Writing Rules


• It should summarize the research topic.
• It should be written in Garamond 14 pt size, bold and justified.
• It should be in both Turkish and English.
• It should not exceed 20 words.
• The initials of each word should be capitalized.

Abstract and Keywords
• It should be in both Turkish and English
• It should be minimum 150, maximum 200 words.
• It should include the purpose, method, a few important results and recommendations of the study clearly and briefly.
• It should be written in Garamond 10 pt size, bold and justified.
• There should be 4 or 5 keywords that reflect the integrity of the study.

Extended Abstract
• It should be at least 750 words (If the research is in Turkish, it should be written in English, and if the research is in English, it should be written in Turkish.), It should not exceed 1200 words.
• It should be written under the titles of Problem Statement, General and Sub-objectives Method, Findings and Discussion and Suggestions.
• Garamond, 11 pt, justified, left and right 2,5 cm indent,
• Paragraphs should start with a 1cm indent.
• No spaces should be left before and after paragraphs.

Main Text
• It should be Garamond 11 pt and margins are 2,5cm.
• It should be written justified.
• Paragraphs should start with a 1cm indent.
• No spaces should be left before and after paragraphs.
• Table and Figure titles should be justified, and the initials of each word should be capitalized.
• There should not be vertical lines on tables and it should not contain any sub-fund attachments observed in the outputs of demo software.
• Figures should be legible and should not contain sub-fund attachments observed in demo software outputs.

• The research should be prepared in the titles of Title, Abstract and Keywords, Introduction/Problem Status, Method (Method, Universe and Sample/Study Group, Data collection tools, Data analysis), Findings, Conclusion and Discussion, Suggestions and References.
• References should be prepared in accordance with the principles APA.
• Ethics committee approval information of the research and the support received should be stated in the Method section.
• If the research has multiple authors, the contribution of each author to the study should be explained at the end of the references section.
• If the study is produced from a graduate thesis or project (BAP, Tübitak etc.) and if students, advisors or project group members are not named in the study, the reason should be written, and if possible, a signed document stating that these people voluntarily waived the study should be uploaded to the journal platform along with the study.
• If the study is produced from a graduate thesis or project (BAP, Tübitak, etc.), the necessary information should be specified in the study.
• The Copyright Transfer Agreement for the study should be uploaded to the journal platform simultaneously with the research.