The checklist showing the compliance of History Studies with the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scientific Publishing is as follows:
1. Journal Name
Full title of the journal:
History Studies 2. Web Address
The official website of the journal is
https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/historystudies The editors of History Studies are committed to ensuring that the website is up-to-date, dynamic, ethical and of high standards. History Studies uses the Dergipark infrastructure to conduct a transparent and high-quality evaluation and publication process. In addition, historystudies.net is also kept open to facilitate access to the issues of the journal before 2023, but all processes after 2023 are carried out through Dergipark.
Aim and scope: https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/historystudies/aim-and-scope
The target readership of the journal: https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/historystudies/about-journal
The types of manuscripts: https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/historystudies/about-journal
Authorship criteria: https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/historystudies/about-journal
pISSN: 1309-4688, eISSN: 1309-4173
3. Publication Schedule
History Studies publishes four issues a year, in
August and
November . Each issue is made available for early access on the tenth day of the relevant month and published in full on the fifteenth day.
4. Archiving
History Studies uses the
LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) protocol to ensure long-term storage and accessibility of articles with Dergipark infrastructure. Articles are permanently recorded by identifying them with DOI (Digital Object Identifier) via Crossref. In this way, articles are assigned a unique identity and indexed in accordance with international standards. In addition, the full texts of the articles are stored in publicly available commercial and/or non-commercial archives, including TR-Dizin and other national or international indexing platforms. Authors are free to store and share their articles on their own websites.
5. Copyright and Licencing
A copyright transfer agreement is signed with the author(s) for each article submitted for publication. Works published in History Studies are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) licence. The Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) licence permits sharing, copying, reproduction, and adaptation of the work in any size and format except for commercial use, including remixing, transforming, and building upon the work, provided proper attribution is given to the original work. See
Copyright page.Copyright Release Form: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/download/journal-file/27360
6. Editorial Ethics and Editorial Policies
History Studies adopts the ethical responsibilities in the ‘
COPE’ guidelines in the conduct of editorial processes. Our policies on publication ethics are available on the journal website. See:
https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/historystudies/policy History Studies carefully scrutinises each submission to ensure that it complies with the relevant ethical guidelines. Manuscripts submitted for publication are required to provide conflict of interest, author contribution statements, and funding information.
The journal policies on authorship and contribution policies, how complaints and appeals are handled, how allegations of misconduct and conflicts of interest are evaluated, ethical policies, post-publication discussions, correction and retraction processes are detailed on the
Ethical Principles and Publication Policy page.
ICMJE and DOAJ recommendations are adopted in all these processes.
7. Peer Review
History Studies adopts the principle of double blind refereeing. Author/authors and referees cannot see each other's information. Author information is removed from the articles before the referee evaluation. In order to make an acceptance decision about the articles, the opinions of at least two referees are taken. Articles are sent to the third referee when deemed necessary. The acceptance criteria for all articles published without exception are based on the quality of the research, its original contribution to the international literature, and its scientific importance and value.
History Studies reviews each article submitted for publication from various perspectives. In the first stage, the articles are analysed for their conformity with the journal's purpose and scope as well as its editorial guidelines. If the articles complete this first stage positively, they can proceed to the peer review stage. The first evaluation stage of the articles is internal; peer/referee evaluation is carried out by external experts.
Referee evaluations are sent to the authors as soon as possible. For manuscripts that require revision, the author is given a period of two to four weeks. Authors are required to submit the changes they have made to the article in response to the referee evaluations to the editorial office with a revision report. After the revision, the referees are given a two-week period to re-evaluate the article.
No exceptions will be applied to any article submitted for publication, nor will any commitment be made on any subject (such as that it will definitely be published and/or published in this issue).
See https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/historystudies/page/15436
8. Access
History Studies adopts the principle of
Open Access, which provides instant access to content. The articles can be accessed as PDF by anyone who wishes.
9. Ownership and Management
The owner and publisher of History Studies is
Osman Köse.
The editorial office of History Studies is Çankırı Karatekin University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of History 18100 Çankırı/Turkiye.
10. Advisory and Editorial Board
The advisory body of the journal is the Editorial Board and Advisory Board. For the full list of relevant committees, see:
11. Editorial Team Contact Details
Click here for the journal team.Main Contact: Yunus Emre Çakır - yunusemrecakir@karatekin.edu.tr
Physical Address: Çankırı Karatekin University Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Department of History 18100 Çankırı/Turkiye
12. Fees
History Studies is a non-profit academic peer-reviewed journal. Neither authors nor readers are charged under any name.
13. Other Revenues
History Studies has no income. DOI, web services and other expenses are provided by Tübitak-Ulakbim through Dergipark sponsorship.
14. Advertisement
History Studies does not receive or publish advertisements.
15. Marketing
As History Studies is a non-profit organisation, there are no marketing practices.