Antropoloji aims to provide a Turkish and English publication platform in Turkey for academics, researchers and students to publish on anthropology and all its related disciplines. Furthermore, the journal aims to provide a means of quality publication for the social and scientific development, especially in Turkish language.
Antropoloji accepts articles within an extensive scope, mainly from paleoanthropology, physical anthropology, social/cultural anthropology and forensic anthropology.
Paleoanthroplogy: Human paleontology, hominin phylogeny, paleolithic cultures, ancient DNA, paleogenetics, paleontology/systematic paleontology, paleodemography, skeletal biology, osteology, epigenetic characters on human skeleton, paleodontology, cultural history of Anatolia…
Physical anthropology: Human growth and development, ergonomics, anthropology of sport, gerontology, anthropometry, body composition…
Social/cultural anthropology: Anthropology of religion, political anthropology, medical anthropology, anthropology of body, philosophical anthropology, gender studies, kinship and social organization, identity/ethnicity, ethnographic studies…
Forensic anthropology: Forensic anthropology, forensic identification, facial reconstruction, forensic taphonomy etc.
Authors can also send their manuscripts about the key topics that are not listed above.
All the published contents in Antropoloji are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). That means the published contents can be used elsewhere by giving appropriate credits, references and a link to the license. Users should also indicate if any changes to the original work have been made. Moreover, users cannot use the original and/or derived material for any commercial purposes. Briefly, the author(s) and reader(s) can reproduce and/or spread the published and/or electronic content in Antropoloji, without any commercial purposes. Nevertheless, this does not necessarily mean that Antropoloji will endorse you or your work as the licensor.
Budapest Open Access Initiative