Writing Rules

1. The text should be written using Times New Roman font using Microsoft Word for Windows on a PC compatible computer, on an A4 size white paper and on one side of the paper, leaving 2.5 cm margins on the left, 2.5 cm on the right, and 2.5 cm on the top and bottom. The title of the article should be centered, 12 point and bold, and a line space should be left and right before and after the paragraph, and the Abstract and Discussion should be left aligned, 1.25 cm indented, 10 point and bold, and the Introduction, Method, Findings, Discussion and Conclusion, and References titles should be left aligned, 1.25 cm indented, and bold. The content of these titles should be 12 point and indented with 1.25 cm indentation.
2. Author names should be 10 points, bold, centered, with line spacing above and below.
3. In the Abstract and References content, 1.0 full line spacing should be used, and in the main text, 1.5 full line spacing should be used. In the explanations of figures and tables, as well as in the writing of quotations and footnotes, 1 line spacing should be used. One space should be left between the main headings, section headings and sub-section headings such as Abstract, Abstract, Figures, Tables, Index of Abbreviations and References, and the first paragraph following them, according to the spacing used; and one space should be left between the last line of a sub-section and the next sub-section heading according to the spacing used. No additional spacing should be left between paragraphs in the text.
4. The article should be written in an easy-to-understand Turkish language and in accordance with the spelling rules. The spelling guide issued by the Turkish Language Association must be followed in terms of spelling. The narration should be in the third person, and short and concise sentences should be used. A one-character space should be left after the comma and period in the text.
5. All tables, graphs or figures should not be sent as embedded in the text, but each one should be sent printed on a separate page. Each one should be numbered according to the order of occurrence in the text and a short title should be written. It should be stated where the tables, figures and graphs appear in the text. Abbreviations used should definitely be explained at the bottom. Tables in particular should be prepared with the aim of making the text explanatory and easy to understand and should not be a repetition of the text. If quoting from another publication, written permission for reprinting should be sent together.
6. Cover Title: The title of the article (in Turkish and English), the names and surnames of all authors, their academic titles, institutions they are affiliated with, business phone-GSM, e-mail and correspondence addresses should be stated. If the article has been presented before, the place and date of presentation should be stated.
7. The abstract should not exceed 350 words, research articles and reviews should not exceed 10 pages, and case reports should not exceed 5 pages.
8. All tables, graphs or figures should not be sent as embedded in the text, but each one should be sent printed on a separate page. Each one should be numbered according to the order of occurrence in the text and a short title should be written. It should be stated where the tables, figures and graphs appear in the text. Abbreviations used should definitely be explained at the bottom. Tables in particular should be prepared with the aim of making the text explanatory and easy to understand and should not be a repetition of the text. If quoting from another publication, written permission for reprinting should be sent together.
9. The list of references should be written on a separate page at the end of the article text and should be arranged in alphabetical order. The references should be in parentheses in the text, indicating the surname and date. (Example, (Siktar, 2012), (Baldwin and Caldwell, 2003), (Martin et al., 1995).. Data and studies that have not yet been published should not be included in the references section. These should be included in the text as (name(s), unpublished data, date). If the number of authors in the references is 6 or less, the names of all authors should be written. If the number of authors is more than six, the names of the first six authors should be written, followed by “et al.” in Turkish articles and “et al.” in English articles. After the author names, the full title of the cited article, journal name, year, volume and page numbers should be written. The references should be organized as follows:
    a. For journals;
    Coleman, D. & Iso-Ahola, S. E., (1993). The Role of Social Support and Self Determination. Journal of Leisure Research. 25(1):111–128.
    b. For books;
    Peltekoğlu, F., (2007). Halkla İlişkiler Nedir? 5. Baskı. İstanbul: Beta Basım.
    c. For the book section;

    Zvaifler NJ, Antimalarials. In: Mc Carty DJ, ed(s). (1985). Arthritis and Allied Conditions. Philadelphia: Lea and Febiger, 497-501.

    d. For the thesis;
    Tınaz, C., (2011). Türkiye’de Sponsorluk Etkisinin Kontrolü ve Farklı Ölçüm Tekniklerine Göre Durumun Değerlendirilmesi. Doktora Tezi. İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi SBE.
10. Articles that have been sent back for correction by referees and accepted should be sent back to our journal after the corrections have been made.
11. Publications must comply with national and internationally valid ethical rules, and separate ethics committee approval must be obtained and documented for clinical and experimental animal studies that require an ethics committee decision.

Last Update Time: 1/20/25, 10:52:46 PM