Writing Rules

Please write the manuscript you will send to our journal on the template.

Title Page:
A title page should be created for the manuscript and this title page should be uploaded to the system during submission as an additional file separate from the main text of the manuscript.
All information on the title page (including the addresses of the institutions where the authors work) should be written in both Turkish and English. The title page should include the names of all authors, the title of the article with the first word of each word written in capital letters, the institution where the authors work and their addresses. Author name(s) should be written clearly and no academic title should be indicated. In addition, the author responsible for correspondence should be indicated and the telephone number and e-mail address of this author should be given. A sample Title Page is available in the additional files section.

Manuscript Instructions:
1. The main text of the article uploaded to the system for peer review should start with the title of the article and there should not be any statement indicating the authors. In other words, the blind version of the article should be uploaded.
2. Manuscripts should be written on A4 size page in Times New Roman font with 11-point size and 1.5 line spacing. There should be 2.5 cm margins on the page edges. Each page and line of the article should be numbered.
3. The manuscript should consist of Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if any) and References. Figures, tables and equations should be given in the text of the manuscript. Results, Discussion and Conclusions sections should be written separately.
4. The manuscript should not exceed 25 pages including the "References" section.
5. Paragraph indents in the text should be 0.5 cm.

Manuscript Title:
The title of the manuscript should be short and descriptive, centered on the page and should not exceed three lines. Abbreviations should never be used in the manuscript title and subheadings. The title should be written in 12-point capital letters. Abbreviations and scientific taxonomic names should not be used in the title.
The main headings in the text (Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions) should be capitalized, bold and in 12-point font size. Subheadings, on the other hand, should be capitalized, italicized and bold in 11-point font size.

Abstract and Keywords:
The abstract should not exceed 250 words. The abstract should include the objectives, methodology, results and recommendations of the research. After the abstract, 5 keywords that best describe the study, the first letter of which should be capitalized and the others written in lower case, should be given in alphabetical order.

In this section; the subject of the study, rationale, relevance of the subject to previous studies, research questions and the purpose of the study should be included.
Literature review should be given in the Introduction section. The literature review should discuss the results of previous studies and their relevance to the study.
A separate literature review should not be given.

Material and Method:
Material and method should be given under this heading.
If a subheading is to be given, it should be numbered together with the section number (Example; 2.1.) and the subheading spelling rule should be followed. Known, new or modified methods should be given clearly in a way that will allow those who will work on the same subject to repeat the research.
If a previously known method was used, the relevant literature should be cited.

In this section, the findings obtained from the study should be given, and if necessary, they should be explained by supporting them with charts, figures and graphs.
In order to avoid repetition, the findings should be given either as a chart or graph. Statistically significant factors should be grouped with a comparison method appropriate to the statistical analysis method applied.
In cases where the statistical analysis method is not selected correctly and/or the analysis is not performed properly, the editorial board may not evaluate the manuscript.

Discussion and Conclusions:
The findings should be discussed using the results of previous studies on similar topics.
The results obtained in this section should be given briefly and clearly with the difference of the study from previous studies, its contribution to the literature and science, which deficiencies it fills, directions and suggestions for future studies.
Statements given in the Introduction and Results sections should not be repeated in this section.
Results, Discussion and Conclusion sections must be written separately.

Acknowledgments: If necessary, contributions made to the study by other researcher(s) and institution(s) should be expressed as briefly as possible in this section.

Tables and Figures:

Figures, graphs, photographs and the like should be labeled as "Figure" and numerical values should be labeled as "Table".
All figures and tables should be presented in the most appropriate place in the text of the manuscript.
The size of figures and charts should be at a resolution that can be printed.
Figures supporting the research results should be in ".jpg" format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
Column lines should not be used in charts and creating cells should be avoided.
Each Table and Figure should be numbered and cited in the text (Table 1 and Figure 1).
Table and Figure titles should be short and descriptive, only the first letter of the title should be capitalized and the others should be written in lower case.
Figure and Table titles and the text inside the figures and tables should be in 10-point Times New Roman font, and the text under the tables should be in 9-point Times New Roman font.
Table titles should be written above the table and figure titles should be written below the figure.
No frame should be placed around the figures.
If abbreviations are used in tables and figures, an explanation of these abbreviations should be given immediately below.
A full stop (.) should not be placed at the end of the figure and table titles and the explanations under the tables.
Commas should not be used as decimal separators in numerical values given in the text and in tables.
Figures should be prepared with original data using a known graphic editor.
Charts must be created in MS Word or Excel program. Charts in photo format are not accepted.

Abbreviations and Symbols:
The use of standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided as much as possible.
If abbreviations are mandatory, abbreviations and symbols should be explained where they are used for the first time in the text. Internationally recognized and established abbreviations should be preferred.
Units should be given according to the International System of Units (SI: International System of Units). If it is necessary to use units in papers, SI units of measurement should be used. For detailed information: https://www.nist.gov/pml/weights-and-measures/metric-si/si-units

Equations should be numbered and the equation number should be written right justified in parentheses next to the equation.
MS Word program mathematical processor should be used for writing equations, main characters should be in 12 point font, variables should be italicized, numbers and mathematical expressions should be given in plain. If a reference is to be made in the text, it should be given in the form of "Equation 1" (...the model is given in Equation 1).

All references cited in the text should be included in the References list.
Authors should not cite unpublished results and personal interviews unless absolutely necessary.
Footnotes should be avoided, and if they are very necessary (not including important parts of the study), they should be written briefly on the page where they are used, separated by a line and asterisked.
References in the text should be written on the basis of author-year and in year order (Oksal, 2015; Gündüz & Aydoğan, 2020; Aydoğan et al., 2021).
Literature from the same year but different authors should be listed alphabetically (Aydoğan, 2021; Gündüz et al., 2021; Oksal et al., 2021).
If more than one source published by the same author in the same year is used, the source should be indicated with letters such as a, b, c after the year of publication.
All references cited in the text must be included in the references list.

References List:
AGROZAL prefers APA (6th version and later) citation method for manuscript to be submitted to the journal.
For detailed information: APA Guidelines

Last Update Time: 3/17/24, 5:02:39 PM