Writing Rules

Technical Conditions

1. Preliminary evaluation of the articles is completed within 15 days. The editorial process, referee processes and editing of the articles are completed within 3 months. Articles that successfully pass the editorial and referee processes are published in the January or July issue. Authors are informed at every stage of the publication process.

2. Studies submitted to the journal are examined in terms of publication principles and technical conditions. In this context, it is expected that the articles sent to the journal will be arranged according to the publication principles and writing rules of the journal. The editors and the editorial board have the authority to reject the manuscripts that do not comply with the editorial rules, ethical principles, purpose and scope of the journal or return it to the author for correction.

3.Although the publication languages of Journal of Erciyes Communication are in Turkish and English, the publication of articles written in other languages is subject to the permission of the editorial board.

4. Each volume of Erciyes Communication Journal consists of the issues published during the year. Except for special issues, only one work of the authors per year/volume can be published. At this point, attention is paid to the diversity of institutions and authors.

5. Manuscripts sent to the journal for publication are accepted provided that they have not been published anywhere. While uploading the articles prepared for publication to the e-journal system, they must be uploaded under the correct option as a category.

6.Studies produced/derived from congress and symposium papers can be evaluated in Erciyes Journal of Communication with the decision of the editorial board. Conditions in this article are not sought for special issues.

7.Only studies produced and developed from doctoral theses are evaluated, provided that they are based on research and not directly in the form of a summary of the thesis.

8.When submitting an article to the 4th Erciyes Communication Journal, it is obligatory to send an author information form, ethics committee report (depending on the nature of the study), similarity report and contribution rate, and conflict of interest declaration form. Researchers must have an ORCID number. The ORCID ID number can be obtained free of charge from http://www.orcid.org.

9.No fee is charged from the authors for the article application process or publication.

10. The text should be within a certain plan including; Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction (problem presentation-purpose-importance-scope, limitation, etc.), Method, Findings, Conclusion and Evaluation, Bibliography and Extended Abstract in English. Studies prepared according to this structure are prepared within the framework of the following order and uploaded to the system;

a. The studies should be prepared in Word program, in A4 size, with a page layout of 3 cm from the left and 2.5 cm from the other edges, in the normal writing style, Cambria font, 12 pt, first 0 pt, then 6 pt and single line spacing, not exceeding 20 pages.

b. Names and surnames of the author(s), ORCID, academic titles, places of duty, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses should be uploaded to the system as a separate document/file by giving the title "Identity Information". Contribution Rate and Conflict of Interest Statement and Similarity Report should also be uploaded to the system.

c. The title of the article should be centered at the beginning of the first page, and the subtitles should be written left aligned.

d. In all articles, there should be a Turkish abstract between 150-200 words, an English summary between 140-180 characters and key words should be given in the language of the abstract text. If the article is written in another language, Turkish translations of the title and abstract should be given.

e. All articles should include an extended abstract in English and should be between 700-1000 words.

f. In the work, the table names should be written on top and the first letter of each word should be capitalized. Pictures, figures and graphics should be shown under the name of “Figure”, simple figures and graphics should be drawn on Word, their names should be numbered consecutively, figure captions should be written on Word with lowercase letters.

g. Turkish language rules should be followed in the manuscripts and the spelling of the words should be based on the latest Spelling Guide published by the Turkish Language Association.

h. Submitted articles should be written with reference management tools in Zotero, EndNote, Mendeley. Studies submitted without using any reference management tool will not be considered.

i. Tables and visuals cannot be more than 40% of the text (works with tables and visual content that reduce comprehension and readability will not be evaluated).


1. As of the January 2022 issue, APA (American Psychological Association) Style 7th Edition should be used for reference. Both in citations and in the bibliography, authors should follow the spelling rules and format specified in the American Psychological Association Publication Guide published by the American Psychological Association. APA 7 rules and examples are available at the links below.


2. Manuscripts submitted without using Zotero, Mendeley or EndNote will not be considered.

3. In articles that footnotes are used, references for footnotes should be given separately at the end of the article.

Ethical Principles

1. Journal of Erciyes Communication undertakes to implement the publication ethics at the highest standards and to comply with the following principles of the Publication Ethics and Abuse Declaration. This statement has been prepared based on the recommendations and guidelines developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Council of Science Editors (CSE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) for journal editors.

2. Manuscripts submitted to the journal are required to comply with national and international ethical rules. Authors are expected to act responsibly. In this context, it is important to consider the following items in line with the ethical issues and publication principles of the journal.

- No one's personal rights and freedoms should be attacked during the work. Insulting, targeting, demeaning, demeaning, religion, language, race, etc.as well as discriminatory expressions should not be used and personal privacy should be taken care of. Scientific, content, language and legal responsibility of the articles published in the journal belong to the authors.

- Attention should be paid to copyright regulations for intellectual and artistic works included in articles.

- If the study is a translation, it is requested from the author(s) who prepared the study, and from the publishing company (if it is published) that the original language text of the study is uploaded to the system as an additional file, with a document that the translation is allowed to be published in our journal.

- All citations must be shown in the bibliography.

- The studies submitted to the journal are evaluated within the framework of the similarity report declared at the application stage. Articles that do not comply with research and publication ethics or that have a risk of plagiarism are not evaluated. In this framework, if the similarity rate detected by the screening programs is above 15%, the relevant study cannot be published even if it receives the approval of the referee. If the study was published without noticing the situation, access to the relevant study is blocked and the study is removed from the publication list and the full issue when the situation is noticed. Journal management accepts the results of self-employed plagiarism/similarity programs as a corporate standard, not as a violation of ethics. For detailed information about the plagiarism policy, you can visit the Plagiarism Policy page.

- Articles containing quantitative/qualitative field research must have received "ethics committee approval". Articles without ethics committee approval will not be evaluated.

- In case of possible disagreement or if the journal authorities deem it necessary, they have rights for stopping the evaluation of the studies sent to the journal for evaluation without explanation, removing them from the publication process or removing the published work from publication.

- The authorities of Journal of Erciyes Communication have the right to make changes in the said rules, to put additional rules and to request that the works sent for evaluation be rearranged according to the new rules, at any time they deem necessary, without informing them.

Editorial and Refereeing Process

1. The preliminary evaluation of the articles sent to the journal is made within 15 days. Authors know that if they do not complete the changes requested from them during the pre-control phase for the files they upload to the system within 15 days at the latest, their submitted works will be returned before the editing phase.

2. Articles that are reviewed and edited by the secretary in terms of technical conditions are sent to the editorial board. The author is informed about the article within 15 days.

3. After the editorial board examines the article in terms of its scientific quality within the framework of editorial responsibility, it decides to return, reject or start the article processing process.

4. After the language editor's review, the double-blind peer-review process is initiated. The article is directed to at least two referees through field editors.

5. Considering the conflict of interest in the determination of the referees, care is taken not to appoint referees from the same institution with the author or who are found to have worked with the author in the past. Within this framework, the principle of diversity and impartiality is observed in the appointment of arbitrators.

6. For the scientific review of the articles, referees who are expected to evaluate with a competent approach and comply with the referee responsibilities and have academic studies on the literature are appointed.

7. The article is prepared for publication if both of the referee reports determined in line with the blind refereeing system are positive. If one of the referee reports is positive and the other is negative, the article is sent to a third referee. If the third referee's report is positive, the article can be published with the approval of the editorial board. If the third referee's report is negative, the article cannot be published.

8. When the referee reports are completed, the article is sent back to the author for correction. Authors must make edits and upload them to the system within 15 days. The articles that the referees want to see again are sent back to the referee after the author's editing. After the referee reports and with the approval of the editor, the article is sent for final reading. After the post-reading process, the article, whose layout processes are completed, goes to the publication stage.

9. The final decision regarding the publication of the articles belongs to the editor. The author is informed with a decision letter containing the referee reports and editorial evaluation.

10. Article processes are completed within 3 months and published in the January or July issue determined by the editorial board.

Last Update Time: 2/4/25, 3:44:20 PM