ISSN: 2148-7154
e-ISSN: 2757-8542
Founded: 2015
Publisher: Ardahan University
Cover Image

The June and December issues of our journal include 10 articles. From June 2023, doi number will be assigned to the articles.

Ardahan University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences is an international, biannually, peer-reviewed scientific journal published in June and December. The journal includes theoretical and applied academic studies in the fields of business, economics, econometrics, political science, public administration and international relations that successfully complete the necessary processes. The language of publication is Turkish and English.

The Journal of Ardahan University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (ARU FEAS) first started its publication life in 2015 and published totally 4 issues in two in 2015 and 2016. The journal will continue its publication life with the June issue of 2021 in line with a new understanding after five years.

Ardahan University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences acts with the mission of sending the academic studies coming to the journal to the referees in the field as soon as possible depending on the publication policy and evaluation processes, informing the authors by following all the processes meticulously and on time, and making all these sustainable.

Ardahan University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences has started the processes of applying to both national and international indexes and necessary monitoring. It has the vision of being screened in these indexes as soon as possible by successfully completing these processes.

2024 - Volume: 6 Issue: 2

Research Article

Hayvan Kaçakçılığının İl Ekonomisine Etkisi: Ardahan İli Örneği


Siyasetnamelerde Denge ve Düzen

Research Article

Ülke Riskinin Yabancı Portföy Yatırımlarına Etkisi: Sektörel Düzeyde Karşılaştırma


Davranışsal muhasebe çerçevesinde muhasebe mesleğinin iş ahlakının incelenmesi

Research Article

Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi’ndeki illerin yaşam kalitesinin bulanık veri zarflama analizi ile ölçülmesine yönelik bir uygulama


Çevre kirliliğinin önlenmesinde çevre vergilerinin etkinliği: Hesaplanabilir genel denge modeli

Research Article

Örgütsel Öğrenmenin Evrimi: Son 10 Yılda İşletme Alanında Yapılmış Çalışmaların Bibliyometrik Analizi

Research Article


Research Article

Finansal serbestleşmenin maliye politikasına etkisi

Research Article

Bulanık TOPSIS ve PROMETHEE yöntemleri kullanılarak arıcılık işletmesi için kuruluş yeri seçimi

Research Article

Tax avoidance and geopolitical risk; evidence from Turkey