Writing Rules

1. Aim and Scope
Before you send your application to darulfunun ilahiyat, please look through the journal’s “Aim and Scope” page. Studies that fall outside the scope of the journal will unfortunately not be accepted for the review process.

2. Types of Submission

Studies submitted for publication are first examined by the Journal Manager and Chief Editor in regard to the suitability of their goals, subject, content, presentation style and compliance to the journal’s writing rules. Your work should be between 5000-8000 words, excluding references. The editorial evaluation criteria to be applied to all article types submitted to the journal are listed below:
(1) High academic quality
(2) Clear expression of theoretical bases
(3) Specialist conceptual and or methodological academic contribution
(4) Theoretical and or method innovation
(5) Careful use of modern methods

2.1. Research Article
darulfunun ilahiyat aims to publish work that reveals fundamental problems in the field of religion and offers solutions to them. Particular attention is paid to:
(a) Expression of the theoretical framework on which the research is based
(b) Statement of the theoretical and practical contribution that the research makes
(c) Contribution to the current knowledge in the religious sciences
(d) Presentation of original theses in a coherent manner
(e) Presentation of groundwork to approach and methodology

2.2. Research Note
Research notes aim to share the academic experience gained through research. Research notes, in which researchers can also convey their personal evaluations, should not exceed 2500 words.

2.3. Meeting Abstract

Meeting abstract includes evaluations of the contents of a national or international academic meeting and should not exceed 1500 words. The academic contribution of the meeting,should be discussed in a meeting abstract.

2.4. Book Reviews
Book reviews submitted to the journal should not exceed 1500 words. 

3. General Format Properties

3.1 Font: The font used in the entire manuscript should be Times New Roman, font size 10,5.
3.2 Page Layout: In a A4 paper, page margins for bottom, top, right, and left should be pre-set as 0.98 inch. Text should be justified with no hyphenation breaks in words at the end of a line. Text should be typed as a single-column document. Paragraphs and headings should not be indented, but aligned with the main text.
3.3 Paragraph Format: Paragraph indents should be pre-set in the tabs section as follows: before and after: 6 pt; line spacing: 1.5.
3.4 Word Limit: Submitted manuscripts should be between 5000-8000 words.
3.5 Abstract: Abstract should be between 150-200 words.
3.6 Keywords: 5-8 keywords are required.
3.7 Extended Summary: Extended summary in English is required for non-English articles. The extended summary should be between 1000-1500 words.

3.8 Main Text

Please look at the [04_main_document.pdf] for an example of how the main text will look. Important Note: The main document you upload should not contain author names or information. Be sure to remove this information from the submitted documentation before uploading. Such information should be included on the Title Page. Quantitative and qualitative studies should include introduction, method, results and discussion sections. Sampling/study group, data collection tools and process subsections are to be stated in method section, model subsection should only be included if an original model is used.

3.9. Title Page

The following information should be provided in he Title Page:
(i) title of the manuscript
(ii) category of the manuscript
(iii) full names of the author(s)
(iv) institutional information of author(s) (instituiton, city, country)
(v) e-mail addresses of author(s)
(vi) orcid
(vii) Information regarding financing, conflict of interest and acknowledgement

3.10 Tables, Figures and Appendices: Tables, figures, pictures, graphics, and similar aspects should be embedded in the text, and not provided as appendices. Under the Paragraph tab, ensure that the indentation is as follows: before and after: 0; spacing: single. Tables and figures should be left aligned, and the text wrapping feature should be turned off.
Appendices: Each appendix should be displayed on a separate page after the
references section.

3.11. Reference Style: darulfunun ilahiyat complies with CMOS 17 (The Chicago Manual of Style) style 17th Edition for referencing and quoting. For more information: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html 

3.12. Extended Summary: darulfunun ilahiyat attaches great importance to the dissemination and influence of the articles it publishes with the international public. To this end, works written in Turkish and Arabic are published together with an extended summary in English. The authors are requested therefore to prepare an extended summary for the article. The extended summary should be 1000-1500 words and reflect the main claims in the various parts of the article (i.e., Introduction, Methodology, Results, Conclusion, etc.).

4. Submissions in a Foreign Language

darulfunun ilahiyat accepts submissions in Turkish, English and Arabic. Submissions received in these languages are evaluated in terms of language proficiency before the referees evaluate them. Those submissions that are judged to be incomprehensible by a referee that is a native language speaker will not be accepted into the review process and will be sent to the author for correction.


Istanbul University gives importance to ensuring an ethical, transparent and fair editorial and referee review process. With the scope of this aim, Istanbul University supports the Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) platform. To differentiate researchers from each other ORCID matches researchers with their previous work by assigning a digital ID number. In the articles published by the darulfunun ilahiyat the authors are listed with ORCID numbers. Our expectation from writers is that they provide ORCID information during their application. If you currently have no ORCID number, you can obtain it here [http://orcid.org/register].

6. Sending Us the Work
Please click the link below to submit the work to the darulfunun ilahiyat
If you encounter any problem in submission please contact ilahiyat.editor@istanbul.edu.tr
Note: darulfunun ilahiyat does not request any submission fee.

7. The Publication Process
7.1. Post-Acceptance

The acceptance of the work for publication is reported to the corresponding author. The work that the corresponding author has organized according to the relevant reports is reviewed by the Chief Editor or Field Editor. The approved work then undergoes a proofreading and redaction process.

7.1.1. OnlineFirst

OnlineFirst is the platform where Istanbul University publishes ready-to-print articles online before they go to press. An article on OnlineFirst is published with a DOI (Digital Object Identifiers) number, as Volume and page numbers are still unassigned.
The article is removed from the OnlineFirst page when it is published, and is included in the published edition in the website.
A study accepting for publication is published as OnlineFirst within approximately 30 days.

8. Contact Information

Please contact the address of e-mail ilahiyat.editor@istanbul.edu.tr for your questions regarding darulfunun ilahiyat.