Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Publication Ethics
  1. Authors must ensure originality, proper citations, and ethical compliance.
  2. Ethical board approval is required for studies involving humans or animals.
  3. Manuscript submissions should not include author names and must not be under review elsewhere.
  4. Referees are responsible for assessing the manuscript objectively, confidentially, and without bias.
  5. Section editors are responsible for ensuring double-blind review, ethical compliance, and managing conflicts of interest.
  6. Manuscripts undergo plagiarism checks before peer review (maximum accepted level of similarity is 20%)

Publication Policies
  1. BUJER publishes articles only within the scope of the journal
  2. Issues are published twice a year (June & December)
  3. All articles are open-access and made available free of charge
  4. All articles are available under the CC BY-NC 4.0 License Cc_by-nc_icon.svg
  5. All articles must follow APA 7th Edition guidelines
  6. Published articles are archived in Bartın University Library and on other indexes

Publication Process
  1. Initial review: Suitability check by editor-in-chief
  2. Secretariat review: Plagiarism and document check
  3. Language review: Initial language suitability check
  4. Review process: Section editor appoints at least two referees
  5. Decision: Following the referee's feedback, the section editor makes the decision (this process differs for each manuscript)
  6. Final revisions: The manuscript is sent back to the author for final adjustments and adding personal information
  7. Layout: The manuscript is edit for publication
  8. Issue assignment: The manuscript is assigned to an issue (may be early preview)

Last Update Time: 3/10/25, 12:51:48 AM

Bartın University Journal of Educational Research