Author Guide

Responsibilities of Writers
• Article Writing

All authors cited as research writers must contribute to the research substantially. Other contributors should be listed as co-authors. Contributors to the research should be mentioned as 'contributors'. The corresponding author should take the consent of other authors before sending the study to the journal. Those who do not have a direct contribution to the research should not be listed as authors.

• Originality and Authenticity

All data in the study must be true and original. The author should present an objective discussion of the importance of his work based on accurate data. Intentionally presenting false information is unacceptable and an unethical behavior.

• Multiple, Unnecessary and Simultaneous Publishing

The author should not attempt to publish the same research in more than one journal, or attempt to republish a previously published article, and should comply with scientific research and publication ethics. Such attempts are unacceptable unethical behaviors.

• Citing Resources

It is mandatory to show / cite all sources used in the study.

• Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

All authors must clearly state any potential financial and interest conflicts that may affect the results of the study. If financial support has been received for the study, its sources should be indicated.

• Article Processing Charge

No fee is charged from the authors for any research published in our journal.

• Correction of Published Studies

It is the author's responsibility to inform the editor if any significant deficit or mistake is detected in the published work. The author should cooperate with the editorial team of our journal in order to take the necessary actions to correct the situation.

• Withdrawal of the Article

The author can only withdraw the work evaluated in the publishing processes at the pre-check stage. Works cannot be withdrawn at other stages of the publishing process.

• Originality and Plagiarism

Authors should aim to make an original research and report. The mentioned literature should be appropriately cited. Uncited mentions from other publications, including the author's own work, are an important moral issue and a crime. If a plagiarism is detected in the articles submitted to our journal, they are removed from the publication processes immediately. If it detected after publication, immediate action is going to be taken about the author and the article.

• Double-Blind Refereeing

As double-blind refereeing is applied in our journal, author information should not be written in the article file. In addition, the file information must be deleted in the Word. (File / Info- Check for Issues- Examine Document / Document Inspector / Check. Remove All)

• Ethical Statement

  • Research conducted on humans and animals must adhere to ethical principles.
  • It should be stated that the copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.
  • To use others' scale, questionnaire, photograph, etc. necessary permissions must be obtained from the owners and it should be stated.
  • In case studies, it should be stated that the "informed consent form" was obtained.

If the research has been conducted in the fields listed below, it is mandatory to upload an “Ethics Committee Approval” in the appendix of the study.

Researches Requiring Ethics Committee Approval

• All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using questionnaires, interviews, focus group work, observation, experimentation,
• Use of humans and animals (including material / data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
• Clinical studies on humans
• Clinical studies on animals,
• Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on protection of personal data.

For studies requiring Ethics Committee Permission, it is mandatory to upload the permission document during the article application. The researches of the authors who do not upload the document regarding the Ethics Committee Permission will not be evaluated.

Last Update Time: 2/8/25, 7:53:54 PM
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