Reviewer and Editor Guidelines

Given that the Diyanet İlmi Dergi aims to publish original and significant articles, we request the reviewers' assistance in evaluating the submissions we receive.
Below are some guidelines for the manuscript review process, instructions on becoming a reviewer, and tips on writing a thorough review. We adhere to review terms and conditions based on the COPE Principles, which offer further guidance on conducting an objective and constructive review.
Diyanet İlmi Dergi adopts a double-blind peer-review model.

Selection of Reviewers
The reviewers are selected from experts who hold a PhD degree in the relevant field of science and have publications in that field. Information on experts from universities in Türkiye can be found on the YÖK Academic website, while information on experts from abroad is available on Publons.

Duties and Responsibilities of Reviewers
1) Objectivity: Reviews should be carried out in an objective manner. Reviewers should be mindful of any personal biases and consider them when evaluating a manuscript. The reviewer must clearly articulate their considerations in support of their decision.
2) Contribution to Editorial Decision: Peer review aids the editor in making editorial decisions and offers the author an opportunity to enhance the manuscript. In this regard, a reviewer who feels inadequate to review an article or believes they cannot complete the review within a short timeframe should decline the invitation to review.
3) Confidentiality: All manuscripts received by the journal for review must be treated as confidential documents. Reviewers must refrain from sharing reviews or information about the manuscript with anyone, and they should not contact the authors directly. The information contained in the study should not be utilized by a reviewer in their own research without obtaining express written permission from the author. Privileged information or ideas acquired through peer review must be kept confidential and should not be exploited for personal gain.
4) Sensitivity to the Ethical Conduct of Research and Publication: Reviewers should be vigilant about potential ethical issues in the manuscript and promptly report them to the editor.
5) Conflict of Interest: Reviewers should decline to review a manuscript if potential conflicts of interest arise from their relationship with the authors or the organizations associated with the manuscript.
6) Reviewer Citation Request: If a reviewer recommends that an author include citations to the reviewer's (or their associates') work, it should be based on genuine scientific reasons and not for the purpose of artificially inflating citations or enhancing the visibility of the reviewer's work. See also Ethical Rules for Reviewers

Review Guide
The assessments conducted by the reviewers must be objective. During the review process, reviewers are expected to base their assessments on the following points:
• Does the article present new and significant information?
• Does the abstract clearly and accurately summarize the content of the article?
• Is the methodology described in a coherent and comprehensible manner?
• Are the interpretations and conclusions supported by the findings?
• Are there adequate references provided to other studies in the field?
• Is the command of language satisfactory?
• Do the abstract in Turkish or any other language and keywords accurately reflect the content of the article?

Editor Guide

Selection of Editors
Editors are selected from among experts who hold a PhD degree and have publications relevant to the scope of the journal.

Türkiye Editors Workshop Group
Diyanet İlmî Dergi encourages editors to engage in communication with other editors, as it is deemed beneficial for their work. Our editors are members of the Turkish Editors Workshop Group.

Duties and Responsibilities of Editors

Coordination of Review Process
The editor should ensure that the peer review process is fair, impartial, and conducted in a timely manner. Research articles should undergo review by a minimum of two external reviewers, and the editor should solicit additional comments as needed.

Selection of Reviewers
The editor will select reviewers with suitable expertise in the relevant field, considering the importance of ensuring appropriate, inclusive, and diverse representation. The editor will adhere to best practices to prevent the selection of fraudulent reviewers.

Protection of Confidentiality
The editor must uphold the confidentiality of all material submitted to the journal and all communications with reviewers, unless otherwise agreed upon with the authors and reviewers involved. In exceptional circumstances and in consultation with the publisher, the editor may share limited information with editors of other journals if it is deemed necessary to investigate suspected research misconduct. The editor must safeguard the anonymity of the reviewers. The information contained in the manuscript submitted should not be utilized by an editor in their own research without obtaining express written permission from the author. Privileged information or ideas acquired through peer review must be kept confidential and should not be exploited for personal gain.

The editor should assess manuscripts based on their intellectual content, without consideration of the race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, nationality, or political philosophy of the authors.

Investigation of Allegations
An editor who discovers compelling evidence of ethical violations should inform the Editorial Board and the Publisher to address the matter appropriately, which may involve correcting, retracting, or otherwise amending the manuscript.

Conflict of Interest
The editor should refrain from participating in decisions regarding manuscripts authored by themselves or by family members. Additionally, such a paper should undergo all the standard procedures of the journal. The editor should adhere to the COPE guidelines regarding the disclosure of potential conflicts of interest by authors and reviewers.

Decision to Publish
The editor is tasked with evaluating the reviewers' reports and determining which of the manuscripts submitted to the Journal should be published. The editor must adhere to the policies established by the Editorial Board.

Journal Citation Request
The editor must refrain from attempting to manipulate the ranking of the journal by artificially inflating any of the journal metrics. The editor will not request the citation of articles from their journal or any other journal, except for scholarly reasons.

Correction, Retraction, Statement of Concern
If minor errors are detected in the published article that do not impact the findings, interpretations, and conclusions, editors may contemplate publishing a correction. If significant errors or violations are uncovered that invalidate the findings and conclusions, editors may need to contemplate retracting the manuscript. Editors are advised to contemplate publishing a statement of concern in instances where there might be indications of unreliable findings and the authors' institutions have not conducted a comprehensive investigation. Furthermore, if the investigation appears unjustified, inconclusive, or if there is a potential for research or publication misconduct by the authors, it may be suitable to issue a statement of concern. The correction, withdrawal, or expression of concern follows the guidelines outlined by COPE.

Last Update Time: 6/9/24, 1:19:53 PM