A. Beginning
1. Article title: Arial, 14 pt., All letters capitalized, Bold, Centered. The title should not be longer than twelve words.
2. Author's name: Arial, 12 pt., Bold, Right justified, Initials capitalized. (The author should not directly or indirectly indicate his/her identity and institutional information in the article file sent to the journal. Since the review process is carried out on a blind review basis, the author should disclose this information in the Cover, Declaration and Copyright Transfer Form).
3. Abstract, Abstract and Keywords: Bold, Initial letters capitalized. The work should include an abstract of 100-200 words and an extended summary of 750-1500 words. If the language of the work is Turkish, the abstract should be in Turkish and a translation of the abstract in English, German or French should be included. If the language of the work is a language other than Turkish, an abstract in that language and a Turkish and English translation of the abstract should be included. The title of the abstract should include 5-7 keywords in each language and the title of the work. The abstract should be in English.
B. Text
1. In-text headings: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
2. Define a new list style for the marks at the beginning of the heading (in Word, in the Home tab, in the paragraph box, in the top row of list marks/numbering marks under the heading of multilevel list, define a new list style, then select the numbering option from the format at the bottom left):
Level 1: Numbering style: I, II, III... Bold, All capital letters
Level 2: Numbering style: A, B, C... Bold, Initials capitalized
Level 3: Numbering style: 1, 2, 3... Bold, Initial letters capitalized
Level 4: Numbering style: a, b, c... Bold, Initials capitalized
Level 5: Numbering style: i, ii, iii... Regular, Initial letters capitalized, Italic
3. Main text: Times New Roman, 11 pt.
4. Text paragraphs: First line 0.75 cm inside, justified on both sides, right and left indent 0, 5 pt before paragraph, 0 pt after paragraph, line spacing 1.
C. Footnotes
1. Footnote: Times New Roman, 10 pt.
2. Footnote paragraphs: Hanging 0.5 cm inside, justified on both sides, right and left indent 0, spacing 2 nk before paragraph, 0 nk after paragraph, no option to add space between paragraphs of the same style selected, line spacing 1. However, if more than one paragraph is to be given in the same footnote, then the spacing between the two paragraphs in question should be 0 (the "after" part of the paragraph settings of the upper paragraph should be 0 nk and the "before" part of the lower paragraph should be 0 nk).
3. It must be left 1 space between the sentence in the footnote and the left leading number in the footnote.
4. If there is a statement in the footnote that ends with a period, there is no need to put a period again; otherwise, a period must be placed after any other sign.
5. Footnote numbers in the text will be indicated immediately after a punctuation mark without a space.
Ø Wrong: verilecektir1. Correct: verilecektir.1
D. Bibliography
1. Bibliography should start on a separate page.
2. Alphabetical order, Times New Roman, 11 pt.
3. References paragraphs: 0.75 cm hanging (lines after the first line are 0.75 cm inside), justified on both sides, right and left indent 0, pre-paragraph spacing 3 pt, post-paragraph spacing 0 pt, no option to add spaces between paragraphs of the same style selected, line spacing 1.
Below is a sample word form prepared in accordance with the rules regarding the writing style. You can easily complete the format requirements by transferring your article to this document. (For the form, see: http://dergipark.org.tr)
E. Spelling Rules and Citation Procedure
1. The spelling and spelling rules of the journal are based on the publications and decisions of the Turkish Language Association.
2. "The Chicago Manual of Style Notes and Bibliography System 18th Edition (2024)" citation
system has been adopted in footnotes and bibliographies (see https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html). For illustrative examples and open-access guides on the citation system, see.
3. In case the language of publication of the work is Turkish, when citation is made;
§ "ve" instead of "and"
§ "yayınlanmamış" or "yayımlanmamış" instead of "unpublished"
§ "Anonim" instead of "Anonymous"
§ "Cilt." instead of "volume/vol." in works consisting of more than one volume
§ "bkz." instead of "see."
§ "iç." instead of "in."
§ "erişim tarihi " instead of "accessed"
§ "çev." instead of "trans."
§ "editör" instead of "edited by"
§ "çeviren " instead of "translated by"
§ "röportajı yapan" instead of "interviewer"
§ "doktora tezi" instead of "PhD diss."
§ "tez" instead of "thesis"
§ "son değiştirilme" instead of "last modified"
§ "çekim" instead of "filmed" must be used.
§ The month names used to indicate the date have been in Turkish, but the spelling format has been preserved. For example, it should be written as Mayıs 8, 2019.
§ The expression "no." for the number of the journal has been retained. Likewise, the expression "ed."has been retained.
§ "vd." should not be used in the page number. Instead, the expression "ff." should be inserted
without a space between the relevant number. If "." comes after "ff.", it is not used, but if ";", "?" etc. come after "ff.", they are written adjacent to the dot in "ff.".
4. Legislation and judicial decisions cited in footnotes in the text are not included in the bibliography. The following rules and abbreviations should be taken into account in references to judicial decisions:
§ Name of the court/institution, if any, its department, E. main number K. decision number date
[day.month.year format], (the source of the decision, if any, the page number or URL or DOI number in the source).
§ References to printed Kadi registers should be indicated as follows: Galata Mahkemesi 90 Numaralı Sicil (1073-1074/1663), haz. Fuat Recep ve Salih Kahriman (İSAM Yayınları, 2012), 51.
§ In the case of foreign judgments, the decision citation procedure adopted by the relevant court or institution itself may be used. If preferred, the system used for Turkish judgments may also be applied to the extent appropriate. However, whichever citation system is used for one judgment of the same court or institution in one work, the same systematic should be used for other judgments.
Anayasa Mahkemesi AYM
Bireysel Başvuru BB
Bölge Adliye Mahkemesi BAM
Ceza Dairesi CD
Ceza Genel Kurulu CGK
Daire D
Danıştay Dan.
Esas E.
Hukuk Bölümü HukukB
Hukuk Dairesi HD
Hukuk Genel Kurulu HGK
İçtihadı Birleştirme Kurulu İBK
İçtihatları Birleştirme Büyük Genel Kurulu İBK
İdari Dava Daireleri Kurulu Kararı İDDK
Karar K.
Uyuşmazlık Mahkemesi UM
Vergi Dava Daireleri Kurulu Kararı VDDK
Yargıtay Yar.
AYM, E.2017/123, K.2018/12, 01.01.2018.
AYM, Mehmet Yılmaz, B. No: 2020/12345, 01.01.2025.
Yar. 1. HD, E.2019/1234, K.2019/4321, 01.01.2019 (https://karararama.yargitay.gov.tr/).
Ankara BAM 2. HD, E.2019/1234, K.2019/4321, 01.01.2019 (https://emsal.uyap.gov.tr/).
Rekabet Kurulu, K.12-13/123-12, 01.01.2019 (https://www.rekabet.gov.tr/tr/Kararlar).
5. References to the Official Gazette should be indicated as follows: RG. 02.01.2019, P. 30643.