Ethical Standards for Research and Publication

Ethical Standards for Research and Publication
ASBU Journal of Faculty of Law is committed to academic principles and ethical values in its publication policy. It continues its publication life in accordance with national and international standards of ethical principles and values. In this context,
The standards set by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) (,
the "Directive on Ethics in Scientific Research and Publication", the "Ethical Guidelines on the Use of Productive Artificial Intelligence in Scientific Research and Publication Activities of Higher Education Institutions", and the "Code of Conduct for Researchers".
The ethical principles adopted by Elsevier for scientific journals (
These principles will be taken into account. If, during the peer-review process, it is found that a paper does not comply with the accepted standards of research and publication ethics, it will be rejected. If the breach is discovered after the paper has been published, the process will be carried out in accordance with the COPE and Elsevier principles.
*The following policy is based on the standards set by COPE, YÖK and Elsevier. In the event that changes or updates are made to the above mentioned national and international standards on which the stated principles are based, these changes will be directly applied in relation to the publication activities of the ASBU Law Faculty Journal.

Responsibility of the editors
1. Checks that the submitted article conforms to the publication policy and ethical principles of the journal. It takes into account the COPE principles, the explanatory guidelines (, the TR Index Editor's Manual ( and the Elsevier Editor's Guide ( throughout the publication process.

2. Conducts the publication process in an impartial manner, regardless of the author's religion, gender, nationality, political and philosophical views.

3. During the publication process, it will appoint referees according to the principle of double-blind refereeing and ensure that the principle of double-blind refereeing is maintained (, and will not disclose the names of the referees. It will also take steps to prevent any conflict of interest between the author and the reviewer.

4. Keeps all data and information related to the article confidential until publication.

5. With regard to ethical standards, takes into account the principles and standards accepted by the journal. Keeps abreast of developments and updates in these ethical principles and standards.

6. Consider the suggestions and criticisms received from stakeholders.

7. Provide the necessary cooperation and coordination to complete the evaluation process of the papers within the specified time.

8. In case of suspicion of duplicate publication, slicing, plagiarism, fabricated data, conflict of interest and unfair authorship of a paper submitted to the journal for publication or published in previous issues of the journal, it takes decisions according to the guidelines and principles announced by COPE.

9. The Editor-in-Chief shall only follow up the work and procedures under his/her authority and responsibility. The Editor-in-Chief and the Editors a) Evaluate manuscripts submitted to the Journal in terms of quality, content, and contribution to the field, and decide whether the manuscript should be included in the publication process. At this stage, the manuscript may be rejected or returned before it enters the peer review process. b) Use appropriate tools to detect AI products in the study. c) Take into account the COPE guidelines regarding the compliance of the peer review process with ethical standards. After the referee reviews, the Editorial Board will evaluate the referee reports. The Editorial Board will decide whether to accept the article, refer it to a third referee, or reject it. The reasons for the rejection decision and the referee reports will be communicated to the author. d) If necessary, an error page may be published or corrections may be made at the request or information of the author (see for guidelines). e) Manuscripts for which two referees give a negative opinion (rejection/major) will be rejected. If one of the referees gives a negative opinion, the article may be rejected by decision of the Editorial Board or sent to a third referee. f) Sends a certificate of appreciation to the referee at the end of the evaluation process. g) It follows that the information and documents related to the published issues and articles are made available to the indexes and databases where the journal is scanned in due time.

10. Assistant Editors; a) Check the articles for which they are responsible for compliance with the journal's spelling rules and help the authors to make the necessary arrangements. a) Maintain communication with authors and referees and provide the editors with the necessary information and reminders. b) If they find that the author has committed an ethical violation, they report the situation immediately to the editor. c) Send a certificate of appreciation to the referee at the end of the review process. c) Sends a certificate of appreciation to the referee at the end of the evaluation process. d) Follows up on time the exchange of information and documents concerning the published issues and articles with the indexes and databases where the journal is indexed. e) Follows the work and procedures assigned by the editors.

Responsibilities of the referees
1. A referee who is not in the field of the article for which the referee invitation is sent, who is unable to return in time, who has an article in the review process of the journal, or who plans to send an article to the journal for publication in the same issue, should not accept the referee invitation or request to withdraw from refereeing by notifying the editor of this situation.

2. Referees should fill in the referee evaluation form (see ASBÜHFD referee evaluation criteria for the evaluation form template) in a truthful manner within the framework of courtesy rules and include objective scientific evaluations. The evaluation form should not contain hostile, provocative or condescending personal comments.

3. Reviewers should not discuss the manuscripts sent to them for review with other people; they should conduct the review process in a confidential manner.

4. If they find that the author has committed an ethical breach, they should report the situation to the editor immediately.

5. Take into account the principles described by COPE ( and Elsevier ( in the manuscript evaluation process.

Author's Liability
1. All authors of the submitted manuscript are required to make a direct academic and scientific contribution. Accordingly, an 'author' is a person who makes a substantial contribution to the conceptualisation and structural organisation, data collection, analysis or interpretation of the published research, and who also takes an active part in writing or critically reviewing the content of the article. Artificial intelligence cannot be the author of papers submitted to the journal. Support for research funding, data collection or general supervision of the research team alone does not confer authorship. Persons who have contributed to the work but do not meet the criteria for authorship (e.g. those who have provided technical support, writing assistance, or financial/material support) are listed in the 'Declarations/Thanks' section.

2. Before submitting the manuscript to the journal, the author checks and confirms that the manuscript conforms to the ethical standards, publication principles and spelling rules adopted by the journal.

3. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to prepare the work in accordance with the research and publication principles. By submitting the work, the author accepts, declares and undertakes that the work has been prepared in accordance with Law No. 5846 on Intellectual and Artistic Works, the research and publication ethics standards described by YÖK, COPE ( and Elsevier (

4. The order of authors' names should be determined by mutual agreement. Authors must agree to this order by signing the Cover, Declaration and Copyright Transfer Form. Authors must complete the Cover, Declaration and Copyright Transfer Form, declare that the article is original, that it has not been published elsewhere, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, in another language, that there is no conflict of interest, and other issues specified in the form, and upload the signed form to the system. In cases where the author uses artificial intelligence, the author should be transparent about which artificial intelligence tool was used and how it was used. This use may be related to drafting the text, checking grammatical rules, or carrying out important research. In this case, clear information should be provided about which version of AI was used, at what time, and at what stage of the study. In cases where ethics committee approval is required, a written permission document from the author or the person/institution holding the publication rights for translated texts should be included in the application file.

5. The author should not directly or indirectly mention his/her identity and institutional information in the manuscript file submitted to the journal. Since the evaluation process is based on double-blind review, the author should disclose this information in the cover page, declaration and copyright transfer form.

6. If the author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in the published work, the author is obliged to contact the editor immediately and work together to correct the error or withdraw the work.

Last Update Time: 2/3/25, 11:29:19 AM

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