Editor in Chief
Industrial Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology, Animal Science, Genetics and Biostatistics
Biology Section Editor
Erkan Yalçın currently works at the Department of Biology, Ondokuz Mayıs University. Erkan does research in Plant Biodiversity, Ecophysiology and Vegetation Ecology
Ecology, Ecology (Other), Plant and Fungus Systematics and Taxonomy
Physics Section Editor
Nonlinear Optics and Spectroscopy
Statistic Section Editor
Stock Farming and Treatment, Poultry Farming and Treatment, Sheep and Goat Breeding and Treatment, Genetically Modified Animals, Animal Science, Genetics and Biostatistics
Chemistry Section Editor
Chemical Sciences, Organic Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry, Instrumental Methods, Separation Science
Mathematics Section Editor
Computer Engineering Section Editor
Management Information Systems, Machine Learning Algorithms, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Environmental Engineering Section Editor
Electrical-Electronics Engineering Section Editor
Industrial Engineering Section Editor
Food Engineering Section Editors
Geomatics Engineering Section Editor
Navigation and Position Fixing, Satellite-Based Positioning, Geomatic Engineering (Other)
Civil Engineering Section Editor
Earthquake Engineering, Numerical Modelization in Civil Engineering, Structural Dynamics, Solid Mechanics
Chemical Engineering Section Editor
Mechanical Engineering Section Editor
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Section Editor
Welding Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy (Other), Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Additive Manufacturing
Aerospace Engineering Section Editor
Aerodynamics (Excl. Hypersonic Aerodynamics), Mechanical Engineering, Energy Generation, Conversion and Storage (Excl. Chemical and Electrical)
Geological Engineering Section Editor
Geological Sciences and Engineering, Mineral Stratum and Geochemistry, Inorganic Geochemistry, Isotope Geochemistry
Mining Engineering Section Editor
Slope Stability, Rock Mechanics and Mine Design
Mining Engineering, Rock Mechanics and Fortification, Mine Design, Management and Economy
Forest Engineering Section Editor
Forest Industry Engineering, Forestry Sciences
Fisheries Engineering Section Editor
Food Packaging, Preservation and Processing, Food Microbiology
Statistic Editor
English Language Editor
Translation and Interpretation Studies, Translation Studies
Turkish Language Editor
Old Turkic Language (Orhon, Uyghur, Karahan)
Agriculture Engineering Section Editors
Agricultural, Veterinary and Food Sciences
Textile Engineering Section Editor
Mohammad Khajeh Mehrizi earned his B.S. from Yazd University in 2003 and both his M.S. (2006) and Ph.D. (2011) in textile chemistry engineering from Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Iran. He was a visiting student at the Technical University of Liberec (TUL) in the Czech Republic for six months in 2010, a visiting professor at EGE University in Turkey for one month in 2023, and at Istanbul Technical University for one month in 2024. Currently, he is an associate professor at Yazd University, where he has supervised over 50 undergraduate and 20 graduate students. He has published around 50 journal papers and more than 60 conference papers. His primary research interests include surface modification of textiles (such as plasma and UV treatment), printing and dyeing with natural dyes, biotechnology, decoloration of textile effluents, and medical and smart textiles.
Textile Chemistry, Textile Finishing
Prof. Dr. Dilek KUT
Textile Technology, Textile Finishing