Writing Rules

Paper Guideline:  

The language of journals is English and Turkish.

Submission and review process is conducted on DergiPark.  

Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously and is not under consideration for publication elswhere. 

The preferred software for submission is Microsoft Word.

The name of institution that identifies the author (s) should not be included in the submission file or file name. 

Author information (name-surname, title, ORCID, institution, corresponding author) must be submit as seperate a "title page". 

The kind of study must be indicated on the title page as research paper, conceptual paper etc. 

The plagiarism report of the paper (turnitin, ithenticate etc.) must be submitted as attached file.  (

The paper consists of the following chapters respectively: 


  •  Abstract (max. 250 words). 
  • Keywords: (Max. 5 words)




Literature Review  

·       Methodology 

·       Findings 

·       Conclusion and Recommendations 

·       References


·    All manuscripts must be submitted in accordance with the style of writing specified in the book of Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition) which was published by the American Psychological Association (APA) Usually, this material is easily accessible in most of the university libraries and it does contain lots of examples for the text references and writing styles.

Last Update Time: 2/13/25, 11:29:25 AM