About the Journal

Journal Information

Journal Name   Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences

Publisher            : Ankara University Publishers

Owner                  : Prof. Dr. İlhan YALÇIN, Dean of Ankara University Faculty of Educational Sciences

Director of Publication: Prof. Dr. Yasemin ESEN (Editor-in-Chief)

Publication Periods: Tri-Annual, April, August, and December

Publication Languages of the Journal: Turkish and English

P-ISSN: 1301-3718
E-ISSN: 2458-8342
DOI Prefix: https://doi.org/10.30964/auebfd.

Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences (AUJFES) is a peer-reviewed national journal in the field of educational sciences. The journal is the first scientific journal in educational sciences in Turkey and has been regularly published since 1968. The journal publishes three issues in a year; April, August and December. Accepted articles are published as Online First and receive a DOI number.

The AUJFES publishes articles on educational sciences and teacher training. In each issue, nine original research articles are published When there Is a review article, there can be a maximum of two review articles In this issue. The articles deemed appropriate in terms of form and spelling rules are subject to plagiarism control (text similarity <10% is acceptable).

The journal publishes articles in two languages; full-text Turkish and full-text English. After initial review, the blind review process with three reviewers is completed. Article submissions must comply with our writing rules. It is requested that the authors specify their ORCID numbers and submit the Copyright Notice Form to the system. Additionally, authors have to submit the ethics committee decision letters for the research articles.

The AUJFES is an open access journal that can be reached free of charge. Also, there is no publication fee to submit or publish content in the AUJFES. The journal, which is published both in print and electronically, is included in the following indexing databases; TR Index, British Education Index, Education Full Text (H. W. Wilson) Database Covarage List, EBSCO Host, ProQuest Political Science Journals, ERA, ERİHPLUS, DOAJ and SOBİAD.

Last Update Time: 2/17/25, 4:39:59 PM
Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences (AUJFES) is a formal journal of Ankara University.

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