Journal of Economics, Finance and Sustainability is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal that accepts research and review articles in English.
You can follow the Author Guidelines.
Please prepare your article according to the Economics, Finance and Sustainability Journal article template. Submissions that do not follow the sample article template will not be considered.
* Please click to download the article template, copyright form and ethics committee form. Please upload the article to the system according to the template.
*Newly submitted articles must be anonymous.
*Authors can use British or American spelling for their articles; however, a consistent style must be used throughout the article.
*Language proofreading is mandatory before publication. This is the author's responsibility.
*Please register all author(s) when submitting your article to the Open Journal System. This is the author's responsibility. Please note that we cannot add any authors in progress or after the decision.
Writing Format
Articles submitted to the Journal of Economics, Finance and Sustainability should be written in Palatino Linotype style with 11 points, single line spacing, first line indentation 1 cm and 6 pt between paragraphs. References should be prepared according to APA 7 reference and showing the abstracts. Direct quotations are written in “ ”. If the direct quotation is longer than 40 words, it should be written as a separate paragraph without using “ ”, indented and in 8 points.
Word Limit: EFS is more flexible in terms of article length. Therefore, there is no word limit for any article type.
Body of Research Article
Abstract: The abstract of the article should give readers a general idea about the research, the abstract should be written in Palatino Linotype, 8 points, 150-250 words.
Introduction: It includes the purpose of the study, its importance, conceptual-theoretical framework and general information about the study.
Method: It provides information about the method and process followed in the study. This section should include the research design, research sample or group, data collection tools and process, and data analysis.
Findings: This is the main section where the collected data and findings are presented.
Results and Discussion: This is the section where the conclusion reached through the findings is presented, and references are made to similar studies and discussions in the literature on the same subject.
All articles should include the following sections under the title 'Declaration': Acknowledgements, Conflict of Interest, Funding.
References: References should be prepared according to APA 7 reference and based on the sample article format.