Writing Rules


Amasya Theology Journal is a peer-reviewed Journal published twice a year as July and December. It is an academic refereed journal dedicated to publishing articles, essays, translations, symposium reviews, and book reviews primarily within the fields of Religious and Islamic Studies including Arts and Humanities, Religion, Islamic Studies as well as Social and Behavioral Sciences, Theology and Ethics. 

Articles submitted to the journal (including title, abstract, footnotes, bibliography) must be written in a manner not exceeding 10,000 words.

Amasya Theology Journal does not charge any article submission, processing charges and printing charge from the authors. 


All manuscripts must be original. No manuscript will be considered which has already been published or is being considered by another magazine or journal. However, if work described in conference proceedings is substantially revised and extended, it will be considered. Submission of a manuscript represents certification by the author that the article is not being considered nor has been published elsewhere.

Language of Publication    

The language of Amasya Theology Journal is Turkish as spoken in Turkey. However, each issue may include articles in English or in Arabic as long as the number of these do not exceed one-third of the total number of articles in the issue.

Articles contain an English title, an abstract (500-700 words), keywords (5 concepts) and a bibliography.


All published articles in Amasya Theology Journal are published under Creative CommonAttribution License 
(CC BY NC ND)Please click here for details.

Notes and Bibliography    

Amasya Theology Journal requires writers to use the Isnad Citation Style.


Each article should include an informative, comprehensive abstract
150-250 words. This abstract should succinctly summarize the major points of the paper, and the author’s summary and/or conclusions. 500-700 abstract words is requested for the artikels that is completed the peer-reviewing process.


Each article should include at least 5 keywords.


A reference should give the reader enough information to locate the article concerned and should consist of:

  • author name(s) and last name,

  • year of publication,

  • title of the journal or book,

  • the volume numbers

  • for books: town of publication and the name of the publisher

  • and finally, the article number or page numbers.

Reference systems

Amasya Theology Journal requires writers to use the Isnad Citation Style: http://www.isnadsistemi.org.

First citation: author(s) first name and last name, (if applicable) first and last name of translator or editor, place of publication, publisher, date of publication, page number. 

Subsequent citations: author’s last name, the short title, and the page number should be indicated in all subsequent citations. Footnote citations should conform to the following examples. 

References: References should be placed at the end of the text in alphabetical order. If a source has more than one author, the surname, and name of the first author should be written, and the other authors should be indicated by et.al. The titles of books and journals should be italicized; article titles and book chapters should be placed in quotation marks. Translator’s and editor’s names (if there are any) should follow the title of the work:

SEE. REVIEW ARTICLE - Manuscript Organization

The Isnad Citation Steyle: www.isnadsistemi.org



Articles requested to be published in the journal must be original studies that contribute to science in the fields of theology and social sciences and must have the following qualifications.
1. Studies requested to be published in Amasya Theology Journal must be organized according to the ISNAD CITATION SYSTEM (2nd Edition).
2. Titles in Turkish and foreign languages ​​must be compatible with the scope of the article and must reflect the subject of the article briefly and clearly.
3. If the article is produced from a master's or doctoral thesis, it must be stated in Turkish and English on the first page of the article.
4. References must be organized according to the ISNAD Citation System. The first line for each source must be unindented from the left and the following lines must be indented 1 cm from the left.
5. Tables and figures must be organized according to the ISNAD Citation System. Table content texts should be written in Palatino Linotype font, 10 points, and aligned on both sides.
6. Texts should be written in Microsoft Word and the page structures should be arranged as follows:
Paper Size: A4 Vertical
Top Margin: 5 cm
Bottom Margin: 5 cm
Left Margin: 4.5 cm
Right Margin: 4.5 cm
Font: Platino Linotype
Font Style: Normal
Size (Main Text): 11
Summary: 10
Size (Footnote): 9
Main Text Line Spacing: Before 0.3 pt - After 0 pt
Full - value 14 pt
Footnote Line Spacing: Before 0.3 pt - After 0 pt
Full - value 10 pt
7. All Arabic texts should be in 'Traditional Arabic' font, 12 points in the text and 10 points in footnotes.
8. The title of the article should be written at the beginning of the first page in 11-point font, centered on the page, with only the first letters capitalized.
9. Only the first letters of the titles in the article should be written in capital letters. Titles should be made according to the decimal system.
10. Author Name(s) and Address(es)
The author's name(s) should be given in the middle of the page, with a double line spacing after the title.
The author's name should be written in lower case, with only the first letter capitalized, and the surname should be written in all capital letters, bold and without italics. The name of the institution and department where the author works, the city and country where he/she is located, and the e-mail address he/she actively uses should be written. In addition, the author's International Unique Researcher Number (ORCID) should be added to the personal information in order to ensure that the citations to be made to the article can be fully identified by national and international indexes.
                                                        Halil Apaydın                            
    Prof. Dr., Amasya Üniversitesi, İlahiyat Fakültesi, Din Psikolojisi anabilim Dalı
    Professor, Amasya University, Faculty of Theology, Department of Psychology of Religious
                        Amasya, Turkey

11. Abstract, keywords, abstract, keywords and summary should be written in Palatino Linotype font, 10 point size; aligned on both sides and without indentations. The subject, scope, importance and objectives of the research should be stated in the abstract section. The abstract and abstract should contain 150-250 words. The abstract and abstract of 500-700 words are requested after the referee process is completed.
12. Keywords should consist of 5 words and should be prepared according to the ISNAD Citation System.
13. Articles sent to the journal (including title, abstract, footnotes, bibliography) must be written in a way that does not exceed 10,000 words without a special decision of the Editorial Board. Book and scientific meeting reviews must be between 500-1500 words.
14. All direct quotations must comply with the ISNAD Citation System. If the direct quotation is more than three lines, it must be written as a separate paragraph with Palatino Linotype 8 point font, 1 cm indented from the left side of the page and 0.5 cm indented from the right, and double quotation marks are used.
15. If more than one work by an author is included in the bibliography, the author's name must be written again for each work.
16. Footnote reference numbers must be placed after the punctuation marks.
Incorrect usage: “… died in 534/1139”11.
Correct usage: “… died in 534/1139”.11
17. Abbreviations should be made as specified in the ISNAD Citation System, if the abbreviation is not specified in the ISNAD Citation System, the author’s preference should be stated in the description section when submitting the article.
18. Footnotes can be arranged according to the sequential numbering system at the bottom of the page or in the text (APA). When the in-text citation system (APA) is used, page numbers are also given, unlike the ISNAD system. However, in both uses, the bibliography should be created in the same way as the ISNAD Footnoted Citation System.


1. ISNAD In-Text Citation System has been prepared to be compatible with academic studies prepared in the field of philosophy and religious sciences.

2. In-text citation is as follows: Author/s, publication year: page/s.

3. The bibliography should be created in the same way as the ISNAD Footnote Citation System.

4. If two or more works by the same author published in the same year are cited, the letters following the alphabetical order are added at the end of the publication year without leaving a space. (Budak, 2020a), (Budak, 2020b).

5. Personal interviews should be indicated in the text but should not be included in the bibliography. (Tuncay Karateke, personal interview, April 2020).

6. It is essential to access primary sources in the study. However, if primary sources have not been accessed, when citing, the original source is indicated first, then the source quoted or transferred. (Topaloğlu, 2001: 210 cited in Demir, 2014: 50-55). Primary sources are also shown in the bibliography.

Article Writing Word Template
Article Evaluation Form
English Article Evaluation Form
Arabic Article Evaluation Form
Translation Article Evaluation Form
Book Review Evaluation Form
Copyright Transfer Form

Last Update Time: 2/17/25, 6:43:49 PM

Amasya Theology Journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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