Research Article
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Impact of low-dose gamma irradiation treatment on microbial and chemical properties of raw milk white cheese

Year 2023, , 467 - 476, 27.12.2023


Using raw milk in cheese-making has microbiological risks, however a considerable number of artisan cheese makers around the world prefer raw milk, as heat treatment damages natural microbiota and alters the characteristic taste and flavor of the cheese. The potential of the gamma irradiation process to make the raw milk cheese microbiologically safe was investigated in this study. A total of 5 groups of cheese were produced, including control groups (control pasteurized milk cheese and control non-irradiated raw milk cheese). After the white cheese samples were kept in brine for 1 night, they were vacuum-packaged and each group was subjected to gamma irradiation at doses of 1, 2, and 3 kGy, respectively. Chemical composition, pH, acidity, Urea-PAGE images, total aerobic mesophilic bacteria (TAMB), coliform group bacteria, E. coli, yeasts and molds, Lactobacillus and Lactococcus counts of cheese samples were determined during 60 days of storage at 4°C. All analyzes were performed on days 1, 30, and 60 of production. We found that irradiation reduced the microbiological load of the cheeses and slowed down the degradation of αs1-CN and β-CN especially at 3 kGy. Irradiation at 3 kGy successfully inhibited the coliforms and E. coli, however yeast and mold counts were still high due to initial high levels. Our study showed that irradiation of the raw milk cheese is a promising method to reduce the microbial counts to acceptable limits which could reduce the required ripening periods for the microbial safety of raw milk cheeses.


  • Aly S A, Farag D E and Galal E (2012) Effect of Gamma Irradiation on the Quality and Safety of Egyptian Karish Cheese. Journal of Animal Science 8 761–766.
  • Andrews A T and Alichanidis E (1983) Proteolysis of caseins and the proteose-peptone fraction of milk. Journal of Dairy Research 50 275-290.
  • AOAC Official Method 972.43. (1998) Microchemical determination of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, automated method. Rockville, MD, USA: AOAC International.
  • Arvanitoyannis I S and Tserkezou P (2010) Application of Irradiation on Milk and Dairy Products. In Irradiation of Food Commodities: Techniques, Applications, Detection, Legislation, Safety and Consumer Opinion, pp 265-285. Arvanitoyannis I S ed. USA: Elsevier Inc.
  • Beuvier E and Buchin S (2004) Raw milk cheeses. In Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology 3rd Ed Vol. 1: General Aspects, pp 319-345. Fox P F, McSweeney P L H, Cogan T M, Guinee T P ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier Ltd.
  • Blank G, Shamsuzzaman K and Sohal S (1992) Use of electron beam irradiation for mold decontamination. on Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science 75 13–18.
  • Cabezas L, Sanchez I, Poveda J M, Sesena S and Palop M L (2007) Comparison of microflora, chemical and sensory characteristics of artisanal Manchego cheeses from two dairies. Food Control 18 11-17.
  • Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Prevention (2012) [Internet document] URL Accessed 1/9/2023.
  • Dave R I, Mcmahon D J, Oberg C J, Broadbent J R (2003) Influence of coagulant level on proteolysis and functionality of mozzarella cheeses made using direct acidification. Journal of Dairy Science 86 114-126.
  • Fox P F (1989) Proteolysis during cheese manufacture and ripening. Journal of Dairy Science 72 1379-1400.
  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (2012) Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations Part 133. Cheeses and related cheese products.
  • Frank J F, Hankin L, Koburger J A and Marth E H (1985) Test for groups of microorganisms. In Standart Methods for the examination of Dairy Products. 15th edition, pp 189-201. Richardson G H ed. Washington DC: APHA.
  • Odueke O B, Farag K W, Baines R N and Chadd S A (2016) Irradiation Applications in Dairy Products: A Review. Food Bioprocess Technology 9 751–767.
  • Lalaguna F (2003) Physicochemical Response of Palmita-Type Cheese to Low-Dose Irradiation. Journal of Food Science 68 26–30.
  • Ham J S, Jeong S G, Lee S G, Han G S, Chae H S, Yoo Y M, Kim D H, Lee W K and Jo C (2009) Irradiation Effect on α- and β-Caseins of Milk and Queso Blanco Cheese Determined by Capillary Electrophoresis. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 78 158–163.
  • Harrigan W F (1998) Laboratory methods in Microbiology, pp 348 Califonia: Academics Press.
  • Huo J-X, Bai C-Y, Guo L-H and Zhao Z (2013) Effect of electron beam irradiation on the shelf life of mozzarella cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology 66 352-358.
  • IDF Standard 4A. (1982) Cheese and processed cheese - Determination of the total solids content. Brussels, Belgium: International Dairy Federation.
  • IDF Standard 88A (1988) Cheese and processed cheese products – Determination of chloride content. Brussels, Belgium: International Dairy Federation.
  • ISO 3433 | IDF 222 (2008) Cheese - Determination of fat content - Van Gulik method. Brussels, Belgium: International Dairy Federation.
  • Kim J H, Ahn H J, Jo C, Park H J, Chung Y J and Byun M W (2004) Radiolysis of biogenic amines in model system by gamma irradiation. Food Control 15 405–408.
  • Konteles S, Sinanoglou V J, Batrinou A and Sflomos K (2009) Effects of γ-Irradiation on Listeria Monocytogenes Population, Colour,Texture and Sensory Properties of Feta Cheese during Cold Storage. Food Microbiology 26 157–165.
  • Messer I W, Behney H M and Luedecke L O (1985) Microbial Count Method. In Standart Methods for the examination of Dairy Products 15th edition, pp 133-150. Richardson G H ed. Washington DC: APHA.
  • Nyamakwere F, Esposito G, Dzama K, Gouws P, Rapisarda T, Belvedere G, Masucci F and Raffrenato E (2022) Application of Gamma Irradiation Treatment on the Physicochemical and Microbiological Quality of an Artisanal Hard Cheese. Applied Sciences 12 3142.
  • Olson D G (1998) Irradiation of Food. Food Technology 52 56–62.
  • Omer M and Elshirbiny S (2005) Composition and Microstructure of Cheese as Affected by Irradiation. Egypt Journal of Dairy Science 13 33–39.
  • Ozturk, M., S. Govindasamy-Lucey, J. J. Jaeggi, M. E. Johnson, and J. A. Lucey. 2013. The influence of high hydrostatic pressure on regular, reduced, low and no salt added Cheddar cheese. Int. Dairy J. 33 175–183.
  • Rabie M A, Siliha H I, El-Saidy S M, El-Badawy A A and Malcata F X (2011) Effect of c-irradiation upon biogenic amine formation in blue cheese during storage. Intertational Dairy Journal 21 373–376.
  • Seisa D, Osthoff G, Hugo C, Hugo A, Bothma C and Van Der Merwe J (2004) The Effect of Low-Dose Gamma Irradiation and Temperature on the Microbiological and Chemical Changes during Ripening of Cheddar Cheese. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 69 419–431.
  • Shalaby A R, Anwar M M, Sallam E M and Emam W H (2016) Quality and safety of irradiated food regarding biogenic amines: Ras cheese. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 51 1048-1054.
  • TGK (2015) Turkish Food Codex Cheese Bulletin. No 2015/6. Resmî Gazete. Sayı: 29261.
  • Wang X B, Wang C N, Zhang Y C, Liu T T, Shen X and Guo M R (2018) Effects of Gamma Radiation on Microbial, Physicochemical, and Structural Properties of Whey Protein Model System. Journal of Dairy Science 101 4879–4890.

Düşük doz gama ışınlama işleminin çiğ sütten üretilen beyaz peynirin mikrobiyal ve kimyasal özellikleri üzerine etkisi

Year 2023, , 467 - 476, 27.12.2023


Peynir yapımında çiğ sütün kullanılması mikrobiyolojik riskler taşımasına rağmen, ısıl işlemin doğal mikrobiyotayı bozması ve ürünün tipik tat ve aromasını değiştirmesi nedeniyle dünya çapında önemli sayıda artizan peynir üreticisi çiğ süt kullanımını tercih etmektedir. Bu çalışmada çiğ süt peynirinin ışınlama işlemi ile mikrobiyolojik açıdan güvenli hale getirilme potansiyeli araştırıldı. Kontrol grupları (kontrol pastörize süt peyniri ve kontrol ışınlanmamış çiğ süt peyniri) dahil toplam 5 grup peynir üretildi. Beyaz peynir örnekleri salamurada 1 gece bekletildikten sonra vakumla paketlenerek 3 gruba ayrıldı ve her gruba sırasıyla 1, 2, ve 3 kGy dozlarında gama ışınlaması uygulandı. Peynir örneklerinin kimyasal kompozisyonu, pH, asitlik, Urea-PAGE görüntüleri, total aerobik mezofilik bakteri (TAMB), koliform grup bakteri, E. coli, maya - küf, Laktobasil ve Laktokok sayıları 4°C'de 60 günlük depolama süresince analiz edildi. Analizler üretimin 1, 30, ve 60. günlerinde yapıldı. Işınlamanın peynirlerin mikrobiyolojik yükünü azalttığını ve özellikle 3 kGy'de αs1-CN ve β-CN'nin bozunmasını yavaşlattığını bulduk. 3 kGy'deki ışınlama, koliformları ve E. coli'yi başarılı bir şekilde inhibe etti, ancak maya ve küf sayıları, başlangıçtaki yüksek seviyeler nedeniyle hala yüksekti. Çalışmamız, çiğ süt peynirinin ışınlanmasının, mikrobiyal yükü kabul edilebilir sınırlara düşürmek ve çiğ süt peynirleri için gerekli olgunlaşma sürelerini kısaltabilecek umut verici bir yöntem olduğunu gösterdi.

Supporting Institution

Harran Üniversitesi


  • Aly S A, Farag D E and Galal E (2012) Effect of Gamma Irradiation on the Quality and Safety of Egyptian Karish Cheese. Journal of Animal Science 8 761–766.
  • Andrews A T and Alichanidis E (1983) Proteolysis of caseins and the proteose-peptone fraction of milk. Journal of Dairy Research 50 275-290.
  • AOAC Official Method 972.43. (1998) Microchemical determination of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, automated method. Rockville, MD, USA: AOAC International.
  • Arvanitoyannis I S and Tserkezou P (2010) Application of Irradiation on Milk and Dairy Products. In Irradiation of Food Commodities: Techniques, Applications, Detection, Legislation, Safety and Consumer Opinion, pp 265-285. Arvanitoyannis I S ed. USA: Elsevier Inc.
  • Beuvier E and Buchin S (2004) Raw milk cheeses. In Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology 3rd Ed Vol. 1: General Aspects, pp 319-345. Fox P F, McSweeney P L H, Cogan T M, Guinee T P ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier Ltd.
  • Blank G, Shamsuzzaman K and Sohal S (1992) Use of electron beam irradiation for mold decontamination. on Cheddar Cheese. Journal of Dairy Science 75 13–18.
  • Cabezas L, Sanchez I, Poveda J M, Sesena S and Palop M L (2007) Comparison of microflora, chemical and sensory characteristics of artisanal Manchego cheeses from two dairies. Food Control 18 11-17.
  • Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Prevention (2012) [Internet document] URL Accessed 1/9/2023.
  • Dave R I, Mcmahon D J, Oberg C J, Broadbent J R (2003) Influence of coagulant level on proteolysis and functionality of mozzarella cheeses made using direct acidification. Journal of Dairy Science 86 114-126.
  • Fox P F (1989) Proteolysis during cheese manufacture and ripening. Journal of Dairy Science 72 1379-1400.
  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (2012) Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations Part 133. Cheeses and related cheese products.
  • Frank J F, Hankin L, Koburger J A and Marth E H (1985) Test for groups of microorganisms. In Standart Methods for the examination of Dairy Products. 15th edition, pp 189-201. Richardson G H ed. Washington DC: APHA.
  • Odueke O B, Farag K W, Baines R N and Chadd S A (2016) Irradiation Applications in Dairy Products: A Review. Food Bioprocess Technology 9 751–767.
  • Lalaguna F (2003) Physicochemical Response of Palmita-Type Cheese to Low-Dose Irradiation. Journal of Food Science 68 26–30.
  • Ham J S, Jeong S G, Lee S G, Han G S, Chae H S, Yoo Y M, Kim D H, Lee W K and Jo C (2009) Irradiation Effect on α- and β-Caseins of Milk and Queso Blanco Cheese Determined by Capillary Electrophoresis. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 78 158–163.
  • Harrigan W F (1998) Laboratory methods in Microbiology, pp 348 Califonia: Academics Press.
  • Huo J-X, Bai C-Y, Guo L-H and Zhao Z (2013) Effect of electron beam irradiation on the shelf life of mozzarella cheese. International Journal of Dairy Technology 66 352-358.
  • IDF Standard 4A. (1982) Cheese and processed cheese - Determination of the total solids content. Brussels, Belgium: International Dairy Federation.
  • IDF Standard 88A (1988) Cheese and processed cheese products – Determination of chloride content. Brussels, Belgium: International Dairy Federation.
  • ISO 3433 | IDF 222 (2008) Cheese - Determination of fat content - Van Gulik method. Brussels, Belgium: International Dairy Federation.
  • Kim J H, Ahn H J, Jo C, Park H J, Chung Y J and Byun M W (2004) Radiolysis of biogenic amines in model system by gamma irradiation. Food Control 15 405–408.
  • Konteles S, Sinanoglou V J, Batrinou A and Sflomos K (2009) Effects of γ-Irradiation on Listeria Monocytogenes Population, Colour,Texture and Sensory Properties of Feta Cheese during Cold Storage. Food Microbiology 26 157–165.
  • Messer I W, Behney H M and Luedecke L O (1985) Microbial Count Method. In Standart Methods for the examination of Dairy Products 15th edition, pp 133-150. Richardson G H ed. Washington DC: APHA.
  • Nyamakwere F, Esposito G, Dzama K, Gouws P, Rapisarda T, Belvedere G, Masucci F and Raffrenato E (2022) Application of Gamma Irradiation Treatment on the Physicochemical and Microbiological Quality of an Artisanal Hard Cheese. Applied Sciences 12 3142.
  • Olson D G (1998) Irradiation of Food. Food Technology 52 56–62.
  • Omer M and Elshirbiny S (2005) Composition and Microstructure of Cheese as Affected by Irradiation. Egypt Journal of Dairy Science 13 33–39.
  • Ozturk, M., S. Govindasamy-Lucey, J. J. Jaeggi, M. E. Johnson, and J. A. Lucey. 2013. The influence of high hydrostatic pressure on regular, reduced, low and no salt added Cheddar cheese. Int. Dairy J. 33 175–183.
  • Rabie M A, Siliha H I, El-Saidy S M, El-Badawy A A and Malcata F X (2011) Effect of c-irradiation upon biogenic amine formation in blue cheese during storage. Intertational Dairy Journal 21 373–376.
  • Seisa D, Osthoff G, Hugo C, Hugo A, Bothma C and Van Der Merwe J (2004) The Effect of Low-Dose Gamma Irradiation and Temperature on the Microbiological and Chemical Changes during Ripening of Cheddar Cheese. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 69 419–431.
  • Shalaby A R, Anwar M M, Sallam E M and Emam W H (2016) Quality and safety of irradiated food regarding biogenic amines: Ras cheese. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 51 1048-1054.
  • TGK (2015) Turkish Food Codex Cheese Bulletin. No 2015/6. Resmî Gazete. Sayı: 29261.
  • Wang X B, Wang C N, Zhang Y C, Liu T T, Shen X and Guo M R (2018) Effects of Gamma Radiation on Microbial, Physicochemical, and Structural Properties of Whey Protein Model System. Journal of Dairy Science 101 4879–4890.
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering, Dairy Technology
Journal Section dp

Çağım Akbulut Çakır 0000-0002-2754-0133

Kevser Vural Yıldız 0009-0003-9588-3335

Mutlu Buket Akın 0000-0001-8307-8521

Musa Akın 0000-0001-7569-1983

Early Pub Date December 26, 2023
Publication Date December 27, 2023
Submission Date October 25, 2023
Acceptance Date December 4, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Akbulut Çakır, Ç., Vural Yıldız, K., Akın, M. B., Akın, M. (2023). Impact of low-dose gamma irradiation treatment on microbial and chemical properties of raw milk white cheese. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 27(4), 467-476.

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