After graduating from Istanbul University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, English Translation and Interpreting (Major) and from the Faculty of Communication, Radio, TV and Cinema (Double Major) programs in 2012, Aydoğan was appointed as a research assistant to the Advertising Department of the Public Relations and Promotion Department of the Faculty of Communication at Akdeniz University within the scope of the Faculty Member Training Program (ÖYP) in 2013. In 2016, she defended her thesis titled "Reflection of Globalization on Advertisements and Advertising Strategies in the Context of Globalization" and graduated from the Public Relations and Promotion Department of the Institute of Social Sciences at Akdeniz University. With the opening of the Advertising Department of the Faculty of Communication at Akdeniz University in 2018, she was appointed to the Advertising Department as a research assistant. In 2021, she graduated from Akdeniz University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Public Relations and Publicity by successfully defending her doctoral thesis titled "A Model Proposal for Adult Digital Advertising Literacy" and received her doctorate on 23.12.2021. She was appointed as an assistant professor to the Department of Advertising on 01.02.2023 and still serves as an assistant professor. She received the title of associate professor in Advertising from the Interuniversity General Assembly on 22.03.2024. She continues her research in the fields of digital advertising, brand management, marketing communications, research methods and artificial intelligence.
Özlem Arda, who is a lecturer at Istanbul University, Faculty of Communication, Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, Department of Cinema, received her bachelor’s degrees from Istanbul University, Faculty of Communication, Department of Radio, Television and Cinema, Department of Cinema in 2004, and Hasan Âli Yücel Faculty of Education, Department of Foreign Language Education, Department of English Language Education in 2005. After completing her master’s degree with a thesis titled “Ethnographic Documentary in Transposing the Culture”, she completed her doctorate with a thesis titled “Documentary Film as a Sample of The Third Cinema in Latin American Cinema and Turkish Cinema by 2000s” in the same department. Özlem Arda, who received her title as an associate professor, is conducting research in the field of documentary film. Özlem Arda’s documentary film “The Soul People of Anatolia (Anadolu’da Can İnsanları)” (2004), which has won the Safranbolu International 5. Golden Saffron Documentary Festival Best Documentary Award (Third) and Columbia Tri-Star I.National Short Film Competition Best Documentary Award (First). Arda continues to work in the fields of digital cinema, documentary film, ecological cinema, interactive documentary, television studies and new media.
After graduating from Istanbul University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, English Translation and Interpreting (Major) and from the Faculty of Communication, Radio, TV and Cinema (Double Major) programs in 2012, Aydoğan was appointed as a research assistant to the Advertising Department of the Public Relations and Promotion Department of the Faculty of Communication at Akdeniz University within the scope of the Faculty Member Training Program (ÖYP) in 2013. In 2016, she defended her thesis titled "Reflection of Globalization on Advertisements and Advertising Strategies in the Context of Globalization" and graduated from the Public Relations and Promotion Department of the Institute of Social Sciences at Akdeniz University. With the opening of the Advertising Department of the Faculty of Communication at Akdeniz University in 2018, she was appointed to the Advertising Department as a research assistant. In 2021, she graduated from Akdeniz University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Public Relations and Publicity by successfully defending her doctoral thesis titled "A Model Proposal for Adult Digital Advertising Literacy" and received her doctorate on 23.12.2021. She was appointed as an assistant professor to the Department of Advertising on 01.02.2023 and still serves as an assistant professor. She received the title of associate professor in Advertising from the Interuniversity General Assembly on 22.03.2024. She continues her research in the fields of digital advertising, brand management, marketing communications, research methods and artificial intelligence.
She was born in Istanbul in 1980. In 2002, she graduated from Istanbul University, Faculty of Communication, Department of Journalism. In 2003, she completed her master's degree at Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Journalism with a thesis titled "The Approach of the Media to Civil Disobedience in Turkey". In 2009, she received her doctorate degree in the same department with her thesis titled "English Al Jazeera in the Context of East-West Dilemma". Between 2006-2009, she worked as a research assistant at Maltepe University, Faculty of Communication, Department of Public Relations and Publicity; between 2009-2011, she worked as a faculty member at Maltepe University, Faculty of Communication, Department of Television Journalism and Programming (with the title of Asst. Assoc. Prof. Dr.). In 2012, she joined the staff of Istanbul University Faculty of Communication. In 2014, she was awarded the title of Associate Professor in the field of Journalism and Media Studies and in 2020 he was awarded the title of Professor. She taught and continues to teach Orientalism and Media, Types of Representation in Media and Sociology, Media and Othering Practices and Communication Theories at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels at various universities, especially Istanbul University. In the context of Sociology of Communication studies, she continues her academic studies and researches on the axis of media representation and marginalisation, Middle Eastern media, digital media literacy, cyberactivism, artificial intelligence, orientalism and migration-impact researches. She has published numerous international books and articles on these subjects.
Prof. Dr. Nilay Ulusoy, 1997 yılında Marmara Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi'nden mezun oldu.Yaklaşık 2 yıl çeşitli basın kurumlarında çalıştıktan sonra 2006 yılında Marmara Üniversitesi Yüksek Lisans doktora eğitimini tamamladı. Aynı yıl; İstanbul Fransız Enstitüsü bursuyla Paris'te Ulusal Sinematografi ve Hareketli Görüntü (CNC) Merkezi'nde araştırmalar yaptı. Lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora seviyesinde Sinema tarihi, film teorisi, moda teorisi ve görsel kültür alanlarında dersler vermektedir. Sinemada cinsiyet, kostüm ve moda çalışmaları üzerine akademik çalışmaları bulunmaktadır. Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Sinema ve Televizyon Anabilim Dalı ve Bölüm Başkanıdır.
Prof. Nilay Ulusoy’un yayınlanmış çalışmalarından örnekler:
_The mission of the festival is to bring fashion films into view: An interview with Tuna Yılmaz, founder and director of Fashion Film Festival Istanbul, 2020 International Journal of Fashion Studies
_It’s Hard to Do Fashion in Istanbul “or not?” 2019, Clothing Cultures
_The Universe of Fashion Film in Turkey 2020 Creative Industries in Turkey
_Fashion's Night Out: Creating Istanbul's New Image
Who's City is That Culture Design Spectacle and Capital in Istanbul
Nuket Elpeze Ergec (PhD), a professor in the field of Communication Studies, works in the Department of Radio, Television and Cinema at the Faculty of Communication at Cukurova University (ÇÜ). Her main area of interest is the discourse in the content of mass media and the power, violence and power relations created by the discourse. Othering, feminist thought and the states of being of the female subject in society and media content are the areas she problematizes at the core of her work. She began her academic journey as a Research Assistant at the Faculty of Communication at Selcuk University in 1993 and continued her studies by taking various academic and administrative positions at Anadolu and Gaziantep Universities. She completed her doctoral study titled "Viewer's Skeptical Tendency and Persuasion Knowledge Towards Television Advertisements: Interpretation of Persuasion Knowledge" in Anadolu University, Social Sciences Institute, Department of Communication Arts in 2003. She gave lectures and seminars in her field as a visiting professor at Cag-Turkey University and Södertörn University in Sweden, presented papers and took part as a panelist in numerous national and international congresses and symposiums. She was and continues to be a jury member in various national and international competitions and referee for scientific articles and projects.
She served as Çukurova University Rectorate Communication Advisor, Dean of the Faculty of Communication, and worked in Rectorate commissions such as ÇEGEK and Addiction. She served as department head, vice dean, and commission member at Çukurova University Faculty of Communication. She founded the ÇU Faculty of Communication, Radio-Television and Cinema Department in 2012 and continued her duty as the founding department head until 2018, and as the Dean of the ÇU Faculty of Communication, which she assumed in August 2019, until December 2022. She has been a member of the ÇU Faculty of Communication Board of Directors since 2010, has a natural membership in the Faculty Board of the ÇU Faculty of Communication, and continues to serve as the Radio and Television Department.
Her special interests include communication techniques, political communication, cinema, and women's studies, and she still conducts scientific research and studies in the field of mass communication and new communication technologies. Prof Ergec has books with scientific content titled "Discourse approaches and media texts: Media and Discourse", "Doubt on Television Advertisements", "Violence against Women and Media". She continues her studies, which focus on the discourses created by the media, in the Feminist Studio Workshop she established in the Faculty studio building. She conducts focus group studies on various topics, produces YouTube content, and continues oral history and "Feminist Collaborations Development" projects.
Prof. Ergec is currently continuing her workshops at the Feminist Studio. She has 25 articles published in national and international refereed journals, 3 national book studies, 6 book chapters, 35 national/international notifications, and 13 projects.
Alparslan Nas completed his undergraduate and graduate studies in Cultural Studies at Sabancı University, followed by a doctorate from Marmara University Faculty of Communication, Department of Advertising, where he began his career as a research assistant. He was promoted to associate professor in 2018 and full professor in 2025. Prof. Nas is the author of numerous international publications, including the book Media Representations of the Cultural Other in Turkey (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018) and articles in prestigious peer-reviewed journals such as the European Journal of Cultural Studies, Feminist Media Studies, and the International Journal of Communication. Since 2020, he has served as the editor of the Turkish Review of Communication Studies. At Marmara University Faculty of Communication, he teaches courses including Introduction to Communication, Communication Theories, Sociology of Communication, Brand Communication, and Philosophy of Advertising. His primary research interests encompass critical studies of advertising and branding, gender and advertising, and topics in Turkish cultural studies.
Efe Sevin is an assistant professor of public relations at the Department of Mass Communication at Towson University (Maryland, US). His current research focuses on the identifying and measuring the impacts of social networks on place branding and public diplomacy campaigns. Prior to joining Towson University, he worked at Reinhardt University (Georgia, US), University of Fribourg (Switzerland), and Kadir Has University (Turkey). His works have been published in several academic journals and books including American Behavioral Scientist, Public Relations Review, and Cities. His most recent co-edited volume, City Diplomacy Current Trends and Future Prospects, was published by Palgrave MacMillan in 2020.
Efe Sevin received his Ph.D. from American University’s School of International Service, Washington, D.C. He completed his graduate studies at Emerson College, Boston, MA as a Foreign Fulbright scholar, and his undergraduate studies at Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
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