Ethical Principles
The HBV-JFT adheres to the highest standards of ethical practice in accordance with internationally-agreed publication ethics guidelines. HBV-JFT adheres to the Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors, as set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), as well as the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing.
Transparency Principle
The operation of the journal is conducted in a transparent manner, in accordance with predetermined procedures. The article acceptance process is conducted via the Dergipark system, ensuring that relevant units and individuals are able to access information at any time and monitor the progression of each stage.
Publication Policy
Submissions are made by authors to the journal via the Dergipark system. Dergipark is an organisation affiliated with TUBITAK ULAKBIM, which offers technical assistance for peer-reviewed academic journals published in Turkey. This is achieved through the provision of electronic hosting and editorial process management services. For further details regarding Dergipark, please refer to the following link: All processes pertaining to the journal, including communication, are conducted through Dergipark's highly secure and continuously updated system. The archiving of article processes, files and correspondence is facilitated through the Dergipark system.
In general, manuscripts that have been through the publication process are published in the first subsequent issue. However, the Editorial Board may opt to publish some articles in the next issue, taking into account the number of articles or the topic of the articles in question. The authors are informed of such decisions. Each author can have one article published in four issues. If an author submits more than one article, the process of the remaining articles cannot begin until the process of the first article is completed.
DOI numbers have been given to articles by DergiPark since the December 2019.
DOI numbers have been given to articles by DergiPark since the December 2019.Journal of Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Faculty of Tourism has adopted the "Open Access" publication policy. No fee is charged from the authors under the names of article submission fee, article processing fee, article publishing fee and similar names.
Manuscripts to be sent to the journal must not have been published elsewhere or sent for publication. When submitting their work, individuals are obliged to declare that the work has not been published, partially or completely, on any other platform before, and has not been evaluated for publication.
In case of a contrary situation, the author will be held responsible for the situation in accordance with the relevant sanctions. The authors agree to waive the copyright of their work and transfer the copyright of their work to Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Journal of Tourism Faculty together with the submission for evaluation. This transfer becomes binding with the acceptance of the article for publication.
Review Process
The articles sent to Journal of Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University Faculty of Tourism first go through editorial review. At this stage, the submitted studies are checked for compliance with the journal in terms of subject, scope, method, ethical principles and writing rules. If there are issues that need to be corrected, the study is sent back to the author and these issues are reported. If there is a violation of the purpose, scope or principles of the journal, the study is rejected with the approval of the editorial board during the editorial review phase.
The next step after the editorial review is the peer-review process. In the referee evaluation process, the study is sent to at least two referees who are experts in the subject and are asked to be evaluated. In the referee evaluation process, the principle of "blind peer review" is applied. Accordingly, the information of the authors and the referees is not shared with the referees. If one of the referees gives a rejection decision during the referee evaluation process, a third referee is appointed. It is ensured that the author makes the necessary changes/corrections according to the referee evaluation reports. In the appointment of referees, care is taken not to appoint referees from the same institution or who have joint work with each other.
Ethics Committee Permission
ULAKBİM TR Index evaluation process of The HBV-JFT is going on. Within the scope of the mentioned evaluation criteria, the TR Index Journal Evaluation criteria have been updated to be implemented in 2020, and the articles related to the ethics committee permission, which should be in particular in scientific research, have been detailed. Under the heading of ethical rules, "Ethics committee approval must be obtained separately for studies conducted in all branches of science, including social sciences, and for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals that require an ethics committee decision, this approval must be stated and documented in the article." criterion is expressed. It is stated that the documents and information requested for studies that require ethics committee approval are mandatory for publications whose process or implementation started in 2020.
Within the scope of TR Index 2020 criteria, research articles must obtain Ethics Committee Permission and information about the permission (name of the board, date and number) should be stated in the method section of the article. In addition, the authors are required to send the Ethics Committee Permission document as an additional document when submitting the article.
However, ethics committee approval is not required for articles whose data were collected before 2020 in Research Articles. However, in these articles, information about the data collection dates should be included in the method section.
Relations with Authors
In the event that an article is rejected at the initial review stage, the author will be informed of the reason for this decision. Should the article be rejected on the grounds of unfavourable referee reports, the relevant reports and accompanying justification will be made available to the author via the Dergipark system. It is always possible for authors to communicate with editors and assistant editors via the Dergipark system. The editors respond to queries from authors and consider their feedback and grievances. All correspondence on the Dergipark system is archived.
The Editorial Board
The Editorial Board, comprising the Editor-in-Chief, Field Editors and Assistant Editors, maintains continuous communication and collaboration to guarantee that the publication process adheres to the established principles and rules. The editorial board meets regularly to collectively determine the journal's editorial policy. It is essential that the board is constituted with equal representation of genders.
The Advisory Board
The Advisory board, comprising academics from a range of institutions, oversees the operations of the journal and offers insights and recommendations.