1) Gumushane University Faculty of Communication Electronic Journal is a peer-reviewed and academical journal. It includes reviews, research papers, theoretical articles, book reviews etc. about communication sciences. Journal's abbreviation is “e-gifder”.
2) E-gifder is published bi-annually in March and September.
3) All submitted works must be original, must not have appeared elsewhere, and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere. Works which have been presented in conferences, symposiums or other meetings be accepted.
4) All submitted works for publication undergo peer review double-blind refereeing by at least two reviewers.
5) The articles may be written in Turkish and English languages. Publishing works in German, Russian, Arabian, Persian and French up to the decision of Editorial Board.
6) The articles to be sent to the journal should be edited in accordance with the Journal rules. Author(s) should sign-up the Journal webpage and send works on their membership page.
7) All the legal responsibility of the article content is of author(s). The responsibility of the papers cannot be imposed on the journal under any circumstances. Author(s) should fill the copyright form along with their work. Also, author(s) should send their resume and contact information (e-mail & telephone number are required as attached with maximum 75 words.
8) Publication rights belong to e-gifder. The authors will not be paid for the rights of their article.
9) The works are expected to be prepared with academic writing rules.
10) All developments and results in the evaluation process is notified to the 1st author online Successful works prepared according to the principles of scientific research methods may be published by editorial decision.
11) The works sent to e-gifder for publication are reviewed by the editor first and then submitted to the editorial board. After the positive opinion of the editorial board, the work is sent to the referees for the review process. After the review process and the necessary deficiencies are taken by the author, works taken into the publishing queue and published.
12) Since the review process of the works is carried out according to the blind refereeing technique author(s) name or any other information which identifies the author(s) should certainly not be included in the works. This information will be added after the review process is done. If author's work is a thesis summary or a conference paper the editor should be informed about this.
13) Master's and PhD thesis summaries and all works derived from the thesis will be subject to the referee process. In each issue of the journal, a maximum of 5 studies produced from postgraduate theses will be included.
14) Author(s) should prepare their resume and upload them (as Word or PDF) into attachment on submitting process
15) Plagiarism report is required for all work. The similarity rate should be at most 20%. The report should be taken without including the bibliography.
16) a) In studies with a single author, an explanation should be made for the following two items. Then the Document must be signed by the author and uploaded to the system:
- Supporting Institution / Organizations:
The text should be prepared in a plan as follows and the headings in the main text should be numbered.
ABSTRACT (Between 150 – 250 words – Font Size: 9)
Keywords (Between 3-5 words)
TITLE IN TURKISH (or Title in Second Language)
Main Text
1. …
1.1. …
2. ….
2.1. …
· The main heading should be centered, bold and 12 font size. Subheadings should be only first letters capitalized, left justified and 12 font size. Name of the author should be written right under the title as right justified, footnoted (e.g. Ersin DIKER) and 12 font size. If there is more than one author, their names should be written one under the other and sorted by numbers. Also, author(s) title, affiliation, e-mail and OrcidID should be written with 10 font size as the footnote. (e.g. Res. Asst. Gumushane University, Faculty of Communication, ersindiker@gunushane.edu.tr, OrcID: 0000.0000.0000.000x).
· There should be English abstract and under it there should be title and abstract in Turkish on the beginning of every work submitted to e-gifder.
· Abstracts should be between 150-250 words and 9 font size. “ABSTRACT” and “ÖZ” headings should be centered, bold and 12 font size. If the work was written on another language title and abstract should be translated into Turkish. Abstracts should contain the aim of the work, methods, findings, conclusion, and originality info.
· Manuscripts should be in A4 paper size, headings should be written in Calibri and the text should be written in Times New Roman style, justified, 1.5 line spacing and 12 font size in Word program. Paragraph spacing should be before 0 pt and after 6 pt.
· The paragraphs must be indented (1.25 cm).
· Page numbers should not be placed.
· It should be noted that text, drawings, or graphics should be in the writing area.
· Images, figures, and graphics should be shown under the name "Figure".
· Figures and graphics should also be drawn on the computer, sequentially numbered, and the sources of the figures and tables should be given with 9 font size at the bottom. In addition, the headings (name) of the figures and tables should be written in Calibri style as the first letters capitalized, centered and bold with 12 font size. In-table texts should be written in Calibri style with 12 font size (font size can be reduced to 9 points if required). In-table text paragraphs spacing should be 0nk before – after and line spacing should be 1nk.
· References should be given between the parentheses in the text, in order of author surnames, publication date, and page number.
· If the author's name and publication dates are mentioned in the text, they should not be given in parentheses.
· For references with 3 or more authors, the abbreviation "et. al" should be used.
· References to the same subject in the text should be separated by a semicolon.
· When referring an author who has more than one work published in the same year, the works should sort by publication date and “a,b,c,…” indicators should be used for these works.
- Short quotations should be shown in quotation marks. Quotations longer than 4 lines should be written as a separate paragraph, 1 cm left and right indented with 10 font size as a block.
- If the name of the corporate person is too long or the abbreviated form is known well, the abbreviation may be used after the first reference. If the abbreviation will be used, in the first reference full name of the institution should be given and next to it the abbreviation should be given in the quotation. Abbreviations should be used in subsequent references.
- For referring more than one work, all references should be given in a single parenthesis by separating them from each other with semicolons. In parentheses, the alphabetical order should be followed by the surname of the author.
- If more than one work of the same author is to be cited at the same time, the date should be sorted by date without repeating the author.
- If the publication date is uncertain, the abbreviation of no date "n.d" should be used.
- References should be hanging indent by 1,25
Some examples of in-text references are given below
(Gülsoy, 1999: 158). : Single author
(Kocabaş and Elden, 2001: 18). : Two authors.
(Birlik, 2002a: 32, 2002b: 112). : Multiple works by the same author in the same year
(Elden, 2003: 38; Elden, 2009: 205): Same author's separate publications
(Kara et al., 1991: 28). : Three or more authors
(Karaçor, 2007: 43; Tayfur, 2008: 151). : Multiple references to the same subject
(Türkiye Halkla İlişkiler Derneği, 2010). : No author and available on the website
(http://www.pazarlamadunyasi.co.). : Internet sources
(Kütüphaneciliğe Giriş, 1987).: No author
(Kültür ve Turizm Bakanığı 2008: 151). : Corporate author
(N. Bostancı ile kişisel iletişim, 22 Haziran 2010): Interviews
(Efe 2011 as cited in Güllüpunar, 2016: 156). : Secondary sources
The source representations in the text above are for articles in English. The links used in referencing in articles written in foreign languages should be compatible with the spelling language. The notes should be given in a separate page at the end of the article under the heading
GERAY, Haluk (2006). Toplumsal Araştırmalarda Nicel ve Nitel Yöntemlere Giriş, Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
AVŞAR, Zakir ve ELDEN Müge (2004). Reklam Ve Reklam Mevzuatı, Ankara: RTÜK Yayınları.
ELDEN, Müge; ULUKÖK, Özkan; YEYGEL, Sinem (2005). Şimdi Reklamlar, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
FORCEVİLLE, Charles (1996). Pictorial Metaphor in Advertising, London: Routledge.
Translated Books:
SULLIVAN, Luke (2000). Satan Reklam Yaratmak, (Çev: Sevtap Yaman), Ankara: MediaCat Kitapları.
Chapter in Books (Chapter or Articles)
BAKAN, Ömer (2008). Halkla İlişkiler Aracı Olarak İnternet, (Editörler), Ahmet Kalender ve Mehmet Fidan. Halkla İlişkiler, Konya: Tablet Yayınları, s.373-389.
BATI, Uğur (2005). “Bir Anlam Yaratma Süreci ve İdeolojik Yapı Olarak Reklamların Göstergebilimsel Bir Bakış Açısıyla Çözümlenmesi”, C.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 29 (2), s.175-190. (Not; 29(2): cilt ve sayıyı ifade eder. Sadece cilt ya da sayı olduğunda parantez olmadan ilgili bilgi yazılır. örn. "Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2, ....")
MCQUARRİE, Edward (1996) “Figures of Rhetoric in Advertising Language” Journal of Consumer Research. 22, p.424-438.
GÜLLÜPUNAR, Hasan (2010). Seçmen Tercihi Bakımından Aday İmajı: Konya 2009 Yerel Seçimleri, Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi, Konya.
Conference Papers:
TARHAN, Ahmet (2006). "Turistik Tanıtma Sorununa Bir Çözüm Önerisi: Tanıtma Tekerleği", I. Uluslar arası Beyşehir ve Yöresi Sempozyumu, 47-57 Mayıs 2006, Konya.
ACEMOGLU, Daron ve JOHNSON Simon (2006). Disease and Development: The Effect of Life Expectancy on Economic Growth, NBER Working Paper 12269, http:// www.nber.org/papers/w12269, Erişim Tarihi: 06.06.2006.
HAZİNE MÜSTEŞARLIĞI; (2006), ''Kamu Borç Yönetimi Raporu'', http://www.hazine.Gov. tr/duyuru/basin KBYR.Mayis06.pdf, Erişim Tarihi: 06.06.2006.
REKABET KURUMU, http://www.rekabet.gov.tr/, Erişim Tarihi: 12.02.2005.
TİGREL, Ali; ''Timetable: What will Happen and When,'' http://europa.eu. int/euro/html. Erişim Tarihi: 27.09.1999.