Aim & Scope

GERMENICA Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences accepts articles prepared on current issues related to Sports Sciences and Health Sciences.

Turkish and English studies are evaluated as scientific studies in our journal.

Each study uploaded to the journal must comply with the journal writing rules.

It is mandatory for the studies to be scanned with the BENZERLİK program and the report to be uploaded together with the study.

The ORCID id numbers of each author must be stated on the study.

It is a refereed journal in which research articles, review articles, case reports, original articles, compilations and special sections (Editorials, letters to the editor, problems and solutions, meeting news/impressions, magazine news, association news, website introductions, book thesis introductions) on theoretical and applied fields of Sports and Health Sciences (Physical Education and Sports Teaching, Sports Management, Psycho-Social Areas in Sports, Movement and Training Sciences, Athlete Health and Recreation) are published.

Period Months
Last Update Time: 1/20/25, 10:52:46 PM