Cover page template
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Click for Article Initial Upload Template (Turkish).
Click for Article Initial Upload Template (English).
Click for Article Final Upload Template (Turkish).
Click for Article Final Upload Template (English).
Articles submitted to the Journal of Regional Development must be studies that have not been previously published or accepted for publication in another publication, and have not been included in the evaluation process of another journal.
In the article submitted to the journal for publication, the author(s) are expected to be meticulous about the originality and scientific approach of the study in question, its compliance with the scope and publication policy of the Journal, and the consideration of the Journal of Regional Development Writing Rules.
There is no page limit for articles submitted to the Journal of Regional Development. However, the length of research articles should not exceed 10,000 words including their appendices, and the length of review articles should not exceed 7,000 words. The word limit does not include the References. The title of the article should be short, not exceeding 15 words, in line with the content; before the introduction section, the Abstract for Turkish articles and the Abstract for English articles should be limited to 150-200 words; keywords and key words should be included, limited to at least 3 and at most 5 words.
The importance and originality of the article should be emphasized in the Abstract and Summary sections; the purpose, method and findings should be explained briefly and concisely.
In research articles, the relevance of the study to regional development and/or regional policy and planning should be established in the introduction; The importance and originality of the study should be revealed. The introduction section should be followed by the literature review (theoretical framework of the subject examined), method, findings, conclusion and discussion (this section should include the evaluation of the findings of the study and original suggestions for implementation).
In review articles, the relevance of the study to regional development and/or regional policy and planning should be established in the introduction; The section titles should be determined in accordance with the content. The conclusion section should include the author's original evaluation and conclusion within the scope of the discussions in the literature. The first page of the articles submitted to the Journal of Regional Development for publication should be prepared in accordance with the Cover Page Template and uploaded to the system as a cover page. The identity information of the author(s) should be included only on the cover page and there should be no information about the author(s) in the text. The text of the article should be prepared in accordance with the Text Template and uploaded to the system separately from the cover page.
Cover page template
Since the double-blind peer review method is used in the Journal of Regional Development, only author information and any notes related to the article (acknowledgements, project support information, etc.) should be included on the cover page of the article file.
The name, title, institution, contact information (correspondence address, telephone number, e-mail address) of the author(s) and the internationally valid researcher identification number (ORCID-Open Researcher and Contributor ID) should be included on the cover page of the article. If available, the Support and Acknowledgement Statement should be provided as a note on the cover page.
Text template
On the top of the article's homepage, bibliographic information that defines the article and can be used for citation (journal name, year, volume number, if any, issue number) should be provided in the page range format in accordance with the internationally common format (APA 6th Edition).
The type of the study (research article or review article) and the submission date of the article should be stated on the first page of the article in accordance with the template.
Article writing rules
In order to provide a certain standard in writing articles to be sent to the Journal, the “the Journal of Regional Development Writing Rules” have been made available to authors. Under this heading, the scientific writing principles adopted by the Journal of Regional Development are briefly and concisely included. Authors can refer to the “Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition” (APA 6th edition) rules regarding the writing principles specified in these rules and in addition to these, if needed. APA writing rules can be accessed at
The writing languages of the Journal of Regional Development, are Turkish and English. Turkish spelling rules must be followed in articles in the Turkish language. For this purpose, the Turkish Language Association (TDK) Writing Guide should be taken as a guide. In MS Office programs, there is an option “Based on TDK guide” in the “grammar” settings. When this setting is made, the TDK guide is taken as a basis in the documents prepared. For articles prepared in English, the “EASE (European Association of Science Editors) Principles for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles Published in English” should be taken as a guide.
Since the double-blind peer review method is applied in the article evaluation process, the text file of the article sent to the Journal of Regional Development for publication should not contain information about the author(s).
The name, title, institution, contact information (correspondence address, telephone number, e-mail address) and ORCID number of the author(s) should be provided on the cover page.
According to the decision of the TÜBİTAK Turkey National Academic Network and Information Center (ULAKBİM) dated February 25, 2020; “For all branches of science (including social sciences), separate Ethics Committee Approval must be obtained for clinical and experimental studies on humans and animals that require an ethics committee decision; this Approval must be stated and documented in the article”.
In this context, the authors of research articles other than review articles applying to the Journal of Regional Development are requested to document that the Ethics Committee Approval has been obtained for their research requiring ethics committee approval (Ethics Committee Decision, Decision date and number). In studies requiring ethics committee approval, information regarding the permission (Board name, date and number) must be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article.
The Journal of Regional Development Researcher Contribution Share Declaration, Conflict of Interest Declaration and Copyright Transfer Agreement must be uploaded to the DergiPark system with wet signature and date.
The types of articles published in the Journal of Regional Development are scientific research articles and review articles. Scientific research articles are articles that reflect the findings and results of an original research and have a solid theoretical infrastructure. Review articles are articles that examine a sufficient number of scientific studies with a wide literature review on the subject under review, summarize and evaluate the subject under review, compare and interpret the findings in these studies, and make inferences.
The length of research articles sent to the Journal of Regional Development should not exceed 10,000 words including their appendices, and the length of review articles should not exceed 7,000 words. The word limit includes tables and figures, excluding the References. Authors should prefer a clear and understandable narrative in their articles. Headings and subheadings should be included in the text to increase the comprehensibility of the subject.
Articles should be written on white paper in MS Word program in A4 (21 cm x 27.9 cm) standard.
Times New Roman character should be used in writing the article, it should be written in 12 point size, and the pages should be numbered. 10 point size (minimum 8 point) can be used in writing footnotes. One character space should be left after the comma and period in writing. "%" sign should not be used in the text, it should be written as "percentage" in writing.
Paragraphs should be started from the left edge of the page and without indentation. 1.5 line spacing should be left in the transition between paragraphs.
1.5 line spacing should be used in writing the text of the article. Single line spacing should be used in writing the Turkish and English abstract, quotation, footnote and source list.
Figure, picture, map captions and table captions should be written in 12 point size with single line spacing. 1.5 line spacing should be left between section headings and subsection headings and the first paragraph following them. The main sections of the article (first-degree heading) are numbered 1, 2, 3… Subsections are numbered with a double numbering system. For example; 1.1. means the first subsection of the first section (second-degree heading); 1.1.1. means the first subsection of the first section (third-degree heading).
All titles of the article, references and appendices should be written in bold.
At the beginning of the article, before the Introduction section, there should be the Öz and Abstract sections in accordance with the Journal of Regional Development Article First Upload Template, and keywords limited to a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 words.
In a Turkish article, the Abstract that will be placed before the Introduction section must be between 150-200 words. Care should be taken to stay within the word limits in the Abstract section. In an English article, the Abstract that will be placed before the Introduction section must be between 150-200 words. Care should be taken to stay within the word limits in the Abstract section.
At the end of the article, there should be a bibliography, the sources should be written in the Latin alphabet and listed alphabetically. Attention should be paid to the way sources are given, their accuracy and accessibility.
In articles using footnotes, the bibliography related to the footnotes should be given separately at the end of the article.
The title of the article should be compatible with the content and should consist of maximum 15 words, written in bold letters and 14 point size. The English title should follow the Turkish title in accordance with the template.
Scientific ethical rules should definitely be observed in the articles and plagiarism should be avoided. Care should be taken to ensure that references to sources are made in accordance with the rules in the article. References to sources in the text should be made according to the author's surname, the publication year of the work and the page number. While page numbers are not shown in articles (e.g. Amin, 1999), if the source is a book, the page number should also be given (e.g. Myrdal, 1957:12,13).
Authors can refer to the “Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition” (APA 6th edition) rules regarding the writing principles specified in the Journal of Regional Development. Article Writing Guidelines and in addition to these, if needed. Although there is an APA 7th edition, APA 6 rules are preferred in the Journal of Regional Development. APA writing rules can be accessed from Examples for different sources regarding reference indication are given below and are indicative.
If the source is a book:
Author's Surname, Initials. (Date). Title of the Book. Editor or Editors, if any. Place of publication: The name of the publisher should be given.
ISBN number and URL address should be given for e-books.
(book with one author):
Myrdal, G. (1957). Economic Theory and Underdeveloped Regions. London: University Paperbacks.
(book with two authors)
Cooke, P. and Morgan, K. (1999). The Associational Economy: Firms, Regions and Innovation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(book with three or more authors)
Tekeli, İ., Şenyapılı, T., Güvenç M. (1991). The Historical Development Process of Industrial Production in Ankara. Ankara: National Productivity Center Publications.
Han, J., Kamber, M. and Pei, J. (2012). Data Mining Concepts and Techniques Third Edition. Elsevier Inc. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, eBook ISBN: 978-0-12-381479-1, (
If the source is a chapter in a book:
Author's Surname, Initials. (Date). Title of the chapter. In (In if in English) Editor or Editors, Title of the book. Place of publication: Name of the publisher, starting and ending page numbers of the chapter in the book should be given.
Stimson, R. J. and Stough, R. R. (2009). Regional economic development methods and analysis: linking theory to practice. In J. E. Rowe (Ed.), Theories of Local Economic Development: Linking Theory to Practice. Burlington VT: Ashgate, 169-193.
Tödtling, F. (2011). Endogenous approaches to local and regional development policy. In A. Pike, A. Rodriquez-Pose and J. Tomaney (Eds.), Handbook of Local and Regional Development. New York: Routledge, 93-339.
If the source is a book that is the author and publisher of an institution:
Abbreviation of the institution (Full name of the institution). (Date). Title of the book. Place of publication: Name of the publishing house, publication number, if any, should be given.
DPT (State Planning Organization). (2003). Socio-Economic Development Ranking Research of Provinces and Regions. Ankara: State Planning Organization, publication number: 107.
TOB (Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Turkey). (2021). National Rural Development Strategy 2021-2023. Ankara: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Turkey.
If the source is an article:
Author's Surname, Initials. (Date). Title of the article. Name of the journal (international abbreviations if any), Volume number (Issue number), starting and ending page numbers of the article should be given.
Tekeli, İ. (2013). The Story of Regional Planning in Turkey and Its Relationship with Human Geography. Journal of Human Geography, 1 (1), 39-50.
Amin, A. (1999). An Institutionalist Perspective on Regional Economic Development. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 23 (2), 365-378.
If the source is an unpublished paper presented at a symposium:
Author's Surname, Initials. (Date). Title of the paper. Name of the symposium (Paper presented at…), Place of the symposium.
Albrechts, L. (2008, November 27-28). Strategic Spatial Planning Revisited Experiences From Europe. Presented at the 3rd Regional Development and Governance Symposium, Mersin.
Barata, J., and Cunha, P. R. (2017). Climbing the Maturity Ladder in Industry 4.0: A Framework for Diagnosis and Action that Combines National and Sectorial Strategies. Paper presented at Americas’ Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Boston, MA.
If the source is a published article in a symposium or congress book:
Author’s Surname, Initials. (Date). Title of the paper. Name of the Congress/Symposium book, Place of publication: Name of the publisher, starting and ending page numbers of the paper should be given.
Tekeli, İ. (2004). A Regional Planner’s Internal Unrest in the Face of the Enormity of the Problem He is Trying to Solve. Urban Economic Research Symposium (KEAS) Proceedings Book, Volume II, Ankara: State Planning Organization and Pamukkale University Publication, 244-262.
If the source is a published thesis:
Author’s Surname, Initials. (Date). Thesis Name, type (Master's, Doctorate), University and Institute where it was presented, (If there is no city information, the city name should also be given).
Aktakas, B. G. (2006). Regional/Local Development, A Model for Regional Development, Master's Thesis, Çukurova University Institute of Social Sciences, Adana.
Tekoğlu, A. S. (2022). Smart Specialized Universities in Regional Development in Turkey, Doctoral Thesis, Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences.
If the source is a published report:
Name of the Institution (The name of the institution can be given with an abbreviation in the text, and the full name should be given in parentheses in the bibliography first, followed by the abbreviation). (date). Name of the report, date of publication if any, Place of publication, number of pages.
EPDK (Energy Market Regulatory Authority). (2022). Electricity Market Sector Report. June 2022, Ankara, 1-70.
KB (Ministry of Development). (2013). Spatial Planning. 10. Development Plan Special Expertise Commission Report. Unpublished ÖİK Report, Ankara, 18-28.
Manzella, G.P. and Mendez, C. (2009). The Turning Points of EU Cohesion Policy; an agenda for a reformed cohesion policy. Working Papers of European Policies Research Centre, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom, 1-28.
If taken from a source website:
Author or Relevant Institution name. “Title of the item referred to”, name of the web page, URL, (Access date: xx.xx.xxxx).
(For printed books, reports and/or theses accessed from the internet, the presentation should be made according to the relevant type. The web page and access date should be given separately. Unpublished reports and/or working notes accessed from the internet should be shown as internet citations.)
COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), “Peer Review Processes”,, (Access date: 15.02.2022).
European Commission Smart Specialization Platform. (2020). “S3 Implementation”., (Access date: 02.05.2020).
If the source is the Official Gazette:
Name of the Law. Official Gazette dated xx.xx.xxxx and numbered xxxxx (duplicate number, if any).
Full name of the Decision. Decision Number. Official Gazette dated xx.xx.xxxx and numbered xxxxx (duplicate number, if any).
RG (Official Gazette). (2020). Law No. 7254 (Law on Amendments to the Public Financial Management and Control Law and Certain Laws). Official Gazette of the Republic of Turkey dated 16 October 2020 and numbered 31276 1. Duplicate.
RG (Official Gazette). (1960). Law on the Establishment of the State Planning Organization. Official Gazette of the Republic of Turkey dated 5 October 1960 and numbered 10621,, (Access date: 24.07.2023).
RG (Official Gazette). (2002). Decision on the Definition of the Classification of Statistical Regional Units on a Countrywide Basis for the Collection and Development of Regional Statistics, Conducting Socioeconomic Analyses of Regions, Determining the Framework of Regional Policies and Creating a Comparable Statistical Database in Accordance with the European Union Regional Statistics System. Decision No: 2002/4720. Official Gazette of the Republic of Turkey dated September 22, 2002 and numbered 24884.
The articles uploaded to the Journal of Regional Development by their author(s) to the DergiPark system will be deemed to have been spell-checked and articles with more than normal spelling errors in the preliminary review will be rejected directly.
The author(s) must upload the Copyright Transfer Form, Ethics Committee Permission or Declaration Form on No Need for Ethics Committee Permission, Conflict of Interest Declaration Form and additionally, in studies with multiple authors, the Researcher Contribution Declaration Form, signed and dated, along with the article they will upload to the system.
Click for the Copyright Transfer Form.
Click for the Declaration Form that No Ethics Committee Approval is Required.
Click for the Conflict of Interest Declaration Form.
Click for the Researcher Contribution Declaration Form.
Click for the Article Retraction Form.