people with cancer (NIH Publication No. 18-2059). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health.
For a Congress or a Symposium Proceedings
Evans, A. C., Jr., Garbarino, J., Bocanegra, E., Kinscherff, R. T., & Márquez-Greene, N. (2019, August 8–11). Gun violence: An event on the power of community [Conference presentation]. APA 2019 Convention, Chicago, IL, United States.
For a Thesis
Zambrano, L. (2016). The interaction of state and trait worry on response monitoring in those with worry and obsessive-compulsive symptoms [Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona]. UA Campus Repository.
For an Electronic Source (Web documents)
World Health Organization. (2018, May 24). The top 10 causes of death.
Bologna, C. (2019, October 31). Why some people with anxiety love watching horror movies. HuffPost.