
- EFS Journal is an international, refereed and scientific journal published twice a year, in June and December. The average article acceptance period is 3 months.

- The journal publishes original and scientific studies prepared in Turkish and English in the fields of economics, sustainability, business, banking, finance, marketing, international trade, logistics, energy, environment, Islamic finance, finance, labor economics, econometrics, public administration and international relations.

Indexes and Platforms Scanned
Index Copernicus, Erih Plus, ROAD, ISSN Portal, WorldCat, BASE, EuroPub, Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI), Index of Academic Documents (IAD), Google Scholar, Zenodo.

Last Update Time: 12/28/24, 5:16:30 PM

Journal of Economics, Finance and Sustainability
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Mezunlar Derneği