Writing Rules


The submitted articles are subject to preliminary review with respect to publication, writing, qualification, content, research and ethical rules. The submissions are inspected for plagiarism through digital softwares. The articles which are found to be not suitable to the items stated in the scope of the journal may be returned to the author without going through referee review process.

⚠️The authors are required to follow the necessary steps in the File Submission page on DergiPark while uploading the required documents:
  • Studies which involve clinical or experimental treatments require an ethical board permission. The necessary ethical permission should be obtained, documented and submitted in the File Submission page on DergiPark.
  • Articles in Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education are published only in English.
  • Under no circumstances there may be a person, corporation or foundation name in the submissions documents before sending a manuscript.. Affiliation and names of the author(s) are uploaded in a separate file which is presented in the File Submission page on the DergiPark system.
  • All manuscripts must be written in APA7 citation style and follow the Writing Rules included in this page.

For more information, follow the article submission form included in the page below:

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Last Update Time: 7/24/24, 1:21:32 PM

All the articles published in the journal are open access and distributed under the conditions of CommonsAttribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License 


Bartın University Journal of Faculty of Education