Research Article
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Determination of Physicochemical, Rheological, Microbiological and Sensory Properties of Low Protein Yoghurt Substitutes Produced for PKU (Phenylketonuria) Patients

Year 2023, , 973 - 982, 06.11.2023


Treatment of PKU (Phenylketonuria) is a lifelong special diet program starting from the newborn period. The aim of this study was to produce yoghurt substitute for PKU patients. A commercial low protein milk substitute, xanthan gum (1%), commercial yoghurt gelling agent (1.5%), starch (4%) and pectin (1.6%) were used to produce yoghurt substitute. Control yoghurt was produced from cow's milk. The fermentation of all samples was completed at the end of the 5th hour. The pH of the samples decreased during storage. The total solid matter of the corn starch and pectin added samples were higher than the those of others. Syneresis values of the samples with xanthan gum, pectin and commercial gelling agent were negligible. The shear stress values of xanthan gum, commercial gelling agent and starch added samples were found close to each other. The shear stress of the pectin added sample was the highest among the samples. L* values of the control and starch added samples, a* and b* values of pectin added sample were higher than those of other samples. The amount of protein and phenylalanine was higher in the pectin added sample than the other samples containing gelling. However, their values in all yoghurt substitute samples were found to be well below the upper limit value that can be consumed. Although the amount of phenylalanine tolerated in the body varies according to age, gender, weight and the degree of phenylketonuria, it is stated that up to 1000 mg per day. While numbers of Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus increased during storage, numbers of Streptococcus thermophilus increased by pectin addition and decreased in other samples. In terms of general acceptability in sensory analyses, the most preferred sample was the sample added containing commercial gelling agent. This sample was followed by the samples with corn starch and pectin. It was concluded that these yoghurt substitutes could support the missing alternative product range for the patients.


We thank the PKU Family association for providing Tranis Dalia Low Protein Milk Substitute, one of the materials used in the research.


  • Abdel-Salam A M & Effat L K (2010). Preparation and evaluation of a novel therapeutic dairy-based drink for phenylketonuria. North American Journal of Medical Science 2 (2): 66–70
  • Acosta P & Yanicelli S (2001). Protocol 1-Phenylketonuria (PKU). In: Division R P (Ed.), The Ross Metabolic Formula System Nutrition Support Protocols, 4th ed. Columbus, Ohio: Ross Laboratories, Ross Product Division. Ahring K, Bélanger-Quintanaa A, Dokoupil K, Gokmen Ozel H, Lammardo A M, MacDonald A, Motzfeldt K, Nowacka M, Robert M & van Rijn M (2009). Dietary management practices in phenylketonuria across European centres. Clinical Nutrition 28 (3): 231-236
  • Akış M (2012). Sağlıklı ve Fenilketonürili Çocuklarda Fonksiyonel B12 Vitamin Eksikliğinin Plazma Metilmalonik Asit ve Homosistein Düzeyleri İle Araştırılması, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsi, İzmir.
  • Al-Arrayed S (2006). Genetic Diseases in Bahrain. In: Tadmouri GO, Taleb Al-Ali M & Al-Khaja N (Eds.) Genetic Disorders in the Arab World: Bahrain. Centre for Arab Genomic Studies, Dubai
  • Al-Hosani H, Salah M, Saade D, Osman H & Al-Zahis J (2003). United Arab Emirates National Newborn Screening Programme: an evaluation 1998-2000. EMHJ -Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 9(3): 324-332
  • Anonymous (2017). Yoghurt recipe for PKU patients. Retrieved in April, 27, 2017 from AOAC (1990). Official methods of analysis of the association of official analytical chemists. Helrich K (Ed.) Published by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists Inc. Arlington, p, 980.
  • Bahrami M, Ahmadi D, Alizadeh M & Hosseini F (2013.) Physicochemical and sensorial properties of probiotic yogurt as affected by additions of different types of hydrocolloid. Korean Journal for Food Science 33(3): 363-368
  • Barnes H A, Hutton J F & Walters K F R S (1993). An Introduction to Rheology. Elsevıer Science Publichers B.V./ Physical Sciences & Engineering Division, Sara Burgerhartstraat 25, Third impression, AM Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Beshkova D M, Simova E D, Frengova G I, Simov Z I & Adilov E F (1998). Production of amino acids by yogurt bacteria. Biotechnology Progress 14 (6): 963−965
  • Burgard P, Lachmann R H & Walter J (2016). Hyperphenylalaninaemia. In: Saudubray J M, Baumgartner M R & Walter J (Eds.) Inborn Metabolic Diseases, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 251–263
  • Cogan TM (1996) History and taxonomy of starter cultures. In: Congan T M & Accolas J (Eds.) Dairy Starter Cculture. VCH Publishers Inc., New York, pp 1–20
  • CTGA (2021) Phenylketonuria. Centre for Arab Genomic Studies. Retrieved in February, 25, 2021 from
  • Cueva O & Aryana K J (2008). Quality Attributes of a Heart Healthy Yogurt. LWT-Food Scien Ceand Technology 41(3): 537-544
  • Çakmakçı S (2012). Gıda Katkı Maddeleri 7. Baskı. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Yayınları. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ofset Tesisi, No: 164, Erzurum, Turkey
  • Dave R I & Shah N P (1996). Evaluation of media for selective enumeration of Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacteria. Journal of Dairy Science 79 (9): 1529- 1536
  • Davis L E, King M K & Schuttz J L (2005). Fundamentals Of Neurologic Disease Demos Medical Publshing, New York
  • Düzgüneş O, Kesici T, Kavuncu O & Gürbüz F (1987). Araştırma ve Deneme Metodları (İstatistik Metodları II) Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 1021, Ders Kitabı No:295, Ankara
  • El-Metwally A, Al-Ahaidib L Y, Sunqurah A A, Al-Surimi K, Househ M, Alshehri A, Da’ar O B, Abdul Razzak H & AlOdaib A N (2018). The Prevalence of phenylketonuria in Arab Countries, Turkey, and Iran: A Systematic Review. BioMed Research International 2018: 7697210
  • Erdal B & Caferoğlu Z (2018). Fenilketonüride yeni bir tedavi: Pegvaliase. Erciyes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 5(1): 42-53
  • Goldar P, Givianard M H & Shams A (2016). Effect of ultrafiltered milk permeate and non-dairy creamer powder Cconcentration on low phenylalanine yoghurt’s physicochemical properties during storage. Journal Food Science Technology 53(7): 3053–3059
  • IDF (1986). Determination of nitrogen content (Kjeldahl method) and calculation of crude protein content Standard 20A, International Dairy Federation. Brussels, Belgium.
  • Kavas G & Kınık Ö (2005). İnek sütü ve peynir suyu proteinlerindeki esansiyel amino asitlerin beyin fonksiyonları, psikiyatrik hastalıklar ve süte uygulanan teknolojik parametrelerle ilişkileri. Gıda 30(3): 173-179
  • Koochmeshgi J, Bagheri A & Hosseini-Mazinani S M (2002). Incidence of phenylketonuria in Iran estimated from consanguineous marriages. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 25 (12): 80-81
  • Kosikowski F V (1982). Cheese and Fermented Milk Foods. 2ed published by F.V. Kosikowski and Associates, New York, USA
  • Lee A & Newman J M (2003). Celiac diet: Its impact on quality of life. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 103 (11): 1533-1535
  • Lucey J A (2002). Formation and physical properties of milk protein gels. Journaln of Dairy Science 85: 281-294
  • Macit E & Bakirci İ (2017). Effect of different stablizers on quality characteristics of the set-type yogurt. African Journal of Biotechnology 16(46): 2142-2151 doi: 10.5897/AJB2017.16197
  • MacLeod E L & Ney D M (2010). Nutritional management of phenylketonuria. Annales Nestlé (English ed.) 68: 58–69
  • Meilgaard M C, Civille G V & Carr B T (2006). Sensory Evaluation Techniques, 4rd edn. CRC Press LLC Publishing, Boca Raton, London.
  • Moammar H, Cheriyan G, Mathew R & Al-Sannaa N (2010). Incidence and patterns of inborn errors of metabolism in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, 1983-2008. Annals of Saudi Medicine 30(4): 271–277
  • Mortazavian A M & Sohrabvandi S (2006) Probiotics and food probiotic products: based on dairy probiotic products, Eta Press, Tehran, pp. 31-69 (in Persian)
  • Müslümanoğlu M H, Çine N, Özdemir M, Çilingir O, Başaran N, Durak B, Solak M & Artan S (2014). Fenilketonüri hastalığında prenatal-postnatal tanıda VNTR bağlantısı ve direkt mutasyon analizleri birlikteliğinin avantajları. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi 5(2): 19-23
  • Ney D M, Gleason S T, van Calcar S C, MacLeod E L, Nelson K L, Etzel M R, Rice G M & Wolff J A (2009). Nutritional management of PKU with glycomacropeptide from cheese whey. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 32: 32–39 doi: 10.1007/s10545-008-0952-4
  • Nunes M C, Raymundo A & Sousa I (2006). Gelled vegetable desserts containing pea protein, kapa carrageenan and starch. European Food Research and Technology 222: 622–628
  • Özer E A, İbanoğlu Ş & İbanoğlu E (2008). Fenilketonüri hastalığı ve fenilalanin kısıtlı diyet. In:Türkiye 10. Gıda Kongresi, 21-23 Mayıs, Erzurum, 1139-1140.
  • Parlak Ö (2018). Fenilketonüri hastaları (PKU) ve çölyak hastaları için bisküvi üretimi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bursa
  • Pimentel F B, Alves R C, Costa A S G, Fernandes T J R, Torres D, Almeida M F & Oliveira M B P P (2014). Nutritional composition of low protein and phenylalanine-restricted dishes prepared for phenylketonuria patients. LWT Food Science Technology 57: 283–289
  • PKU F A (2017). Low Proteinli Diet Principles. PKU Family Association. Retrieved in July, 14, 2017 from
  • Rama Devi A R & Naushad S M (2004). Newborn screening in India. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics 71: 157–160
  • SB (2006). Neonatal Tarama Programı Genelgesi 2006 / 130, Sağlık Bakanlığı, Ankara, Turkey. Retrieved in Fabruary, 25, 2021 from,11079/neonatal-tarama-programi-genelgesi-2006--130.html
  • Scriver C R & Kaufman S (2001). Hyperphenylalaninemia: phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency. In: Scriver C R, Beaudet A L, Sly S W & Valle D (Eds.) The Metabolic and Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1667-724.
  • Seçkin Y (2007). Fenilketonürili çocukların psiko-pedegojik sorunları ve çözümleri. In: IX. Uluslararası Katılımlı Beslenme ve Metabolizma Kongresi, 22-25 Ekim, İstanbul, pp 39-43
  • Sellos-Moura M, Glavin F, Lapidus D, Evans K, Carolyn R, Lew C R & Irwin D E (2000). Prevalence, characteristics, and costs of diagnosed homocystinuria, elevated homocysteine, and phenylketonuria in the United States: a retrospective claims-based comparison. BMC Health Services Research 20:183
  • TGK (2003). Fermente sütler tebliği S:24512, Türk Gıda Kodeksi. Tebliğ No: 2001/21 Ankara, Turkey.
  • Thöny B & Blau N (2006). Mutations in the BH4–metabolizing genes GTP cyclohydrolase I, 6pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase, sepiapterin reductase, carbinolamine-4a-dehydratase, and dihydropteridine reductase. Human Mutation 27: 870-878
  • Üstüner Top F & Küçük Alemdar D (2015). Fenilketonürili çocuğu olan ailelerinin yaşadıkları güçlükler: Niteliksel bir çalışma. Hemşirelikte Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi 12 (1): 62-68
  • Van Calcar S C, Mac Load E L, Gleason S T, Etzel M R, Clayton M K, Wolff J A & Ney D M (2009). Improve nutritional management of phenylketonuria by using a diet containing glycomacropeptide with amino acids. The America Journal of Clinical Nutrition 89 (4): 1068–1077
  • Van Wegber A M J, MacDonald A, Ahring K. Bélanger-Quintana A, Blau N, Bosch A M, Burlina A, Campistol J, Feillet F, Gizewska M, Huijbregts S C, Kearney S, Leuzzi V, Maillot F, Muntau A C, van Rijn M, Trefz F, Walter J H & van Spronsen F J (2017). The complete European guidelines on phenylketonuria: Diagnosis and treatment. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 12:162
  • Verbeken D, Bael K, Thas O & Dewettinck K (2006). Interactions between κ-carregeenan, milk proteins and modified starch in sterilized dairy desserts. International Dairy Journal 16(2006): 482-488
  • V PKU (2020). Yoghurt Recipe. Vitafrends PKU. Retrieved in December, 25, 2020 from
  • Waisbren S E, Noel K, Fahrbach K, Cella C, Frame D, Dorenbaum A & Levy H (2007). Phenylalanine blood levels and clinical outcomes in phenylketonuria: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Moleculer Genetics Metabolism 92(1): 63-70
  • Walter J H, Lee P J & Burgard P (2006). Hyperphenylalaninaemia. In J. Fernandes, J. M. Saudubray, G. van den Berghe, and J. H. Walter (Eds.), Inborn Metabolic Diseases; Diagnosis and Treatment (4th ed., pp. 222-232). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
  • Weetch E & Macdonald A (2006). The determination of phenylalanine content of foods suitable for phenylketonuria. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 19 (3): 229-236
Year 2023, , 973 - 982, 06.11.2023



  • Abdel-Salam A M & Effat L K (2010). Preparation and evaluation of a novel therapeutic dairy-based drink for phenylketonuria. North American Journal of Medical Science 2 (2): 66–70
  • Acosta P & Yanicelli S (2001). Protocol 1-Phenylketonuria (PKU). In: Division R P (Ed.), The Ross Metabolic Formula System Nutrition Support Protocols, 4th ed. Columbus, Ohio: Ross Laboratories, Ross Product Division. Ahring K, Bélanger-Quintanaa A, Dokoupil K, Gokmen Ozel H, Lammardo A M, MacDonald A, Motzfeldt K, Nowacka M, Robert M & van Rijn M (2009). Dietary management practices in phenylketonuria across European centres. Clinical Nutrition 28 (3): 231-236
  • Akış M (2012). Sağlıklı ve Fenilketonürili Çocuklarda Fonksiyonel B12 Vitamin Eksikliğinin Plazma Metilmalonik Asit ve Homosistein Düzeyleri İle Araştırılması, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsi, İzmir.
  • Al-Arrayed S (2006). Genetic Diseases in Bahrain. In: Tadmouri GO, Taleb Al-Ali M & Al-Khaja N (Eds.) Genetic Disorders in the Arab World: Bahrain. Centre for Arab Genomic Studies, Dubai
  • Al-Hosani H, Salah M, Saade D, Osman H & Al-Zahis J (2003). United Arab Emirates National Newborn Screening Programme: an evaluation 1998-2000. EMHJ -Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 9(3): 324-332
  • Anonymous (2017). Yoghurt recipe for PKU patients. Retrieved in April, 27, 2017 from AOAC (1990). Official methods of analysis of the association of official analytical chemists. Helrich K (Ed.) Published by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists Inc. Arlington, p, 980.
  • Bahrami M, Ahmadi D, Alizadeh M & Hosseini F (2013.) Physicochemical and sensorial properties of probiotic yogurt as affected by additions of different types of hydrocolloid. Korean Journal for Food Science 33(3): 363-368
  • Barnes H A, Hutton J F & Walters K F R S (1993). An Introduction to Rheology. Elsevıer Science Publichers B.V./ Physical Sciences & Engineering Division, Sara Burgerhartstraat 25, Third impression, AM Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Beshkova D M, Simova E D, Frengova G I, Simov Z I & Adilov E F (1998). Production of amino acids by yogurt bacteria. Biotechnology Progress 14 (6): 963−965
  • Burgard P, Lachmann R H & Walter J (2016). Hyperphenylalaninaemia. In: Saudubray J M, Baumgartner M R & Walter J (Eds.) Inborn Metabolic Diseases, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 251–263
  • Cogan TM (1996) History and taxonomy of starter cultures. In: Congan T M & Accolas J (Eds.) Dairy Starter Cculture. VCH Publishers Inc., New York, pp 1–20
  • CTGA (2021) Phenylketonuria. Centre for Arab Genomic Studies. Retrieved in February, 25, 2021 from
  • Cueva O & Aryana K J (2008). Quality Attributes of a Heart Healthy Yogurt. LWT-Food Scien Ceand Technology 41(3): 537-544
  • Çakmakçı S (2012). Gıda Katkı Maddeleri 7. Baskı. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Yayınları. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ofset Tesisi, No: 164, Erzurum, Turkey
  • Dave R I & Shah N P (1996). Evaluation of media for selective enumeration of Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacteria. Journal of Dairy Science 79 (9): 1529- 1536
  • Davis L E, King M K & Schuttz J L (2005). Fundamentals Of Neurologic Disease Demos Medical Publshing, New York
  • Düzgüneş O, Kesici T, Kavuncu O & Gürbüz F (1987). Araştırma ve Deneme Metodları (İstatistik Metodları II) Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Yayınları No: 1021, Ders Kitabı No:295, Ankara
  • El-Metwally A, Al-Ahaidib L Y, Sunqurah A A, Al-Surimi K, Househ M, Alshehri A, Da’ar O B, Abdul Razzak H & AlOdaib A N (2018). The Prevalence of phenylketonuria in Arab Countries, Turkey, and Iran: A Systematic Review. BioMed Research International 2018: 7697210
  • Erdal B & Caferoğlu Z (2018). Fenilketonüride yeni bir tedavi: Pegvaliase. Erciyes Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi 5(1): 42-53
  • Goldar P, Givianard M H & Shams A (2016). Effect of ultrafiltered milk permeate and non-dairy creamer powder Cconcentration on low phenylalanine yoghurt’s physicochemical properties during storage. Journal Food Science Technology 53(7): 3053–3059
  • IDF (1986). Determination of nitrogen content (Kjeldahl method) and calculation of crude protein content Standard 20A, International Dairy Federation. Brussels, Belgium.
  • Kavas G & Kınık Ö (2005). İnek sütü ve peynir suyu proteinlerindeki esansiyel amino asitlerin beyin fonksiyonları, psikiyatrik hastalıklar ve süte uygulanan teknolojik parametrelerle ilişkileri. Gıda 30(3): 173-179
  • Koochmeshgi J, Bagheri A & Hosseini-Mazinani S M (2002). Incidence of phenylketonuria in Iran estimated from consanguineous marriages. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 25 (12): 80-81
  • Kosikowski F V (1982). Cheese and Fermented Milk Foods. 2ed published by F.V. Kosikowski and Associates, New York, USA
  • Lee A & Newman J M (2003). Celiac diet: Its impact on quality of life. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 103 (11): 1533-1535
  • Lucey J A (2002). Formation and physical properties of milk protein gels. Journaln of Dairy Science 85: 281-294
  • Macit E & Bakirci İ (2017). Effect of different stablizers on quality characteristics of the set-type yogurt. African Journal of Biotechnology 16(46): 2142-2151 doi: 10.5897/AJB2017.16197
  • MacLeod E L & Ney D M (2010). Nutritional management of phenylketonuria. Annales Nestlé (English ed.) 68: 58–69
  • Meilgaard M C, Civille G V & Carr B T (2006). Sensory Evaluation Techniques, 4rd edn. CRC Press LLC Publishing, Boca Raton, London.
  • Moammar H, Cheriyan G, Mathew R & Al-Sannaa N (2010). Incidence and patterns of inborn errors of metabolism in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, 1983-2008. Annals of Saudi Medicine 30(4): 271–277
  • Mortazavian A M & Sohrabvandi S (2006) Probiotics and food probiotic products: based on dairy probiotic products, Eta Press, Tehran, pp. 31-69 (in Persian)
  • Müslümanoğlu M H, Çine N, Özdemir M, Çilingir O, Başaran N, Durak B, Solak M & Artan S (2014). Fenilketonüri hastalığında prenatal-postnatal tanıda VNTR bağlantısı ve direkt mutasyon analizleri birlikteliğinin avantajları. Kocatepe Tıp Dergisi 5(2): 19-23
  • Ney D M, Gleason S T, van Calcar S C, MacLeod E L, Nelson K L, Etzel M R, Rice G M & Wolff J A (2009). Nutritional management of PKU with glycomacropeptide from cheese whey. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 32: 32–39 doi: 10.1007/s10545-008-0952-4
  • Nunes M C, Raymundo A & Sousa I (2006). Gelled vegetable desserts containing pea protein, kapa carrageenan and starch. European Food Research and Technology 222: 622–628
  • Özer E A, İbanoğlu Ş & İbanoğlu E (2008). Fenilketonüri hastalığı ve fenilalanin kısıtlı diyet. In:Türkiye 10. Gıda Kongresi, 21-23 Mayıs, Erzurum, 1139-1140.
  • Parlak Ö (2018). Fenilketonüri hastaları (PKU) ve çölyak hastaları için bisküvi üretimi. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Bursa
  • Pimentel F B, Alves R C, Costa A S G, Fernandes T J R, Torres D, Almeida M F & Oliveira M B P P (2014). Nutritional composition of low protein and phenylalanine-restricted dishes prepared for phenylketonuria patients. LWT Food Science Technology 57: 283–289
  • PKU F A (2017). Low Proteinli Diet Principles. PKU Family Association. Retrieved in July, 14, 2017 from
  • Rama Devi A R & Naushad S M (2004). Newborn screening in India. The Indian Journal of Pediatrics 71: 157–160
  • SB (2006). Neonatal Tarama Programı Genelgesi 2006 / 130, Sağlık Bakanlığı, Ankara, Turkey. Retrieved in Fabruary, 25, 2021 from,11079/neonatal-tarama-programi-genelgesi-2006--130.html
  • Scriver C R & Kaufman S (2001). Hyperphenylalaninemia: phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency. In: Scriver C R, Beaudet A L, Sly S W & Valle D (Eds.) The Metabolic and Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1667-724.
  • Seçkin Y (2007). Fenilketonürili çocukların psiko-pedegojik sorunları ve çözümleri. In: IX. Uluslararası Katılımlı Beslenme ve Metabolizma Kongresi, 22-25 Ekim, İstanbul, pp 39-43
  • Sellos-Moura M, Glavin F, Lapidus D, Evans K, Carolyn R, Lew C R & Irwin D E (2000). Prevalence, characteristics, and costs of diagnosed homocystinuria, elevated homocysteine, and phenylketonuria in the United States: a retrospective claims-based comparison. BMC Health Services Research 20:183
  • TGK (2003). Fermente sütler tebliği S:24512, Türk Gıda Kodeksi. Tebliğ No: 2001/21 Ankara, Turkey.
  • Thöny B & Blau N (2006). Mutations in the BH4–metabolizing genes GTP cyclohydrolase I, 6pyruvoyl-tetrahydropterin synthase, sepiapterin reductase, carbinolamine-4a-dehydratase, and dihydropteridine reductase. Human Mutation 27: 870-878
  • Üstüner Top F & Küçük Alemdar D (2015). Fenilketonürili çocuğu olan ailelerinin yaşadıkları güçlükler: Niteliksel bir çalışma. Hemşirelikte Eğitim ve Araştırma Dergisi 12 (1): 62-68
  • Van Calcar S C, Mac Load E L, Gleason S T, Etzel M R, Clayton M K, Wolff J A & Ney D M (2009). Improve nutritional management of phenylketonuria by using a diet containing glycomacropeptide with amino acids. The America Journal of Clinical Nutrition 89 (4): 1068–1077
  • Van Wegber A M J, MacDonald A, Ahring K. Bélanger-Quintana A, Blau N, Bosch A M, Burlina A, Campistol J, Feillet F, Gizewska M, Huijbregts S C, Kearney S, Leuzzi V, Maillot F, Muntau A C, van Rijn M, Trefz F, Walter J H & van Spronsen F J (2017). The complete European guidelines on phenylketonuria: Diagnosis and treatment. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 12:162
  • Verbeken D, Bael K, Thas O & Dewettinck K (2006). Interactions between κ-carregeenan, milk proteins and modified starch in sterilized dairy desserts. International Dairy Journal 16(2006): 482-488
  • V PKU (2020). Yoghurt Recipe. Vitafrends PKU. Retrieved in December, 25, 2020 from
  • Waisbren S E, Noel K, Fahrbach K, Cella C, Frame D, Dorenbaum A & Levy H (2007). Phenylalanine blood levels and clinical outcomes in phenylketonuria: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Moleculer Genetics Metabolism 92(1): 63-70
  • Walter J H, Lee P J & Burgard P (2006). Hyperphenylalaninaemia. In J. Fernandes, J. M. Saudubray, G. van den Berghe, and J. H. Walter (Eds.), Inborn Metabolic Diseases; Diagnosis and Treatment (4th ed., pp. 222-232). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
  • Weetch E & Macdonald A (2006). The determination of phenylalanine content of foods suitable for phenylketonuria. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 19 (3): 229-236
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Fatma Çoşkun 0000-0001-8889-363X

Gizem Yıldız This is me 0000-0002-3937-2376

Early Pub Date May 24, 2023
Publication Date November 6, 2023
Submission Date March 7, 2021
Acceptance Date February 25, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Çoşkun, F., & Yıldız, G. (2023). Determination of Physicochemical, Rheological, Microbiological and Sensory Properties of Low Protein Yoghurt Substitutes Produced for PKU (Phenylketonuria) Patients. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29(4), 973-982.
AMA Çoşkun F, Yıldız G. Determination of Physicochemical, Rheological, Microbiological and Sensory Properties of Low Protein Yoghurt Substitutes Produced for PKU (Phenylketonuria) Patients. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. November 2023;29(4):973-982. doi:10.15832/ankutbd.892513
Chicago Çoşkun, Fatma, and Gizem Yıldız. “Determination of Physicochemical, Rheological, Microbiological and Sensory Properties of Low Protein Yoghurt Substitutes Produced for PKU (Phenylketonuria) Patients”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29, no. 4 (November 2023): 973-82.
EndNote Çoşkun F, Yıldız G (November 1, 2023) Determination of Physicochemical, Rheological, Microbiological and Sensory Properties of Low Protein Yoghurt Substitutes Produced for PKU (Phenylketonuria) Patients. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29 4 973–982.
IEEE F. Çoşkun and G. Yıldız, “Determination of Physicochemical, Rheological, Microbiological and Sensory Properties of Low Protein Yoghurt Substitutes Produced for PKU (Phenylketonuria) Patients”, J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 973–982, 2023, doi: 10.15832/ankutbd.892513.
ISNAD Çoşkun, Fatma - Yıldız, Gizem. “Determination of Physicochemical, Rheological, Microbiological and Sensory Properties of Low Protein Yoghurt Substitutes Produced for PKU (Phenylketonuria) Patients”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 29/4 (November 2023), 973-982.
JAMA Çoşkun F, Yıldız G. Determination of Physicochemical, Rheological, Microbiological and Sensory Properties of Low Protein Yoghurt Substitutes Produced for PKU (Phenylketonuria) Patients. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2023;29:973–982.
MLA Çoşkun, Fatma and Gizem Yıldız. “Determination of Physicochemical, Rheological, Microbiological and Sensory Properties of Low Protein Yoghurt Substitutes Produced for PKU (Phenylketonuria) Patients”. Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol. 29, no. 4, 2023, pp. 973-82, doi:10.15832/ankutbd.892513.
Vancouver Çoşkun F, Yıldız G. Determination of Physicochemical, Rheological, Microbiological and Sensory Properties of Low Protein Yoghurt Substitutes Produced for PKU (Phenylketonuria) Patients. J Agr Sci-Tarim Bili. 2023;29(4):973-82.

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