Ethical Principles and Publication Policy


İnönü University Journal of the Faculty of Education aims to adhere to the guidelines and core practices set forth by several organizations, including the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines and the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (joint statement by COPE, DOAJ, OASPA, WAME). These guidelines and recommendations are designed to promote transparency, integrity, and best practices in scholarly publishing.

By adhering to these standards, the journal aims to ensure that the research it publishes is of high quality and meets the ethical standards of the scientific community.


  • With the change made in the TR Dizin Journal Evaluation Criteria in 2020, "Ethics Committee Approval" is required for articles in all scientific fields, including Social Sciences. (See: TR Dizin Journal Evaluation Criteria Article 8).
  • For works submitted to the İnönü University Faculty of Education Journal, the "Plagiarism Check" must be performed by the author, and the "Plagiarism Report" must be uploaded to the system along with the work. Works without the plagiarism report will not be included in the peer review process.
  • Before submitting your work to our journal, please check if your work meets the journal's publication criteria and upload the "Cover Letter" file provided by our journal to the system.
  • For the necessary processes to be initiated for works submitted to the İnönü University Faculty of Education Journal, our journal's "Copyright Agreement" must be uploaded to the system with a wet signature.
  • Without regard to the author order, an author can only have one article published within the same year (same volume).
  • Articles submitted without adapting to the journal template will be rejected (returned) by the editorial board.
  • A work will not be published in the first issue following the submission date, even if the review process is completed. It will be published in the next issue if it meets all conditions.
  • Based on the submission date, each issue will publish a maximum of 25 (twenty-five) works.
  • No more than 20% of the work published in an issue can be by researchers at İnönü University.
  • Articles are published in both Turkish and English. Authors are expected to submit the full text of their work in Turkish for the peer review process. Accepted works are submitted to the journal in Turkish and English full texts. A "Proofreading Certificate" (after acceptance) is required for the English full text of the works.


Ethics Committee Approval and Informed Consent

All research involving human subjects must be reviewed and approved by an ethics committee (e.g., IRB) before being conducted. The name of the ethics committee, approval number, and date should be included in the Methods section of the manuscript. Authors may also be required to provide a copy of the approval.

If the study is exempt from ethics approval, authors must provide a statement from the ethics committee explaining the exemption. If a manuscript is submitted without ethics approval, the journal will follow COPE's guidelines to assess the ethical concerns. Manuscripts lacking approval may be rejected if the issue is deemed significant.

Informed consent details must be included in the Methods section, along with relevant information about the research process.

  • For studies involving human subjects, authors must confirm that written informed consent was obtained from all participants, and the consent form should be kept by the researchers. For research involving children under 18, consent must be obtained from the parent or guardian. In surveys or interviews, participants’ consent for data use must also be confirmed. Personal details should be de-identified unless explicit consent for naming is given.
  • Authors are responsible for protecting participant anonymity and confidentiality, especially in photographs. Signed releases must be obtained for any images, ensuring consent for publication and specifying any conditions. This approval must be noted in the Methods section.

Plagiarism and Ethical Misconduct

All submissions undergo multiple screenings during the peer review and/or production processes using similarity detection software. When citing previous works, ensure that all material is properly referenced. Copying text, tables, or illustrations from any source (journal articles, books, theses, electronic media, etc.) and presenting them as one's own is considered plagiarism, even if a reference is provided. Listing the source in the 'References' section does not absolve authors of responsibility for plagiarism.

Authors are strongly encouraged to avoid any form of plagiarism or ethical misconduct, as illustrated below:

  • Citation Manipulation: Refers to inflating citation counts through self-citation, excessive citation of the same journal, or citation stacking, which distorts academic recognition.
  • Self-Plagiarism (Text Recycling): Involves reusing sections or sentences from an author's prior work without proper citation, constituting a form of plagiarism.
  • Salami Slicing: The unethical practice of publishing multiple articles using the same data set, hypotheses, and methods from a single study.
  • Data Fabrication: The creation of false data not supported by actual research or experiments, considered a serious breach of research integrity.
  • Data Manipulation/Falsification: Involves altering data, such as modifying images or removing outliers, to mislead or misrepresent findings.

In cases of suspected misconduct (e.g., plagiarism, citation manipulation, or data falsification), the Editorial Board will follow COPE guidelines to ensure fair, transparent, and consistent handling of allegations.


All articles published in the Inonu University Journal of the Faculty of Education are permanently accessible online at no cost, with no registration requirements. Authors retain the copyright to their work while permitting third parties to share, reproduce, and distribute the content in accordance with the journal’s Copyright and Ethics policy.

As of 2025, all published content will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0), which allows non-commercial use, distribution, and modification, provided proper credit is given to the original source.

Before 2025, content was licensed under traditional copyright, but the archive was freely accessible to authors and other users.

All journal content can be accessed freely at


Articles submitted to the İnönü University Faculty of Education Journal must be accompanied by a Copyright Agreement and an Author Contribution Form. By signing this form, authors protect the copyright of their work and, if the article is accepted for publication by the İnönü University Faculty of Education Journal, the article will be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). This license allows users to share, adapt, reproduce, and distribute the content of the journal for non-commercial purposes, provided that proper attribution is given to the author and the journal.


Starting from the 2025 issues, the journal's content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0).

This license allows users to share, adapt, reproduce, and distribute the journal's content for non-commercial purposes, provided that proper credit is given to the original author and the journal.

For commercial use of the journal's content, permission must be obtained from İnönü University, which may impose fees or restrictions.


No fees are charged to authors or institutions for submission or publication. All journal expenses are covered by İnönü University, and there are no submission or publishing fees for accepted articles.


İnönü University Journal of the Faculty of Education accepts digital advertisements on its website, provided they are approved by the journal's Editorial Board and management. All advertisements must be clearly labeled as such. Advertisers have no influence on editorial decisions or advertising policies.

For advertising inquiries, please contact the Editorial Office (


İnönü University Journal of the Faculty of Education maintains a rigorous and transparent double-anonymized peer-review process to ensure the highest standards of academic integrity. Manuscripts are subjected to this process, where both authors and reviewers remain anonymous to one another.

Each manuscript is evaluated by at least two independent external reviewers who are experts in the relevant field. While authors may suggest potential reviewers, the final selection is made by the editor, who is not obliged to follow the author's recommendations. Confidentiality is paramount throughout the review process, and reviewers must keep the manuscript confidential, sharing it only with the editor's consent. Reviewers provide timely, unbiased, evidence-based, and constructive feedback to improve the quality of the manuscript. Any suspected research misconduct must be reported to the editor confidentially to uphold the process's integrity. The journal ensures transparency by publicly sharing information about the review process, selection criteria, and appeals procedure and publishing key metrics like acceptance rates and publication timelines. The final decision on whether a manuscript is accepted, revised, or rejected rests with the Editor-in-Chief, who considers recommendations from Associate Editors. Reviewers must disclose any potential conflicts of interest before accepting an invitation to review, and all communications between editors and reviewers are confidential. External editors handle manuscripts submitted by editorial board members to ensure impartiality, and these external editors must also disclose any conflicts of interest. If the peer-review process deviates from standard procedures, the type of review will be indicated in the article to maintain transparency and accountability.


Manuscripts that require "minor revision" or "major revision" will receive a decision letter from the Editor-in-Chief, which includes the reviewers' and editors' comments, along with a deadline for resubmission. Authors must submit a revised manuscript and a detailed "Response to the Reviewers" document, which addresses each comment individually. The response should explain the revisions made and specify the corresponding line numbers in the manuscript. An annotated version of the manuscript highlighting the changes must also be provided. Revised manuscripts must be submitted within the deadline specified in the decision letter. Failure to meet the deadline may result in the rejection of the revision. If additional time is needed, authors should request an extension before the original deadline expires.


Authors of submissions reporting research findings must meet all four criteria established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE):

  1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work;
  2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content;
  3. Final approval of the version to be published;
  4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work, ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Before submission, authors should determine who qualifies for authorship and in what order authors will be listed. The editors of the İnönü University Journal of the Faculty of Education do not resolve authorship disputes.

Any changes to the number or order of authors after the initial submission must be explained in writing to the Editor-in-Chief. The editors reserve the right to refer any authorship irregularities to the research officer or appropriate academic ethics authority at the institution or employer of the first or corresponding author.

Authors may use CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) to provide information about individual contributions at the time of submission.

Declaration of Interests

Any potential financial or non-financial competing interests, including relationships with editorial associations, commercial editing companies, medical communications companies, or other organizations interested in the submission, must be disclosed at the end of the manuscript, just before the References section.

Funding Information

All sources of funding must be acknowledged at the end of the manuscript. Authors should specify the role of the study sponsor(s), if applicable, in the study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation, report writing, and the decision to submit the manuscript for publication. If the funding source had no involvement in these areas, the authors should clearly state this.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Manuscript Preparation

İnönü University Journal of the Faculty of Education follows the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines regarding the use of AI and AI-assisted technologies in manuscript preparation. Authorship entails responsibilities that only humans can fulfill, and authors are accountable for the originality and integrity of their work.

AI tools may be used for language editing; however, their use must be explicitly acknowledged in the manuscript. AI cannot be listed as an author, as authorship requires intellectual contributions, critical reasoning, and accountability—elements that AI cannot provide. Maintaining these standards is essential to preserving the quality and originality of published research.

Post-Publication Correction Requests and Retractions Policy

All post-publication correction requests are subject to editorial review. The Editorial Board evaluates the necessity and appropriateness of corrections based on the nature of the error, its impact on the article, and the supporting evidence. If approved, the correction will be made in the journal’s archive. The journal follows the ICMJE and COPE guidelines.

Article Withdrawal (Pre-Publication)

Withdrawal applies only to articles in press, which are early versions of articles that may contain errors, accidental duplicate submissions, or ethical violations (e.g., multiple submissions, fraudulent data, or plagiarism). Withdrawn articles will have their HTML and PDF content removed, replaced by a statement indicating the withdrawal and linking to the journal’s withdrawal policy.

Article Retraction (Post-Publication)

Retractions are issued for serious ethical violations, such as plagiarism, data fabrication, authorship fraud, or publication without co-author consent. Retraction notices include:

  • A formal retraction note titled “Retraction: [Article Title],” published in a subsequent issue.
  • A watermark on the PDF of the original article, marking it as "Retracted."
  • A removal of the HTML version, ensuring transparency in corrections while preserving academic integrity.

Article Removal (Legal & Safety Concerns)

In rare cases, an article may need to be permanently removed from the journal’s online database due to legal issues, court orders, defamation, or significant health risks. While the metadata (title and authors) will be retained, the article content will be replaced with a legal notice explaining the removal.

Article Replacement

If an article poses a serious health risk, authors may request a replacement with a corrected version. In such cases, a retraction notice will be published with a link to the revised article, ensuring a transparent record of updates.

Self-Archiving Policy

Authors are permitted to self-archive their published work on institutional or personal websites, as well as in open-access repositories. When sharing their articles, they must appropriately cite the original publication and include the DOI number. Additionally, authors are encouraged to provide a link to the publisher’s official website, ensuring the authenticity and integrity of the scientific record. The version published on the publisher’s website is considered the definitive version of record.


The views and opinions expressed in published manuscripts belong solely to the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors, editorial board, or publisher. The editors, editorial board, and publisher are not responsible for the content of published manuscripts and do not endorse the views expressed within them.

Authors are fully responsible for the accuracy and integrity of their work. While the journal serves as a platform for disseminating research to the scientific community, it does not guarantee the validity of the content.

Last Update Time: 2/21/25, 4:04:29 PM