1. The manuscript should be written in Microsoft Word program, in Calibri font, 1.15 line spacing, 12 pt. plain text and a single column.
2. Margins; Left, right, bottom and top 3 cm should be left, and each row should be prepared consecutively by giving the line number.
3. Author (s) should indicate the type of manuscript as Research Manuscript.
4. The English title should be written in 14 pt (bold and centered) lowercase letters (only the first word of the title is capitalized) and in plain text. The Turkish title should be written in 12 font size and centered.
5. Author names should be written in 12 pt. (Bold, centered and plain) and a space after the title according to the Name SURNAME rule, followed by a number as superscript for the address and a * symbol to indicate the corresponding author. Address line should be written after the author names, leaving 1 space and 10 pt (normal, straight and centered).
6. Authors' ORCID numbers should be written, leaving 1 space after the address line. Under the ORCID line, the responsible author e-mail address must be specified.
7. The text must be written in the following form;
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Material and Method,
• Results and Discussion,
• Conclusions
• Acknowledgement • Declarations
- Conflict of Interest
- Author Contributions
• References
8. In the writing of main titles, only the initials of the words should be capitalized in bold. In secondary and tertiary titles, only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized, other words should be in small, not bold and italic. There should be 1 space each, including the main headings of the text, the beginning and the end of the text. 1 space should be left before subtitles, but no spaces should be left after them. All titles should be left justified without indenting.
9. Reference should be cited in the text based on (Author, year) rule. In the presentation of a reference with two authors in the text, the rule (first author's surname and second author's surname, year) should be applied. In the display of sources with more than two authors (first author's surname et al., year) rule must be applied.
For example; (Bilgili, 2020), (Bilgili and vanEs, 2018); (Bilgili et al., 2019).
10. If more than one reference will be cited at the same time in the text; Referencens should be ordered chronologically, considering the year they were published.
11. ABSTRACT: Title should be left justified, 10 pt, bold, not indented at the beginning of the paragraph. Turkish and English texts should be written in 10 font size and 1 line spacing, not exceeding 300 words. A maximum of 5 Key Words should be written just below the text, leaving a single line space (10 pt., Plain) between Abstract and Keywords, and Öz (Turkish Abstract) and Key Words. Two lines of space should be left between Key Words and the main text.
12. Photographs, graphics, drawings, etc. should be expressed as "Figure" and Tables as "Tables".
13. Tables and Figures should be numbered consecutively (Figure 1. or Table 1.). Contents of "Figure" and "Table" should be prepared with 1 line spacing and 10 pt.
14. Table titles should be written above the table, and figure titles should be written below the figures in 10 pt, 1 line spacing with the first letter capital.
15. Figure and Table titles should be written in italics;
Figure 1. The average temperature, average relative humidity and average monthly rainfall data detected in the research garden (average of the years 2007-2011)
Table 2. Phenological observation results of peach cultivars for between 2007 and 2011
16. Decimal numbers in the manuscript text and Table-Figure should be separated by a period. (123.87; 0.987 etc.).
17. One blank line should be left before and after the table-figures.
18. Manuscript writing should comply with the "International Unit System" (SI). According to this; Use g l-1 instead of g / l, and mg l-1 or ppm instead of mg / l. Percentages should be descriptive. For example; It should be specified as 3% (w / v), 3% (v / v), 3% (w / w) instead of 3%.
19. Harran Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences uses APA Style in the submission of the sources list. Accordingly, the list of references should be prepared in accordance with the following rules.
19.1. Citation to journal publications;
19.1.1. Single author manuscripts;
Mamay, M. (2015). Infestation map of pomegranate aphid [Aphis punicae Passerini (Hemiptera: Aphididae)] in Şanlıurfa province pomegranate orchards. Turkey Entomology Bulletin, 5(3), 159-166.
19.1.2. Two-author manuscripts;
Soylemez, S., & Pakyurek, A. Y. (2017). Responses of rootstocks to nutrient induced high EC levels on yield and fruit quality of grafted tomato cultivars in greenhouse conditions. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 15(3), 759-770. DOI:
19.1.3. Manuscripts with more than two authors;
İkinci, A., Mamay, M., Unlu, L., Bolat, I., & Ercisli, S. (2014). Determination of heat requirements and effective heat summations of some pomegranate cultivars grown in Southern Anatolia. Erwerbs-Obstbau, 56(4), 131-138. DOI:
19.2. Referencing Books;
19.2.1. If the source is a book;
Mohsenin, N. N. (1970). Physical Properties of Plant and Animal Materials. New York: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers.
19.2.2. If it is a chapter from the source book;
Author, A. A. (Year). Chapter title. In E. E. Editor (Ed.), Title of book: And subtitle (pp. pages). Place: Publisher.
19.2.3. Edited book;
Yeşilyaprak, B. (Ed.). (2003). Development and learning psychology. Ankara: Pegema Publishing.
19.3. Citing sources of unknown author or internet sources;
Anonymous (2005). Butter, other milk fat-based spreads and plain butter notification. Turkish Food Codex, Communiqué No: 2005/19, Ankara.
FAO, (2015). Statistical data of FAO. Retrieved from:
19.4. Citing Master's and Doctoral theses;
Doctorate or master theses can be accessed from electronic databases, corporate archives and personal web pages. If a dissertation is accessed from the ProQuest database of doctoral and master's theses or any other source, this information should be provided in the reference. For a doctorate or master thesis available in a database service, the following citation format is used;
Unpublished thesis;
Mamay, M. (2013). Determination of population development and infestation ratio of carob moth [Apomyelois ceratoniae Zell. (Lepidoptera:Pyralidae) in pomegranate orchards in Sanliurfa province and using mating disruption technique for its control (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Harran University, Graduate School, Şanlıurfa.
Söylemez, S. (2014). Effects of nutrient induced salinity levels and rootstocks on plant growing, yield and some fruit quality features at soilless grown grafted tomatoes (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Harran University, Graduate School, Şanlıurfa.
Published thesis; May, B. (2007). A survey of radial velocities in the zodiacal dust cloud. Bristol, UK: Canopus Publishing.
19.5. Citing Symposium and Meeting Papers
Mamay, M. (2017). Population density of overwintering larvae of Carob Moth [Apomyelois (=Ectomyelois) ceratoniae Zell. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)] in pomegranate orchards in Southeastern Anatolia. SEAB 2017. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on EuroAsian Biodiversity, (pp. 235), 05-08 July 2017, Minsk, Belarus.
Ikinci, A. & Mamay, M. (2017). Effects of fruit thinning on morphological, physico-chemical properties, bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity and pest & disease control in pomegranate fruit (Punica granatum L.) International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food Sciences and Technologies, (pp. 642), 15-17 May 2017, Cappadocia, Turkey.
Sönmez, C., Mamay, M. & Söylemez, S. (2019). Determination of the effect of different hydroponic culture and different NH4:NO3 ratio on the density of aphid [Aphis spp. (Hemiptera: Aphididae)] population in greenhouse lettuce. 1st International Gobeklitepe Agriculture Congress (IGAC-2019), (pp. 599-604), 25-27 November, Şanlıurfa, Turkey.
Note: You can use the web pages related to APA Referencing Style on the internet or the information in the link below for resource notifications in different material or subject titles that you cannot find in the above reference displays.