ISSN: 2528-9411
e-ISSN: 2687-1920
Founded: 2017
Cover Image

AYDIN GASTRONOMİ is in the category of scientific and refereed journals published twice a year in printed and electronic form in January and July.

AYDIN GASTORONOMY was initially published in 2017 on the need of a press organ with a view to share the results of scientific research, analysis and project studies in the field of gastronomy and culinary arts; to convey current information and developments in this field to the target audience; to create a basis for discussion of issues related to the subject; to serve the purpose of promoting Turkish cuisine culture to the public opinion and public organizations, and also to collaborate.

AYDIN GASTRONOMY does not charge any authors for the acceptance and publication process.

AYDIN GASTRONOMY uses the double-blind referee process and at all steps of the review process the authors do not know the names of the referees and the referees do not know the authors.

The publication language of the journal is Turkish and English

Articles must be prepared according to the draft article and sent together with similarity report. Articles with more than 20% similarity rate will not be accepted.

Opening Date for Article Submission: June 1, 2025

2025 - Volume: 9 Issue: 1




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