Writing Rules

Submitted manuscripts undergo a preliminary review to assess their suitability regarding publication scope, writing quality, content, research methodology, and adherence to ethical guidelines. All submissions are checked for plagiarism using digital software. Manuscripts that do not meet the journal's scope or quality standards may be returned to the authors without entering the peer-review process.

⚠️ Authors must follow the steps outlined on the File Submission page on DergiPark when uploading their documents:

  • Studies involving clinical or experimental treatments require ethical board approval. The ethical approval must be obtained, documented, and submitted during the file submission process. Manuscripts that do not require an ethical approval must also fill out the Ethics Exemption Form (to be published soon).
  • Manuscripts must not contain any author names, affiliations, or identifying information in the main document before submission. Author information should be uploaded separately on DergiPark.
  • All manuscripts must follow the APA 7 citation style and adhere to the Writing Rules (also the article template)

Last Update Time: 3/11/25, 7:42:35 PM

Bartın University Journal of Educational Research