Born 02 October 1972 in Kilis, Turkiye, he holds an MSc (1997) and PhD (2003) in Agricultural Engineering on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants. He is the author or co-author more than one hundred peer-reviewed scientific articles, book chapters and conference presentations as an invited speaker. Until now, he visited about one hundreds (100) different countries all over the world for scientific purposes and has good relationships with them.
• H-index: 22 / i10-index: 39 / Citations: 1867
- President of Spices Scientific Board at Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
- President of Coffee Scientific Board at Turkish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
- Turkish Ministry Representative of the Codex Alimentarius Commission
- President of International Mediterranean Symposium on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MESMAP)
- Chief Editor of Current Perspectives on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (CUPMAP)
- Manager of the Gaziantep University Ulug Bey High Technology Application and Research Center (ULUTEM)
- Manager of the Gaziantep University Phytotherapy and Medicinal Aromatic Plants Application and Research Center (FITOTABAUM)
- Founder of the NS HERBALS Coffee & Spices Co.
Ethnobotany and ethnopharmacology of Turkish Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
Good collection and agricultural practices of MAPs
Domestication of economically important MAPs
In situ and ex situ cultivation of MAPs
Field cultivation and processing of medicinal and aromatic plants
Good manufacturing practices and quality aspects
From plant raw material to final products
Phytochemistry and bioactivities of plant secondary metabolites
Novel foods, functional food, Anatolian folk medicines
Nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals and cosmeceuticals
Novel natural resources: Crop by-products as novel natural raw materials for industries
Herbal Coffees
Prof. Dr. Ilkay Erdogan Orhan holds a Pharmacist degree (1993) from Gazi University (Ankara, Türkiye), 1st M.Sc. degree from the Department of Pharmacognosy at the same Faculty (1996) with a young scientist scholarship provided by Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK). Then, she was awarded her second M.Sc. degree in Marine Natural Product Chemistry in 1998 at the University of the Ryukyus in Japan, supported by a Monbusho scholarship. She earned a Ph.D. in Pharmacognosy at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Gazi University (Ankara, Türkiye) in 2002. She was a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Winnipeg (Canada) in 2003 under the NATO-TUBITAK fellowship program. She was promoted to Assoc. Prof. position by the Higher Education Council (Türkiye) in 2004 and to full professor in 2009. Dr. Orhan was appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Eastern Mediterranean University in Northern Cyprus (2011-2014) and Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Gazi University in Ankara (2016-2024). Since July, 2024, Prof. Orhan is the Dean of of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Lokman Hekim University . She is Vice President of the International Scientific Evaluation Board of the Austrian Drug Screening Institute (ADSI).
Dr. Orhan received several awards such as Young Woman Scientist Award in Asia continent by OWSD (Organization of Women in Science in Developing Countries) & Elsevier, Science Award in Biology by COMSTECH (OIC Standing Committee on Science and Technological Cooperation) in 2010, Young Woman Scientist Award (in Life Sciences) by L’Oreal & Turkish Academy of Sciences in 2011, and Honor Award by Gazi University in 2011, Innovation Award for Women in Turkey in 2015, Science Award by Turkish Association of Pharmacists in 2016, Golden Mortar Science Award in Pharmacy in 2017, Silver Medal for Patent in International Invention Fair by Turkish Ministry of Science and Technology in 2017 as well as Best Academic Invention Medal by International Federation of Invention Associations (IFIA) in 2018. She also received the TWAS (The World Academy of Sciences) Science Award in Chemistry and a Certificate of Outstanding Service and Achievement from the Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen's Foundation (TÜSİAV) and Climate Ambassador Award by the Turkish Vegan and Healthy Life Tourism Association (TEVSAD) & Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen Foundation (TÜSİAV) & Ministry of Environment and Urbanization in 2024. She is the principal member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) and was the Representative of Southeast Europe & Turkey Region for the Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE) for 2019-2023.
She is the author of more than 295 scientific papers listed by SCE, 47 articles in other scientific journals, 24 book chapters, 4 patents (Turkish, US, & EP), 6 patent applications, and 4 books. Her h index is 56 (Web of Science) and 60 (SCOPUS) with over 15000 citations. Her research interests are chemistry and bioactivities of natural products, natural cosmetics, phytotherapy, sports pharmacy, and aromatherapy. She is currently Associate Editor of Phytomedicine.
Prof. Dr. Ilkay Erdogan Orhan holds a Pharmacist degree (1993) from Gazi University (Ankara, Türkiye), 1st M.Sc. degree from the Department of Pharmacognosy at the same Faculty (1996) with a young scientist scholarship provided by Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK). Then, she was awarded her second M.Sc. degree in Marine Natural Product Chemistry in 1998 at the University of the Ryukyus in Japan, supported by a Monbusho scholarship. She earned a Ph.D. in Pharmacognosy at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Gazi University (Ankara, Türkiye) in 2002. She was a post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Winnipeg (Canada) in 2003 under the NATO-TUBITAK fellowship program. She was promoted to Assoc. Prof. position by the Higher Education Council (Türkiye) in 2004 and to full professor in 2009. Dr. Orhan was appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Eastern Mediterranean University in Northern Cyprus (2011-2014) and Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Gazi University in Ankara (2016-2024). Since July, 2024, Prof. Orhan is the Dean of of the Faculty of Pharmacy at Lokman Hekim University . She is Vice President of the International Scientific Evaluation Board of the Austrian Drug Screening Institute (ADSI).
Dr. Orhan received several awards such as Young Woman Scientist Award in Asia continent by OWSD (Organization of Women in Science in Developing Countries) & Elsevier, Science Award in Biology by COMSTECH (OIC Standing Committee on Science and Technological Cooperation) in 2010, Young Woman Scientist Award (in Life Sciences) by L’Oreal & Turkish Academy of Sciences in 2011, and Honor Award by Gazi University in 2011, Innovation Award for Women in Turkey in 2015, Science Award by Turkish Association of Pharmacists in 2016, Golden Mortar Science Award in Pharmacy in 2017, Silver Medal for Patent in International Invention Fair by Turkish Ministry of Science and Technology in 2017 as well as Best Academic Invention Medal by International Federation of Invention Associations (IFIA) in 2018. She also received the TWAS (The World Academy of Sciences) Science Award in Chemistry and a Certificate of Outstanding Service and Achievement from the Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen's Foundation (TÜSİAV) and Climate Ambassador Award by the Turkish Vegan and Healthy Life Tourism Association (TEVSAD) & Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen Foundation (TÜSİAV) & Ministry of Environment and Urbanization in 2024. She is the principal member of the Turkish Academy of Sciences (TÜBA) and was the Representative of Southeast Europe & Turkey Region for the Phytochemical Society of Europe (PSE) for 2019-2023.
She is the author of more than 295 scientific papers listed by SCE, 47 articles in other scientific journals, 24 book chapters, 4 patents (Turkish, US, & EP), 6 patent applications, and 4 books. Her h index is 56 (Web of Science) and 60 (SCOPUS) with over 15000 citations. Her research interests are chemistry and bioactivities of natural products, natural cosmetics, phytotherapy, sports pharmacy, and aromatherapy. She is currently Associate Editor of Phytomedicine.
University Department of Life Sciences, University of Mumbai, Vidyanagari, Santacruz (East), India
University of Presov, Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences, Department of Ecology, Presov, Slovakia
Prof. Dr. Ivan Salamon: university teacher and scientist, is the managing investigator of several R & D projects of medicinal and aromatic plants. He is the principal author of the patent – the freeze-drying technology (lyophilization), as unique methods of anthocyanin isolation from medicinal plant small fruits, Chamomile variety “LIANKA” with the high content of /-/-α-bisabolol and Peppermint variety “KRISTINKA” with the high content of menthol of essential oils. Both varieties obtain the Certificates by the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) in Angers, France.
Professor Agnieszka Szopa is a research and didactic employee working at the Chair and Department of Pharmaceutical Botany, Faculty of Pharmacy, Jagiellonian University, Collegium Medicum in Cracow, Poland.
Her research interest is focused on the plant biotechnology, phytochemistry and phytotherapy as well as phytocosmetology.
Her scientific activity especially has been devoted to pharmaceutical aspects of plant biotechnology of medicinal and cosmetic plants. She specializes mainly in the studies of plant biotechnology focused on the production of bioactive metabolites. Her research is also concerned to the study of the biological activities of medicinal plant species (from in vitro and in vivo).
She completed numerous international scientific and didactic internships.
She is an academic teacher in pharmaceutical botany, cosmetic plants, plant biotechnology and phytochemistry.
Department of Department of Agronomic Sciences Faculty of Agriculture and Environment Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania
Professor Agnieszka Szopa is a research and didactic employee working at the Department of Medicinal Plant and Mushroom Biotechnology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical College, Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland.
Her research interest is focused on the plant biotechnology, phytochemistry and phytotherapy as well as phytocosmetology.
Her scientific activity especially has been devoted to pharmaceutical aspects of plant biotechnology of medicinal and cosmetic plants. She specializes mainly in the studies of plant biotechnology focused on the production of bioactive metabolites. Her research is also concerned to the study of the biological activities of medicinal plant species (from in vitro and in vivo).
She completed numerous international scientific and didactic internships.
She is an academic teacher in pharmaceutical botany, cosmetic plants, plant biotechnology and phytochemistry.
Her scientific activity is documented by above 200; Impact Factor: 480; Index H: 35 (acc. Web of Science), 38 (acc. Scopus), 43 (acc. Google Scholar); number of citations by Web of Science Database: 3600.
RESEARCH TOPICS: plant biotechnology, plant in vitro cultures, pharmacy, pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical botany, pharmacology, medicinal plants, cosmetic plants, herbal medicine, phytochemistry, biological activity of natural compounds.
• / 0000-0002-6351-4047
• https : // /in/ agnieszka -szopa- 75332815b /
Department of Department of Agronomic Sciences Faculty of Agriculture and Environment Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania
Plant physiology and Biochemistry, Agricultural biotechnology, Plant Microbe Interaction, Medicinal Plant Research, Soil Biochemistry, Microbial Ecology, Biological Control of Plant Diseases.
He graduated in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technology (CTF) from the University of Bologna with a grade of 110/110 cum laude, discussing a thesis in Organic Chemistry entitled “Determination of the antioxidant power of natural and synthetic molecules using a pressure transducer”. He received his PhD degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2004 from the University of Bologna, under the mentorship of Prof. Pedulli, discussing a thesis entitled “Antioxidant activity of polyphenolic molecules.”
From 2019 he is Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Bologna, department of Chemistry “G. Ciamician”.
He has authored 103 articles in international journals with impact factor, authored 6 book chapters and has been a speaker at 12 congresses.
He has an H-index of 45 (Scopus).
He is a referee for numerous journals, such as Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Chem. Commun., Chem. Eur. J., Food Chem.
He has collaborations with industry, including ENI spa about the stabilization of recycled cooked oils.
He is in the Editorial board of the international journal “Antioxidants”.
He was awarded on 1/12/2023 as PIFI Visiting Scientist form the Chinese Academy of Science.
He was member of the organizing and scientific committees of the 5° International Symposium on lipid Oxidation and Antioxidants, 8-10 July 2024 Bologna.
Recent competitive funding: Canaletto 2022-23 (Italy-Poland Bilateral scientific cooperation. Nanomaterials with antioxidant activity: from design and mechanistic studies to potential applications). PRIN 2022 FEROX, proposal code 20227XZKBY (member of the research group).
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