Gümüşhane University e-Journal of Faculty of Communication is published twice a year, in March and September. In the journal; Manuscripts that have been previously published, accepted for publication and are being evaluated for publication are not accepted. The responsibility of the published articles belong to the author. It cannot be quoted without giving reference.
If a review is requested from the author, the review must be made within 2 weeks at the latest. Articles with the following features are published in the Gümüşhane University e-Journal of Faculty of Communication. Article acceptance begins after the relevant issue is published. The editorial board of our journal may terminate the publication acceptance process depending on the application status.
Check that your work complies with the spelling and publishing rules. Articles that do not comply with our writing and publishing rules will not be included in the evaluation process. Editors have the right to reject the article that does not comply with the writing and publishing rules.
Gümüşhane University e-Journal of Faculty of Communication (e-Gifder) is indexed by ULAKBİM, EBSCO, ASOS Social Sciences Index, ARASTIRMAX Scientific Publication Index, SOBIAD and Acarindex.