Evaluation and Publication
Applications for articles requested to be published in AYDIN GASTRONOMY should be made through DergiPark (https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/aydingas).
Authors must fill in the "copyright transfer form" for publication completely during the application and submit it to the journal editor with a wet signature. Wet signed forms should be uploaded as PDF via DergiPark.
Articles that require "Ethics Committee approval" are specified in the TR Index criteria. In such articles, it is expected that the "Ethics Committee decision" or an equivalent official letter should be stated in the method section as well as uploaded during the submission. For research articles produced from studies that do not require an Ethics Committee decision, the "Declaration Form Regarding No Ethics Committee Permission Required" should be filled. These documents should be uploaded as PDF via DergiPark.
All articles sent to AYDIN GASTRONOMY are reviewed through the software programs such as Turnitin, iThenticate, etc. immediately after the submission. As a result of scanning, studies with 20% similarity in the entire study, and with more than 5% similarity from a single source are not included in the preliminary evaluation. Studies with a similarity rate of less than 20%; It is checked in terms of whether a reference is given at the end of each quoted sentence; whether the citation is from the main source (In some cases, citations are made from a different source, and instead of citing the source, the main source is cited). In the case of block citation in the study, if the citations of the parts with similarity are not made, or if the similarity is from a source other than the main source and there is no quoted statement, the study will not be evaluated.
A study sent to AYDIN GASTRONOMY is primarily evaluated by the editor of the journal. Studies that do not coincide with the purpose and scope of the journal, weak in terms of academic publication language and Turkish (English) grammar and expression rules, containing scientifically unacceptable errors, have no original value and do not comply with publication principles are directly rejected by the editor. If a decision is made to reject the article during the initial submission process, the authors are given a clear and unbiased explanation of the reason. In this process, if it is decided that the article needs to be revised in terms of grammar, punctuation and/or spelling rules (margins, appropriate reference, etc.), the authors are informed about this and they are given time to make the necessary corrections. The referee evaluation process is started for the studies that are approved by the editor. At this stage, according to the content of study, the editor sends the relevant work to at least two referees for evaluation. The editor can choose a referee from the AYDIN GASTRONOMY referee pool or suggest a new referee suitable for the field of the study. In the evaluation of the articles, a double-blind refereeing process is used and the identities of the authors and referees are hidden.
The referees make the necessary examination of the articles sent to them within the defined time frame. They complete their evaluation of the article by filling in the referee evaluation form through the DergiPark system. If the referees do not evaluate the work within a reasonable time, additional time is given. If the evaluation is not completed within this period, the study is sent to different referees. Each referee decides about the article as "publishable (accepted)", "published after correction" or "unpublished (rejected)". Referees are expected to write a detailed justification for both acceptance and rejection decisions and, if any, suggestions for correction in their report.
The editor may ask the author (s) to make corrections in their publications in line with the opinions of the referees evaluating the publication. The author (s) can object, provided that they show explanatory evidence to the referees' evaluation opinions. The objections made are evaluated by the Editorial Board and if necessary, different referee opinions can be applied for the submitted publication. Authors also have the right to withdraw their publications at this stage. When there are two different opinions, positive and negative, about the article, the opinion of a third referee is also requested. The final decision about the article to be published is made by the editor. If the decision is negative, the reason for the rejection is sent to the author with an explanation together with the referee reports. If it is positive, the volume and number in which the article will be published are notified to the author.