Fatma Ünal pursued her PhD in 2008. She was appointed as a professor in 2021. In addition, she completed her master's degree in curriculum development in education. So far, she has published many national and international articles, books, book chapters, and proceedings. She has also conducted projects in social studies education, ecological sustainability, citizenship education, curriculum development, lifelong learning, and teaching materials such as textbooks. She still serves as a lecturer at Bartın University in the Faculty of Education.
Parlak Rakap (PhD) graduated from Gazi University, Division of Preschool Education in 2003, and attended her integrated PhD education at the Middle East Technical University, Department of Elementary Education in 2004. During her doctoral works at METU, the researcher also worked with Prof. Dr. Ithel Jones at Florida State University for 10 months on Preschool Science Education in 2010. She earned her PhD working with Prof. Dr. Feyza Tantekin Erden in 2011. She started her career as a faculty at Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, in the Division of Preschool Teaching between 2012-2022. As part of her postdoctoral research at North Carolina State University Psychology Department, Dr. Parlak Rakap studied respect and gratitude in early childhood in the FABB Lab (Family Affect, Beliefs, and Behaviors Lab) with Prof. Amy HALBERSTADT between 2021-2022. Her research interests include self-discipline, creative drama, preschool science education, respect in early childhood, and special education. She has been working at Bartın University, Division of Preschool Education since 2022.
Ayla Çetin-Dindar is an associate professor at the Bartin University Department of Mathematics and Science Education. She received her PhD in the Department of Mathematics and Science Education on Chemistry Education at Middle East Technical University. Her research interests include conceptual learning, motivation to learn, teacher education, and teachers’ ICT usage in science and chemistry education.
Gokkurt Ozdemir (PhD) graduated from Karadeniz Technical University Fatih Faculty of Education Secondary Education Mathematics Fields Education Mathematics Teaching program in 2007 with a non-thesis master's degree. She completed his integrated doctoral education between 2010 and 2014 at Atatürk University, Institute of Educational Sciences, Department of Primary Education, Department of Mathematics Education. She worked as a research assistant at Atatürk University Kazim Karabekir Faculty of Education between 2011 and 2015. Gokkurt Ozdemir (PhD) was appointed as a faculty member at Bartin University, Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Division of Mathematics Education in 2015. Gokkurt Ozdemir (PhD) receiving the title of associate professor in 2018, her research areas include technology-supported mathematics teaching, geometry teaching, pedagogical content knowledge, mind and intelligence games, problem solving, problem posing and misconceptions. The studies she has and is being carried out are related to Goal 4: Quality Education of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
Gokkurt Ozdemir (PhD) has a lot of research at national and international level and has conducted various courses at undergraduate and graduate levels. Gokkurt Ozdemir (PhD) received the title of professor in 2023. Gokkurt Ozdemir (PhD) currently works at Bartin University, Department of Mathematics and Science Education.
Fatma Ünal pursued her PhD in 2008. She was appointed as a professor in 2021. In addition, she completed her master's degree in curriculum development in education. So far, she has published many national and international articles, books, book chapters, and proceedings. She has also conducted projects in social studies education, ecological sustainability, citizenship education, curriculum development, lifelong learning, and teaching materials such as textbooks. She still serves as a lecturer at Bartın University in the Faculty of Education.
Ayla Çetin-Dindar is an associate professor at the Bartin University Department of Mathematics and Science Education. She received her PhD in the Department of Mathematics and Science Education on Chemistry Education at Middle East Technical University. Her research interests include conceptual learning, motivation to learn, teacher education, and teachers’ ICT usage in science and chemistry education.
Educational Technology and Computing
He graduated from Karadeniz Technical University, Fatih Faculty of Education, Fatih Faculty of Education, Mentally Handicapped Education Program in 2003. He worked as a teacher and administrator in institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education until 2012. In 2007, he graduated from Ankara University Institute of Educational Sciences Adult Education Master's program, and in 2009, he graduated from Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences Mental Disabilities Teaching Master's program. Kalkan graduated from Gazi University Institute of Educational Sciences, Teaching the Mentally Handicapped program in 2019 and still continues his academic life as a doctoral faculty member in Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Faculty of Education, Department of Special Education and has taken part in many book chapters, articles and projects. Kalkan conducts professional development and early intervention studies, especially early childhood special education based on autism and young children with intellectual disabilities (0-8 years).
Curriculum and Instration , Instructional Technologies
Mathematics Education
Dr. Kenan Çetin completed his PhD in English Language Teaching at Middle East Technical
University in 2024. His doctoral thesis focuses on the implementation of a reflective thinking and
collaboration-based lesson study model during the teaching practicum with the participation of
prospective English teachers. His academic research centers on the use of
technology in language education and teacher training and he is keen on personal development and has experience in video editing, graphic design, and web interface development.
Melihan Ünlü
Research Assistant Bekir Serhat Zerey graduated from Gazi University Teacher of the Visually Impaired undergraduate program in 2014 and was appointed as a special education teacher to the Ministry of National Education in the same year. In 2016, he started to work as a research assistant at Bartın University Faculty of Education, Department of Special Education within the scope of the Faculty Member Training Program. Zerey was assigned to Gazi University for her graduate education and completed his master's degree in the field of visually impaired education. He is a PhD candidate and the process still continues. His current and ongoing studies are related to the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goal 4 Quality Education and Goal 10 Reducing Inequalities. His research interests include safety skills, instructional technology education, and teacher quality.
Demir took his B.A. from Hacettepe University, Division of Psychology Education in 2016, and M.A. from Hacettepe University, Educational Measurement and Evaluation in 2020. In 2020 he has begun his PhD of Educational Measurement and Evaluation at the Hacettepe University. The studies he has and is being carried out are related to Goal 4 Quality Education, Goal 10 Reduced Inequalities and Goal 16 Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. His research interests include psychometrics, validity, fairness, and large-scale testing. Since 2019, he started to work as a research assistant at Bartın University, Division of Educational Measurement and Evaluation.
In 2023, Akın graduated from Bartın University Faculty of Education, Department of Elementary Mathematics Education and started his master's degree at Bartın University Graduate School of Education, Department of Mathematics Education in the same year. Since 2024, he has been working as a research assistant at Bartın University, Faculty of Education, Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Department of Mathematics Education. The studies he has and is being carried out are related to Goal 4 Quality Education of the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals
Research Assist. Zekiye Merve ÖCAL graduated from Middle East Technical University, Department of Science Teaching in 2021, and started her master’s degree in science education at Middle East Technical University in 2023. In the same year, after starting to work as a Research Assistant at Bartın University, Department of Science Education, she transferred to Bartın University for her master's degree and she has been working at Bartın University, Department of Science Education since December 2023.
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Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education