Research Article
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Numerical Modelling and Experimental Validation of a Cold Store Ambient Factors

Year 2015, , 606 - 619, 15.12.2015


The objective of this study was to analyse air temperature and relative humidity distribution in an experimental cold
store fully loaded with apples by using both experimental and numerical (CFD) methods. An unsteady three-dimensional
computational fluid dynamics model was developed to assess the distribution of temperature and relative humidity in a
cold store fully loaded with Granny Smith apples. The storage temperature and relative humidity were maintained at 2
°C and 90%, respectively. The relative humidity and temperature were measured at 36 different points inside the cold
store in three different planes. A three-dimensional mathematical model was built for the numerical needs. The numerical
model was validated against experimental data from the same facility. Relative error of the model was calculated 13%
for temperature and 1.43% for relative humidity. Numerical results obtained from the simulations agreed quite well with
experimental data for temperature and relative humidity. Maximum differences were observed near the borders of the
cold store which can be attributed to the stronger thermal gradients taking place on these surfaces. A more homogeneous
distribution was achieved in the middle of the cold store both for air temperature and relative humidity leading to even
smaller errors between measurements and simulations.


  • Akdemir S & Arın S (2006). Spatial variability of ambient temperature, relative humidity and air velocity in a cold store. Journal of Central European 7(1): 101-110
  • Akdemir S & Tagarakis A (2014). Investigation of spatial variability of air temperature, humidity and velocity in cold stores by using management zone analysis. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi - Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20: 175-186
  • Ambaw A, Delele M A, Defraeye T, Ho Q T, Opara L U, Nicolai B M & Verboven P (2013). The use of CFD to characterize and design post-harvest storage facilities: Past, present and future. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 98: 184-194
  • Ansys (2014). Ansys Fluent. Products/Simulation+Technology /Fluid+Dynamics/ Fluid+Dynamics+Products/ANSYS+Fluent (Access Date: 07.12.2014)
  • Bartzanas T, Kacira M, Zhu H, Karmakar S, Tamimi E, Katsoulas N, Lee I B & Kittas C (2013). Computational fluid dynamics applications to improve crop production systems. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 98: 151-167
  • Bjerg B, Gascone G, Lee I B, Bartzanas T, Norton T, Hong S W, Seo I H, Banhazi T, Liberati P, Marucci A & Zhang G (2013). Modelling of ammonia emissions from naturally ventilated livestock buildings-Part three: CFD modelling. Biosystems Engineering 116(3): 259-27
  • Chourasia M K & Goswami T K (2007a). Steady state CFD modelling of airflow, heat transfer and moisture loss in a commercial potato cold store. International Journal of Refrigeration 30(4): 672-689
  • Chourasia M K & Goswami T K (2007b). CFD simulation of effects of operating parameters and product on heat transfer and moisture loss in the stack of bagged potatoes. Journal of Food Engineering 80: 947-960
  • Delele M A, Schenk A, Tijskens E, Ramon H, Nicolaο B M & Verboven P (2009). Optimization of the humidification of cold stores by pressurized water atomizers based on a multiscale CFD model. Journal of Food Engineering 91(2): 228-239
  • Delele M A, Vorstermans B, Creemers P, Tsige A A, Tijskens E, Schenk A, Opara U L, Nicolaï B M, Verboven P (2012). CFD model development and validation of a thermonebulisation fungicide fogging system for postharvest storage of fruit. Journal of Food Engineering 108: 59-68
  • Testo (2015). Testo 177H1 Technical Data sheet Retrieved in April, 1, 2015 from datasheets/ 62058.pdf
  • Foster A M, Swain M J, Barrett R, D’Agaro P & James S J (2006). Effectiveness and optimum jet velocity for a plane jet air curtain used to restrict cold room infiltration. International Journal of Refrigeration 29(5): 692-699
  • Foster A M, Swain M J, Barrett R & James S J (2003). Experimental verification of analytical and CFD predictions. International Journal of Refrigeration 26: 918-925
  • Gilani S, Montazeri H, Blocken B (2013). CFD Simulation of Temperature Stratification For a Building Space: Validation and Sensitivity Analysis.In: Proceedings Book of 13th Conference of International Building Performance, August 26-28, Chambéry, France, pp. 504-511
  • Hoang M L, Verboven P, De Baerdemaeker J & Nicolai B M (2000). Analysis of the air flow in a cold store by means of computational fluid dynamics. International Journal of Refrigeration 23: 127-140
  • Launder B E & Spalding D B (1974). Numerical computational methods for turbulent flows. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 3(2): 269-289
  • Le Page J F, Chevarin C, Kondjoyan A, Daudin J D & Mirade P S (2009). Development of an approximate empirical-CFD model estimating coupled heat and water transfers of stacked food products placed in airflow. Journal of Food Engineering 92(2): 208-216
  • Marcilla A, Zarzo M & Delrio M A (2006). Effect of storage temperature on the flavour of citrus fruit. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 4(4): 336- 344
  • Martins M A, Oliveira L S & Saraz J A (2011). Numerical study of apple cooling in tandem arrangement. Dyna 78(166): 158-165
  • Mirade P S & Picgirard L (2006). Improvement of ventilation homogeneity in an industrial batch-type carcass chiller by CFD investigation. Food Research International 39(8): 871-881
  • Mohammadi B & Pironneau O (1994). Analysis of the K-Epsilon Turbulence Model. Wiley-Masson Series Research in Applied Mathematics Book 2, pp. 212
  • Monteith J L & Unsworth M H (1990). Principles of Environmental Physics. Edward Arnold New York 2nd Ed, pp. 422
  • Moureh J & Flick D (2004). Airflow pattern and temperature distribution in a typical refrigerated truck configuration loaded with pallets. International Journal of Refrigeration 27: 464-474
  • Moureh J, Letang G, Palvadeau B & Boisson H (2009). Numerical and experimental investigations on the use of mist flow process in refrigerated display cabinets. International Journal of Refrigeration 32: 203-219
  • Nahor H B, Hoang, M L, Verboven P, Baelmans M & Nicolai B M (2005). CFD model of the airflow, heat and mass transfer in cool stores. International Journal of Refrigeration 28(3): 368-380
  • Nuyttens D, De Schampheleire M, Verboven P & Sonck B (2009). Comparison between indirect and direct spray drift assessment methods. Biosystems Engineering 105(1): 1-12
  • Schaldach G, Berger L, Razilov I & Berndt H (2000). Computer simulation for fundamental studies and optimisation of ICP spray chambers. ISAS (Institute of Spectrochemistry and Applied Spectroscopy) Current Research Reports, Berlin, Germany
  • Soysal M I (2007). Principles of Biometry (in Turkish). Trakya University, Tekirdag Faculty of Agriculture Publication no:95, Lecture notes: 64, Tekirdag
  • Stamou A & Katsiris I (2006). Verification of a CFD model for indoor airflow and heat transfer. Building and Environment 41: 1171-1181
  • Tanaka F, Konishi Y, Kuroki Y, Hamanaka D & Uchino T (2012). The use of CFD to improve the performance of a partially loaded cold store. Journal of Food Process Engineering 35(6): 874-880
  • Tassou S A & Xiang W (1998). Modelling the environment within a wet air-cooled vegetable store. Journal of Food Engineering 38(2): 169-187
  • Xia B & Sun D W (2002). Applications of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in the food industry: A review. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 34: 5-24
  • Xie J, Qu X H, Shi J Y & Sun D W (2006). Effects of design parameters on flow and temperature fields of a cold store by CFD simulation. Journal of Food Engineering 77(2): 355-363
  • Xu Y & Burfoot D (1999). Simulating the bulk storage of food stuffs. Journal of Food Engineering 39(1): 23-29

Bir Soğuk Hava Deposunda Ortam Koşullarının Sayısal Modellenmesi ve Deneysel Geçerliliğinin Belirlenmesi

Year 2015, , 606 - 619, 15.12.2015


Bu araştırmanın amacı; deneysel bir soğuk depo için sıcaklık ve bağıl nem dağılımını sayısal ve deneysel yöntemleri
birlikte kullanarak incelemektir. Granny Smith elma ile dolu bir soğuk depoda hava hızı ve sıcaklığın dağılımını
değerlendirmek için kararsız üç boyutlu hesaplamalı akışkanlar dinamiği modeli geliştirilmiştir. Depolama sıcaklığı ve bağıl nem 2 o
C ve % 90 olarak belirlenmiştir. Bağıl nem ve sıcaklık soğuk hava deposu içinde üç farklı düzlemde 36
farklı noktada ölçülmüştür. Sayısal gereksinimler için üç boyutlu matematiksel model oluşturulmuştur. Sayısal modelin
geçerliliği aynı koşullarda uygulamadan elde edilen deneysel verilerle test edilmiştir. Modelin bağıl hatası sıcaklık
için % 13 ve hava hızı için % 1.43 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Sıcaklık ve bağıl nem için modellemeden elde edilen sayısal
sonuçlar oldukça iyidir. Model ile ölçümler arasındaki en yüksek farklılıklar yüzeyler üzerinde ısı değişimlerinin en
güçlü olduğu soğuk odanın sınırlarına yakın saptanmıştır. Soğuk deponun ortasında model ve ölçümler arasında küçük
hatalar olmasına rağmen hem sıcaklık hem de bağıl nem için daha homojen bir dağılım elde edilmiştir.


  • Akdemir S & Arın S (2006). Spatial variability of ambient temperature, relative humidity and air velocity in a cold store. Journal of Central European 7(1): 101-110
  • Akdemir S & Tagarakis A (2014). Investigation of spatial variability of air temperature, humidity and velocity in cold stores by using management zone analysis. Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi - Journal of Agricultural Sciences 20: 175-186
  • Ambaw A, Delele M A, Defraeye T, Ho Q T, Opara L U, Nicolai B M & Verboven P (2013). The use of CFD to characterize and design post-harvest storage facilities: Past, present and future. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 98: 184-194
  • Ansys (2014). Ansys Fluent. Products/Simulation+Technology /Fluid+Dynamics/ Fluid+Dynamics+Products/ANSYS+Fluent (Access Date: 07.12.2014)
  • Bartzanas T, Kacira M, Zhu H, Karmakar S, Tamimi E, Katsoulas N, Lee I B & Kittas C (2013). Computational fluid dynamics applications to improve crop production systems. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 98: 151-167
  • Bjerg B, Gascone G, Lee I B, Bartzanas T, Norton T, Hong S W, Seo I H, Banhazi T, Liberati P, Marucci A & Zhang G (2013). Modelling of ammonia emissions from naturally ventilated livestock buildings-Part three: CFD modelling. Biosystems Engineering 116(3): 259-27
  • Chourasia M K & Goswami T K (2007a). Steady state CFD modelling of airflow, heat transfer and moisture loss in a commercial potato cold store. International Journal of Refrigeration 30(4): 672-689
  • Chourasia M K & Goswami T K (2007b). CFD simulation of effects of operating parameters and product on heat transfer and moisture loss in the stack of bagged potatoes. Journal of Food Engineering 80: 947-960
  • Delele M A, Schenk A, Tijskens E, Ramon H, Nicolaο B M & Verboven P (2009). Optimization of the humidification of cold stores by pressurized water atomizers based on a multiscale CFD model. Journal of Food Engineering 91(2): 228-239
  • Delele M A, Vorstermans B, Creemers P, Tsige A A, Tijskens E, Schenk A, Opara U L, Nicolaï B M, Verboven P (2012). CFD model development and validation of a thermonebulisation fungicide fogging system for postharvest storage of fruit. Journal of Food Engineering 108: 59-68
  • Testo (2015). Testo 177H1 Technical Data sheet Retrieved in April, 1, 2015 from datasheets/ 62058.pdf
  • Foster A M, Swain M J, Barrett R, D’Agaro P & James S J (2006). Effectiveness and optimum jet velocity for a plane jet air curtain used to restrict cold room infiltration. International Journal of Refrigeration 29(5): 692-699
  • Foster A M, Swain M J, Barrett R & James S J (2003). Experimental verification of analytical and CFD predictions. International Journal of Refrigeration 26: 918-925
  • Gilani S, Montazeri H, Blocken B (2013). CFD Simulation of Temperature Stratification For a Building Space: Validation and Sensitivity Analysis.In: Proceedings Book of 13th Conference of International Building Performance, August 26-28, Chambéry, France, pp. 504-511
  • Hoang M L, Verboven P, De Baerdemaeker J & Nicolai B M (2000). Analysis of the air flow in a cold store by means of computational fluid dynamics. International Journal of Refrigeration 23: 127-140
  • Launder B E & Spalding D B (1974). Numerical computational methods for turbulent flows. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 3(2): 269-289
  • Le Page J F, Chevarin C, Kondjoyan A, Daudin J D & Mirade P S (2009). Development of an approximate empirical-CFD model estimating coupled heat and water transfers of stacked food products placed in airflow. Journal of Food Engineering 92(2): 208-216
  • Marcilla A, Zarzo M & Delrio M A (2006). Effect of storage temperature on the flavour of citrus fruit. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 4(4): 336- 344
  • Martins M A, Oliveira L S & Saraz J A (2011). Numerical study of apple cooling in tandem arrangement. Dyna 78(166): 158-165
  • Mirade P S & Picgirard L (2006). Improvement of ventilation homogeneity in an industrial batch-type carcass chiller by CFD investigation. Food Research International 39(8): 871-881
  • Mohammadi B & Pironneau O (1994). Analysis of the K-Epsilon Turbulence Model. Wiley-Masson Series Research in Applied Mathematics Book 2, pp. 212
  • Monteith J L & Unsworth M H (1990). Principles of Environmental Physics. Edward Arnold New York 2nd Ed, pp. 422
  • Moureh J & Flick D (2004). Airflow pattern and temperature distribution in a typical refrigerated truck configuration loaded with pallets. International Journal of Refrigeration 27: 464-474
  • Moureh J, Letang G, Palvadeau B & Boisson H (2009). Numerical and experimental investigations on the use of mist flow process in refrigerated display cabinets. International Journal of Refrigeration 32: 203-219
  • Nahor H B, Hoang, M L, Verboven P, Baelmans M & Nicolai B M (2005). CFD model of the airflow, heat and mass transfer in cool stores. International Journal of Refrigeration 28(3): 368-380
  • Nuyttens D, De Schampheleire M, Verboven P & Sonck B (2009). Comparison between indirect and direct spray drift assessment methods. Biosystems Engineering 105(1): 1-12
  • Schaldach G, Berger L, Razilov I & Berndt H (2000). Computer simulation for fundamental studies and optimisation of ICP spray chambers. ISAS (Institute of Spectrochemistry and Applied Spectroscopy) Current Research Reports, Berlin, Germany
  • Soysal M I (2007). Principles of Biometry (in Turkish). Trakya University, Tekirdag Faculty of Agriculture Publication no:95, Lecture notes: 64, Tekirdag
  • Stamou A & Katsiris I (2006). Verification of a CFD model for indoor airflow and heat transfer. Building and Environment 41: 1171-1181
  • Tanaka F, Konishi Y, Kuroki Y, Hamanaka D & Uchino T (2012). The use of CFD to improve the performance of a partially loaded cold store. Journal of Food Process Engineering 35(6): 874-880
  • Tassou S A & Xiang W (1998). Modelling the environment within a wet air-cooled vegetable store. Journal of Food Engineering 38(2): 169-187
  • Xia B & Sun D W (2002). Applications of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in the food industry: A review. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 34: 5-24
  • Xie J, Qu X H, Shi J Y & Sun D W (2006). Effects of design parameters on flow and temperature fields of a cold store by CFD simulation. Journal of Food Engineering 77(2): 355-363
  • Xu Y & Burfoot D (1999). Simulating the bulk storage of food stuffs. Journal of Food Engineering 39(1): 23-29
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Makaleler

Serap Akdemir

Thomas Bartzanas This is me

Publication Date December 15, 2015
Submission Date October 19, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015


APA Akdemir, S., & Bartzanas, T. (2015). Numerical Modelling and Experimental Validation of a Cold Store Ambient Factors. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 21(4), 606-619.
AMA Akdemir S, Bartzanas T. Numerical Modelling and Experimental Validation of a Cold Store Ambient Factors. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. December 2015;21(4):606-619. doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001361
Chicago Akdemir, Serap, and Thomas Bartzanas. “Numerical Modelling and Experimental Validation of a Cold Store Ambient Factors”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 21, no. 4 (December 2015): 606-19.
EndNote Akdemir S, Bartzanas T (December 1, 2015) Numerical Modelling and Experimental Validation of a Cold Store Ambient Factors. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 21 4 606–619.
IEEE S. Akdemir and T. Bartzanas, “Numerical Modelling and Experimental Validation of a Cold Store Ambient Factors”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 606–619, 2015, doi: 10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001361.
ISNAD Akdemir, Serap - Bartzanas, Thomas. “Numerical Modelling and Experimental Validation of a Cold Store Ambient Factors”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 21/4 (December 2015), 606-619.
JAMA Akdemir S, Bartzanas T. Numerical Modelling and Experimental Validation of a Cold Store Ambient Factors. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2015;21:606–619.
MLA Akdemir, Serap and Thomas Bartzanas. “Numerical Modelling and Experimental Validation of a Cold Store Ambient Factors”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 21, no. 4, 2015, pp. 606-19, doi:10.1501/Tarimbil_0000001361.
Vancouver Akdemir S, Bartzanas T. Numerical Modelling and Experimental Validation of a Cold Store Ambient Factors. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2015;21(4):606-19.

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