Writing Rules


Türkiyat Mecmuası - Journal of Turkology is the publication of Istanbul University Research Institute of Turkology. It is an open access, scholarly, peer-reviewed and international journal published in June and December. The journal was founded in 1925. Publication languages of the journal are Turkey Turkish, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan Turkish, Tatar Turkish, French, Russian, German, English.


Türkiyat Mecmuası- Journal of Turkology aims to contribute to the dissemination of scientific knowledge and to contribute to the scientific community in the field of Turkology by publishing high quality articles in accordance with international publication standards.

Türkiyat Mecmuası, publishes original scientific studies that include comprehensive analyses and examples in the fields of Turkish Language, Turkish Literature, Contemporary Turkic Dialects and Literatures, Turkish History, Turkish Art, Turkish Culture, Turkish Language Teaching, and broadly in the field of Turkology Studies.


Publication Policy

The journal adheres to the highest standards in publication ethics and adopts the ethical publishing principles published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA) and World Association of Medical Editors (WAME); for the principles expressed in Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing: https://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines-new/principles-transparency-and-best-practice-scholarly-publishing

Submitted articles should be appropriate to the purpose and scope of the journal. Original, fully or partially unpublished articles that are not in the process of evaluation in another journal, with high academic research and impact value, based mainly on primary sources, and whose content and submission have been approved by each author are accepted for evaluation.

Submissions Not Accepted for Evaluation

- Articles derived from undergraduate theses, master’s theses, or doctoral dissertations are not considered for evaluation.

- Articles based on or expanded from conference papers, as well as orally presented papers -whether published or not- are not accepted for evaluation.

- Studies conducted with small research groups or limited samples are deemed unsuitable for publication.

- Writings that lack scientific analysis and texts of a review nature are not evaluated as research articles.

- Works that merely provide a bibliography or a summary of literature are not included in the evaluation process.

- Articles based on textbook analyses or literary anthologies are not accepted.

General Principles

- Researchers may submit a new article only after at least four issues (2 years) have passed since the publication of their previous article.

- The article title should be uploaded to the system in the language in which the article is written as the primary language.

-In the initial submission file of the manuscript, statements such as acknowledgments will not be included; these matters will only be specified on the cover page.

- Articles are listed in the journal alphabetically by the authors' last names.

- Excluding abstracts, footnotes, and references, articles must be at least 5,000 words in length.

- The main text file of the article must not include any information identifying the author. Articles that do not comply with this rule will be returned without entering the evaluation process.

- Draft articles submitted to the journal must adhere to the journal's submission guidelines. Articles that do not comply with the submission guidelines will be directly rejected or returned.

- Submitted works, whether published or not, will not be returned to the authors.

- Once an article is submitted for publication, no author's name may be removed from the author list, no new author may be added, and the order of authors may not be changed without the written consent of all authors.

- Authors with ongoing submissions cannot submit new articles until the process is completed. The editorial board reserves the right to return or request revisions for articles at any stage of the evaluation process.

- Türkiyat Mecmuası communicates with authors and other relevant parties exclusively via email or the messaging module within the journal's automation system. Messages sent to any email address other than turkology@istanbul.edu.tr will not be considered.

Author Responsibilities

It is authors’ responsibility to ensure that the article is in accordance with scientific and ethical standards and rules. And authors must ensure that submitted work is original. They must certify that the manuscript has not previously been published elsewhere or is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere, in any language. Applicable copyright laws and conventions must be followed. Copyright material (e.g. tables, figures or extensive quotations) must be reproduced only with appropriate permission and acknowledgement. Any work or words of other authors, contributors, or sources must be appropriately credited and referenced.

All the authors of a submitted manuscript must have direct scientific and academic contribution to the manuscript. The author(s) of the original research articles is defined as a person who is significantly involved in “conceptualization and design of the study”, “collecting the data”, “analyzing the data”, “writing the manuscript”, “reviewing the manuscript with a critical perspective” and “planning/conducting the study of the manuscript and/or revising it”. Fund raising, data collection or supervision of the research group are not sufficient roles to be accepted as an author. The author(s) must meet all these criteria described above. The order of names in the author list of an article must be a co-decision and it must be indicated in the Copyright Agreement Form.

The individuals who do not meet the authorship criteria but contributed to the study must take place in the acknowledgement section. Individuals providing technical support, assisting writing, providing a general support, providing material or financial support are examples to be indicated in acknowledgement section.

All authors must disclose all issues concerning financial relationship, conflict of interest, and competing interest that may potentially influence the results of the research or scientific judgment. When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her own published paper, it is the author’s obligation to promptly cooperate with the Editor to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes.

Responsibility for the Editor and Reviewers

Editors evaluate articles independently of the authors' ethnicity, gender, nationality, religious beliefs, or political philosophy. They ensure that submitted articles undergo a fair double-blind peer review process. Editors guarantee that all information related to submitted articles will remain confidential until the article is published. They are responsible for the content and overall quality of the publication. When necessary, they must publish an erratum or make corrections.

The editor-in-chief does not permit conflicts of interest among authors, editors, and reviewers. They have full authority over reviewer assignments and are responsible for making final decisions regarding articles to be published in the journal.

Reviewers evaluate articles objectively, adhering to scientific and ethical standards. Reviewers must not have conflicts of interest related to the research, authors, or the financial supporters of the research. They must reach an impartial judgment based on their evaluations.

Reviewers should identify published works related to the topic that the authors have not cited. They must ensure that all information regarding submitted manuscripts remains confidential and report to the editor if they detect any copyright infringement or plagiarism by the authors. If a reviewer feels unqualified to review the manuscript or believes they cannot provide a timely response, they should inform the editor and request exclusion from the review process.

During the evaluation process, the editor makes it clear to reviewers that the manuscripts sent for review are the authors' private property and constitute privileged communication. Reviewers and editorial board members must not discuss manuscripts with others. Reviewers are not permitted to make copies of manuscripts for themselves or share them with others without the editor's permission. Reviews by reviewers cannot be published or disclosed without the authors' and editor's consent. The anonymity of reviewers must be carefully maintained. In some cases, the editor may send reviewers’ comments on a manuscript to other reviewers of the same manuscript to ensure transparency and clarity during the review process.

Peer Review Process

Articles that have not been previously published or are not currently under review for publication in another journal and are approved by each author are accepted for consideration. Submitted articles that pass the preliminary check are scanned for plagiarism using iThenticate software. After the plagiarism check, eligible articles are evaluated by the editor-in-chief in terms of originality, methodology, importance of the topic covered and compatibility with the scope of the journal.

Articles deemed appropriate by the editor-in-chief in terms of the journal's publication policy are sent to at least two national/international external referees for evaluation in accordance with the double blind review system. The decision to publish is made by the editor-in-chief after the edits made by the authors as a result of the referees' evaluations and the referee process.

The editor-in-chief does not allow any conflict of interest between authors, editors and referees. He/she has full authority to appoint referees and is responsible for making the final decision on the articles to be published in the journal.

Reviewers' evaluations should be objective. During the review process, reviewers are expected to consider the following points.

    - Does the article contribute to the field

    - Does the abstract clearly and accurately describe the content of the article?

    - Is the structure of the article and the research method defined in a coherent and comprehensible manner?

    - Are the interpretations and conclusions substantiated by the findings?

    - Are adequate references given to other studies in the field?

    - Is the quality of language and expression adequate?

Reviewers should ensure that all information about submitted articles remains confidential until the article is published and should report to the editor if they notice any copyright infringement or plagiarism on the part of the author.

If the referee does not feel qualified to review the article or is unlikely to be able to provide timely feedback, he/she should inform the editor and ask him/her not to involve him/her in the review process.

During the review process, the editor should make it clear to reviewers that articles submitted for review are the private property of the authors and that this is a privileged communication. Reviewers and editorial board members may not discuss articles with other individuals.


The journal is an open access journal and all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Except for commercial purposes, users are allowed to read, download, copy, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

The open access articles in the journal are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) license. (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/deed.en )


Principles and Standards

Journal of Turkology - Türkiyat Mecmuası is committed to upholding the highest standards of publication ethics and pays regard to Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), to access the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) on https://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines-new/principles-transparency-and-best-practice-scholarly-publishing

All submissions must be original, unpublished (including as full text in conference proceedings), and not under the review of any other publication synchronously. Each manuscript is reviewed by one of the editors and at least two referees under double-blind peer review process. Plagiarism, duplication, fraud authorship/denied authorship, research/data fabrication, salami slicing/salami publication, breaching of copyrights, prevailing conflict of interest are unnethical behaviors.

All manuscripts not in accordance with the accepted ethical standards will be removed from the publication. This also contains any possible malpractice discovered after the publication.

Research Ethics

Journal of Turkology - Türkiyat Mecmuası adheres to the highest standards in research ethics and follows the principles of international research ethics as defined below. The authors are responsible for the compliance of the manuscripts with the ethical rules.

- Principles of integrity, quality and transparency should be sustained in designing the research, reviewing the design and conducting the research.

- The research team and participants should be fully informed about the aim, methods, possible uses and requirements of the research and risks of participation in research.

- The confidentiality of the information provided by the research participants and the confidentiality of the respondents should be ensured. The research should be designed to protect the autonomy and dignity of the participants.

- Research participants should participate in the research voluntarily, not under any coercion.

- Any possible harm to participants must be avoided. The research should be planned in such a way that the participants are not at risk.

- The independence of research must be clear; and any conflict of interest or must be disclosed.

- In experimental studies with human subjects, written informed consent of the participants who decide to participate in the research must be obtained. In the case of children and those under wardship or with confirmed insanity, legal custodian’s assent must be obtained.

- If the study is to be carried out in any institution or organization, approval must be obtained from this institution or organization.

- In studies with human subject, it must be noted in the method’s section of the manuscript that the informed consent of the participants and ethics committee approval from the institution where the study has been conducted have been obtained.

Plagiarism Scanning

Articles are evaluated by the editor in terms of originality, methodology, subject matter and format in accordance with the scope of the journal. Pre-checked articles are scanned for plagiarism using iThenticate software. Authors are informed if plagiarism/self-plagiarism is detected. If necessary, editors may subject the article to plagiarism check at various stages of the evaluation or production process. Articles in which plagiarism or self-plagiarism is detected will not be published. The similarity rate should be less than 15%.

The concept of "similarity" expressed in this item refers to a situation different from plagiarism. Even if the similarity rate of the work is low, the detection of any issue that could be considered an ethical violation or plagiarism in the work is considered a direct reason for rejection.

Double Blinded Peer Review

The editor-in-chief ensures that articles undergo fair double-blinded peer review and the article is submitted to at least two referees from Turkey and/or abroad. If the referees deem necessary, the Editor-in-Chief approves the publication of the article after the requested changes are made by the authors.


It is published in Turkish, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan Turkish, Tatar and Gagauz Turkish, French, Russian, German and English.


All correspondence regarding the submitted articles will be made with the responsible author. All responsibility of the studies sent to our journal for publication within the rules belongs to the author / authors.

Article submission should be made online via http://dergipark.gov.tr/login, which is accessed from Turkiyat Mecmuası >> Home Page.
The articles should be submitted in three separate files when uploading to the Dergipark system.

1. Article Full Text File*

* Microsoft Word 2003 and above versions must be used. Articles should be prepared using the Article Template. The text of the article should not include the identity information of the author(s) due to the double-blinded peer review process. (Important note: The main headings in the article template only show how the content of the article should be formed. Authors are not obliged to use these headings.)

* The article must consist of at least 5000 words, excluding the abstract, footnotes, and references.

2. Cover Page*

* The title page should include the type of article, article title (article language / English) title and institutional affiliation of the author or authors, current address and telephone numbers, ORCID information and e-mail addresses.

*The financial support, conflict of interest and acknowledgment sections should be stated separately in both the language of the article and in English.

3. Copyright Agreement Form*

* Must be signed by all authors with a wet signature. The Copyright Agreement Form requires wet signatures in three different sections.

*The sections on financial support, conflict of interest, and acknowledgments must be stated in both the language of the article and in English.

NOTE: In multi-authored articles, authors are required to fill out the "Author Contribution Form," specifying their types of contributions, and upload it to the system with a wet signature.

TITLE: If each study has a different language for Turkish, English, and the article language, the title should be provided in that language. The title of the study should clearly reflect ıts content and be comprehensive.

 * MAIN TITLES: All words should be written in all capital letters and bold. They must not exceed 15 words.

* Subheadings: All words should be written in bold, with only the first letters of each word capitalized. A line break should follow the title.

* Lower-Level Subheadings: All words should be bold, with only the first letter of the first word capitalized and the first letters of subsequent words in lowercase. A colon (:) should be placed at the end of the title, and the text should continue on the same line.

ABSTRACT: The abstract should include the purpose, methodology, and scope of the study and should be placed after the title but before the introduction section in the article. The Turkish abstract should be between 180-200 words, and the English abstract should be between 180-200 words. Beneath the abstracts, there should be up to five keywords that represent the content of the study.

EXTENDED ABSTRACT: The extended abstract should include the purpose, methodology, scope, and results of the study and should be placed after the Turkish and English abstracts in the article. The extended abstract in English should be between 700-800 words.

* In Turkish articles, there should be two abstracts, one in Turkish and English, and extended abstract in English. English articles should include two abstracts, one in English and one in Turkish. There should be no extended abstract. For articles written in other languages / dialects, there should be three abstracts (in the language of the article - English- Turkish) and an extended abstract in English.

* The title of the article should be given in the order of the number of abstracts and the language of the article. See example article.

TABLES, FIGURES, ILLUSTRATIONS AND GRAPHS: Figures, pictures, tables and graphs in the text should be numbered as 1, 2, 3. Photographs, plans, maps, etc. used in the text should be attached to the documents to be submitted with the extension ".jpg / .tiff". Care should be taken to ensure that such documents have a resolution suitable for the printing technique (at least 300 dpi) and a size that does not exceed the page area, and if there is more than one, they should be numbered and titled (Picture 1; Map 1; Table, Figure 1, etc.). Images can be cited in the text, but if they are cited in the text with parentheses as (Annex 1), the images should be added as an appendix at the end of the article. The source of the cited images should be indicated both under the image and in the bibliography.


Research Article: As research articles, manuscripts presenting original scientific results on topics appropriate to the scope of the journal are considered. Research articles consist of abstract, keywords, introduction, method, findings, discussion, conclusions, references, tables, graphs and figures.

Review: Manuscripts prepared by experts who have a great depth of knowledge in the field and whose expertise is reflected in the international literature in terms of publications and impact are evaluated. The review article should consist of title, abstract and keywords, main text sections and references

Translation: These are translated articles. Translations of articles written by experts in the field with a high impact value are evaluated.

* In translated text publications, "permission has been obtained from the original author and publisher" and "citation details of the original text" must be specified in the full-text file. See example article.

Book Review: Brief or detailed reviews of books published in the last 5 years are evaluated. Book reviews are a type of writing that evaluates issues such as the book's formal and substantive features, the way it deals with the subject(s), its suitability for the purpose for which it was written and its success in realizing this, what is needed to eliminate its deficiencies and shortcomings and make it better. Book reviews should be written according to the book review template. Brief reviews written in a language other than the language in which the book was published are given priority. (For example, a book review written in Kazakh about a book published in Turkish.)

Points to consider for book reviews

    - The introduction should have an "independent original title" specific to the book

    - The cover photo of the book being reviewed should be included in the text (on the first page, under the title, and aligned to the left).

    - The bibliographic information of the introduced book should be provided in full in the References section.

    - 5 keywords, both in Turkish and English, should be added.


- Türkiyat Mecmuası – Journal of Turkology uses the 18th Edition of the Chicago Style (Chicago Manual of Style 18th) for citation with footnotes.

- All sources used in the article must be listed in the "References" section, and documents and works not cited in the article should not be added to the bibliography, even if they are related to the topic of the article.

- Sources must be arranged alphabetically by the authors' last names at the end of the main text. For sources prior to the Surname Law, the author's first name should be used, and no abbreviations should be made.

- Sources must be written in the Latin alphabet.

- Turkish Language Institute's Writing Guide must be followed for writings and abbreviations.

- In texts with transcription, the Nevai Font should be used. Please contact the secretariat for the Nevai font.

- The main headings and subheadings of the article should be numbered (e.g., 1. or 2.1.), and there should be no spaces between the numbering. However, the Introduction and Conclusion/Evaluation headings should not be numbered.

- The main and subheadings within the article should be left-aligned.

- A period must be placed at the end of the bibliographic information in the references, even for internet sources.

- For citations in footnotes, the citation number is placed at the end of the quoted phrase or sentence, and the bibliographic details of the cited source are written at the bottom of the page. Footnote numbers are placed after punctuation marks.

- If a source has multiple authors, only the first author's last name is placed first, and other authors are listed by their full names.

- In cases where a source is used multiple times, the full bibliographic details of the source should be provided in the first citation. In second and subsequent citations, the source can be cited by following the rule [author’s last name, part of the title, page number]. The abbreviated citation must remind the reader of the full title or refer to the appropriate work in the bibliography.

- If multiple citations follow one another and the source is the same, the format of the citation changes. In this case, only the author's last name is written in the third and subsequent citations, followed by the page number separated by a comma.


    1 Laurie Bauer, A Glossary of Morphology (Edinburg: Edinburg University Press, 2004), 55.

    2 Bauer, A Glossary of Morphology, 56.

    3 Bauer, 58.

    4Mustafa Özkan ve Veysel Sevinçli, Türkiye Türkçesi Söz Dizimi (İstanbul: 3F Yayınevi, 2008), 90.

    5 Bauer, A Glossary of Morphology, 56.

- In footnotes, references can be made to the entire work, a specific page, or a range of pages. In the bibliography, the full page ranges of articles, papers, and book chapters must be provided.

- Words such as "and", "or", "ya", "ya da", "da", "de", "ile" in the title of the work are written in lowercase letters.

- In second and subsequent citations of a source, abbreviations such as "age." (the aforementioned work), "agm." (the aforementioned article), and "agt." (the aforementioned thesis) should not be used. The book, article, conference paper, etc., should be appropriately abbreviated. The same abbreviation is used for subsequent footnote citations.

- In footnotes, the author’s last name, the title of the work or its appropriate abbreviation, and the page number should be written with commas in between. Please refer to the examples provided below for punctuation rules to be followed in the bibliography.

- If no publication date is provided in the cited source, it should be indicated with the abbreviation ‘t.y.’ (no date). "Translator" (çev. / terc.), "simplifier" (sad.), "editor" (ed.), "prepared for publication" (haz.), "quoted by" (akt.), and "no place of publication" (y.y.) should be used accordingly.

- In footnotes and the bibliography, "Yayınları" should be written in full, without abbreviation.

- Independent sources such as books and journals in the bibliography and footnotes should be written in italics. Sources like "article," "book chapter," "conference paper," "encyclopedia entry," and "dictionary entry" should be shown in double quotation marks.

- Direct quotes should be taken exactly as they appear in the source. The following rules apply to direct quotes:

*Direct quotes of 40 words or fewer should be placed in-line and enclosed in quotation marks.

*Direct quotes exceeding 40 words (block quotes) should be indented 1 cm from both sides, written as a block, with 1-line spacing, 10-point font size, and placed in a separate paragraph. Double quotation marks are not used in block quotes.

*Direct quotes must reflect the quoted text exactly as it appears. All punctuation features of the original text, even if incorrect, must be preserved.

*The full bibliographic details of direct quotes must always be provided at the bottom of the page.


Authors contributing to the journal are kindly requested to organize their footnotes and create a bibliography based on the examples below.


FF    First Footnote (The first citation of the source)

SF    Subsequent / Abbreviated Footnotes (For second and subsequent citations of the source)

B      Bibliography (Sources are listed alphabetically by the author’s last name.)


Single-Author Book

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name, Book Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page number / range.

FF      Laurie Bauer, A Glossary of Morphology (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2004), 55.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name, Book Title, page number / range.

SF      Bauer, A Glossary of Morphology, 55.


Last Name, First Name. Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

B     Bauer, Laurie. A Glossary of Morphology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2004.

Two-Author Book

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name (first author) and First Name Last Name (second author), Book Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page number / range.

FF    Mustafa Özkan and Veysel Sevinçli, Türkiye Türkçesi Söz Dizimi (Istanbul: 3F Yayınevi, 2008), 90.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name (first author) and Last Name (second author), Book Title, page number / range.

SF      Özkan and Sevinçli, Türkiye Türkçesi Söz Dizimi, 90.


Last Name, First Name (first author) and First Name Last Name (second author). Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

B     Özkan, Mustafa and Veysel Sevinçli. Türkiye Türkçesi Söz Dizimi. Istanbul: 3F Yayınevi, 2008.

Three-Author Book

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name (first author), First Name Last Name (second author), and First Name Last Name (third author), Book Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page number / range.

FF      Abdurrahman Özkan, Mustafa Toker, and Ufuk Deniz Aşçı, Türkiye Türkçesi Söz Dizimi (Konya: Palet Yayınları, Konya, 2016), 78.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name (first author), Last Name (second author), and Last Name (third author), Book Title, page number / range.

SF      Özkan, Toker, and Aşçı, Türkiye Türkçesi Söz Dizimi, 25.


Last Name, First Name (first author), First Name Last Name (second author), and First Name Last Name (third author). Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

B     Özkan, Abdurrahman, Mustafa Toker, and Ufuk Deniz Aşçı. Türkiye Türkçesi Söz Dizimi. Konya: Palet Yayınları, 2016.

Single-Author Book

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name, Book Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page number / range.

FF      Laurie Bauer, A Glossary of Morphology (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2004), 55.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name, Book Title, page number / range.

SF      Bauer, A Glossary of Morphology, 55.


Last Name, First Name. Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

B     Bauer, Laurie. A Glossary of Morphology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2004.

Two-Author Book

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name (first author) and First Name Last Name (second author), Book Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page number / range.

FF      Mustafa Özkan and Veysel Sevinçli, Türkiye Türkçesi Söz Dizimi (Istanbul: 3F Yayınevi, 2008), 90.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name (first author) and Last Name (second author), Book Title, page number / range.

SF      Özkan and Sevinçli, Türkiye Türkçesi Söz Dizimi, 90.


Last Name, First Name (first author) and First Name Last Name (second author). Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

B     Özkan, Mustafa and Veysel Sevinçli. Türkiye Türkçesi Söz Dizimi. Istanbul: 3F Yayınevi, 2008.

Three-Author Book

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name (first author), First Name Last Name (second author), and First Name Last Name (third author), Book Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page number / range.

FF      Abdurrahman Özkan, Mustafa Toker, and Ufuk Deniz Aşçı, Türkiye Türkçesi Söz Dizimi (Konya: Palet Yayınları, Konya, 2016), 78.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name (first author), Last Name (second author), and Last Name (third author), Book Title, page number / range.

SF      Özkan, Toker, and Aşçı, Türkiye Türkçesi Söz Dizimi, 25.


Last Name, First Name (first author), First Name Last Name (second author), and First Name Last Name (third author). Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

B     Özkan, Abdurrahman, Mustafa Toker, and Ufuk Deniz Aşçı. Türkiye Türkçesi Söz Dizimi. Konya: Palet Yayınları, 2016.

Four or More Author Books

For four or more authors, all authors are listed in the bibliography, while only the first author is listed in footnotes followed by "et al."

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name (first author) et al., Book Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page number / range.

FF      Kenan Akyüz et al., Fuzulî Türkçe Dîvânı (Ankara: Akçağ Yayınları, 2000), 69.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name (first author) et al., Book Title, page number / range.

SF      Kenan Akyüz et al., Fuzulî Türkçe Dîvânı, 69.


Last Name, First Name (first author), First Name Last Name (second author), First Name Last Name (third author), and First Name Last Name (fourth author). Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

B     Akyüz, Kenan, Sedit Yüksel, Süheyl Beken, and Müjgan Cunbur. Fuzulî Türkçe Dîvânı. Ankara: Akçağ Yayınları, 2000.

Edited Books

If a book has an editor but not an author, the editor's name should appear in place of the author, followed by the abbreviation "ed." (for editor).

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name, ed., Book Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page number / range.

FF      Muhammed Emin Yıldızlı and Emine Temel Alemdar, ed., Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e Geçiş Dönemi Kavramları (Istanbul: Doğu Kütüphanesi, 2023).

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name, Book Title, page number / range.

SF      Yıldızlı and Alemdar, Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e Geçiş Dönemi Kavramları, 89.


Last Name, First Name, ed. Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

B     Muhammed Emin and Emine Temel Alemdar, ed. Osmanlı’dan Cumhuriyet’e Geçiş Dönemi Kavramları. Istanbul: Doğu Kütüphanesi, 2023.

Books with Author and Additional Roles (Translator, Editor, Compiler, etc.)

In the footnote, use the abbreviations “çev.” for translator, “haz.” for editor, “ed.” for editor, or “der.” for compiler; in the bibliography, the full term should be written.

First Citation:

Footnote number: First Name Last Name, Book Title, trans. Translator's First Name Last Name (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page number / range.

FF     Peter B. Golden, Türk Halkları Tarihine Giriş, trans. Osman Karatay (Istanbul: Ötüken Yayınları, 2002), 45.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number: Last Name, Book Title, page number / range.

SF      Golden, Türk Halkları Tarihine Giriş, 45.


Last Name, First Name. Book Title. translated by Translator's First Name Last Name. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

B     Golden, Peter B. Türk Halkları Tarihine Giriş. translated by Osman Karatay. Istanbul: Ötüken Yayınları, 2002.

Corporate Author Books

When the author is a corporation, the full name of the organization is written out.

Footnote number. Corporate Author, Book Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page number.

FF      Türk Dil Kurumu, Türkçe Sözlük (Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, 2011), 5.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Corporate Author, Book Title, page number.

SF      Türk Dil Kurumu, Türkçe Sözlük, 5.


Corporate Author. Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

B     Türk Dil Kurumu. Türkçe Sözlük. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, 2011.

Multi-Volume Books

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name, Book Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), volume number: page number / range.

FF      A. Zeki Velidî Togan, Umumî Türk Tarihi’ne Giriş (Istanbul: Enderun Kitabevi, 1981), 2: 100.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name, Book Title, volume number: page number / range.

SF      Togan, Umumî Türk Tarihi’ne Giriş, 1: 90.


Last Name, First Name. Book Title. volume number. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

B     Togan, A. Zeki Velidî. Umumî Türk Tarihi’ne Giriş. 1st vol. Istanbul: Enderun Kitabevi, 1981.

Electronic Books / E-books

- For online books, citations should follow the same format as printed books, but include the URL or the name of the application, device, or file format (e.g., iBooks, Kindle version, PDF e-book).

- Many e-books lack page numbers, so you can refer to the chapter number or chapter title instead.

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name, Book Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), Chapter number / page number, Application, Device or File Format.

FF      Hamza Zülfikar, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin Yüzüncü Yılı Türkçe Konulu Yazılar (Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, 2024), 14, Pdf.

Footnote number. First Name Last Name, Book Title (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), Chapter number / page number, URL.

FF      Hamza Zülfikar, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin Yüzüncü Yılı Türkçe Konulu Yazılar (Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, 2024), 14, https://tdk.gov.tr/turkiye-cumhuriyetinin-yuzuncu-yili-turkce-konulu-yazilar-            hamza-zulfikar/.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name, Book Title, Chapter number / page number.

SF      Zülfikar, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin Yüzüncü Yılı Türkçe Konulu Yazılar, 14.


Last Name, First Name. Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication, URL.

B     Zülfikar, Hamza. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin Yüzüncü Yılı Türkçe Konulu Yazılar. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, 2024. https://tdk.gov.tr/turkiye-cumhuriyetinin-yuzuncu-yili-turkce-konulu-yazilar-hamza-               zulfikar/.

Last Name, First Name. Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication, Application, Device or File Format.

B    Zülfikar, Hamza. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin Yüzüncü Yılı Türkçe Konulu Yazılar. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, 2024. Pdf.


First Citation:

Footnote number. Author's Name, Manuscript Title (City of Library: Library Name, Collection Name, Record Number), page number.

FF      Salih b. Nasrullah, Ghayat al-itqan fi tabdir badan al-insan (Istanbul: Süleymaniye Library, Ayasofya, 3682), 23b.

Subsequent Citations:

Author's Name, Manuscript Title (Collection Name, Record Number), page number.

SF     Salih b. Nasrullah, Ghayat al-itqan (Ayasofya, 3682), 23b.


Author's Name, Manuscript Title. City of Library: Library Name, Collection Name, Record Number, page range.

B     Salih b. Nasrullah, Ghayat al-itqan fi tabdir badan al-insan. Istanbul: Süleymaniye Library, Ayasofya, 3682, 1a-311a.


Chapter from an Edited Book

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name, "Chapter Title," in Book Title, ed. First Name Last Name (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page number.

FF      Emine Temel, "Ocak," in Ekmek Kitabı, ed. Emine Gürsoy Naskali (Istanbul: Kitabevi, 2014), 301.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name, "Chapter Title," page number.

SF      Temel, "Ocak," 301.


Last Name, First Name. "Chapter Title." In Book Title, edited by First Name Last Name, page range. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

B     Temel, Emine. "Ocak," in Ekmek Kitabı, edited by Emine Gürsoy Naskali, 301-317. Istanbul: Kitabevi, 2014.

Preface, Introduction, and Similar Sections in a Book

First Citation:

Footnote number. Contributing Author's First Name Last Name, "Section Title," for Preface/Introduction/Presentation to Book Title, by Book Author's First Name Last Name (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page number.

FF      F. Sema Barutcu Özönder, "Kırım Türklüğüne ve Diline Bir Bakış," for Takdim to Polatlı Kırım Tatar Türkçesi Sözlüğü, by Dilek Evirgen, Cengiz Evirgen (Ankara: Öncü Basım Yayım, 2017), 5.

First Citation (Alternate Example):

Footnote number. Contributing Author's First Name Last Name, Preface/Introduction/Presentation to Book Title, prepared by Book Author's First Name Last Name (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page number.

FF      Muharrem Ergin, Preface to Seyf-i Sarâyî Gülistan Tercümesi (Kitâb Gülistan bi’t-Türkî), prepared by Ali Fehmi Karamanlıoğlu (Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, 1989), XV.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Contributing Author's Last Name, "Section Title," page number.

SF      Barutcu Özönder, "Kırım Türklüğüne ve Diline Bir Bakış," 5.

Footnote number. Contributing Author's Last Name, preface / introduction / presentation, page number.

SF     Ergin, preface, XV.


Contributing Author's Last Name, First Name. "Section Title," for Preface/Introduction/Presentation to Book Title, by Book Author's First Name Last Name, page range. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

B     Barutcu Özönder, F. Sema. "Kırım Türklüğüne ve Diline Bir Bakış," for Takdim to Polatlı Kırım Tatar Türkçesi Sözlüğü, by Dilek Evirgen, Cengiz Evirgen, 3-27. Ankara: Öncü Basım Yayım, 2017.

Contributing Author's Last Name, First Name. Preface/Introduction/Presentation to Book Title, prepared by Book Author's First Name Last Name, page range. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

B     Ergin, Muharrem. Preface to Seyf-i Sarâyî Gülistan Tercümesi (Kitâb Gülistan bi’t-Türkî), prepared by Ali Fehmi Karamanlıoğlu, XV. Ankara: Türk Dil Kurumu Yayınları, 1989.



- The page numbers from which the citation is taken must be specified in the footnote.

- If the citation is from non-consecutive pages, a comma is used between the page numbers; if it is from a page range, a hyphen is used.

- In the bibliography, the full page range of the article should be specified.

Academic Journal Article, Copyrighted

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name, "Article Title," Journal Title, Volume (Issue) (Year): page number.

FF     Peter Zieme, "The Poor Man in Byzantium. Fragments of an Old Uyghur Tale," Türkiyat Mecmuası, 31 (Special Issue) (2021): 1.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name, "Article Title," page number.

SF      Zieme, "The Poor Man in Byzantium. Fragments of an Old Uyghur Tale," 1.


Last Name, First Name. "Article Title," Journal Title, Volume (Issue) (Year): page range.

B     Zieme, Peter. "The Poor Man in Byzantium. Fragments of an Old Uyghur Tale," Türkiyat Mecmuası, 31 (Special Issue) (2021): 1-14.

Academic Journal Article, Translation

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name, "Article Title," trans. First Name Last Name, Journal Title, Volume (Issue) (Year): page number.

FF      A. K. Borovkov, "Özbek Yazı Dilinin Kurucusu Ali Şir Nevaî," trans. Rasime Uygun, TDAY-Belleten, 2, (1954): 59.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name, "Article Title," page number.

SF      Borovkov, "Özbek Yazı Dilinin Kurucusu Ali Şir Nevaî," 59.


Last Name, First Name. "Article Title," translated by First Name Last Name. Journal Title, Volume (Issue) (Year): page range.

B     Borovkov, A. K. "Özbek Yazı Dilinin Kurucusu Ali Şir Nevaî," translated by Rasime Uygun. TDAY-Belleten, 2, (1954): 59-96.

Academic Journal Article, Electronic

If a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number is provided, it should be included. If there is no DOI, the URL and the access date should be included.

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name, "Article Title," Journal Title, Volume (Issue) (Year): page number, accessed on (Day/Month/Year), URL or DOI.

FF      Murat Yümlü, "Yarım Asra Ulaşan Basın Emeği Işığında Gazeteci Abidin Dâver," Türkiyat Mecmuası, 29/1 (2019): 244, accessed 7 September 2019, https://doi.org/10.18345/iuturkiyat.560284.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name, "Article Title," page number.

SF     Yümlü, "Yarım Asra Ulaşan Basın Emeği Işığında Gazeteci Abidin Dâver," 244.


Last Name, First Name, "Article Title," Journal Title, Volume (Issue) (Year): page range, accessed on (Day/Month/Year), URL or DOI.

B     Yümlü, Murat. "Yarım Asra Ulaşan Basın Emeği Işığında Gazeteci Abidin Dâver," Türkiyat Mecmuası, 29/1 (2019): 249-299, accessed 7 September 2019. https://doi.org/10.18345/iuturkiyat.560284.


Newspaper Article, Print

For citations from non-academic journals, there is no need to specify the page range in the bibliography.

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name, "Article Title," Newspaper Title, Day Month, Year, page number.

FF     Adnan Adıvar, "Fikir Hareketleri ve Yabancı Diller," Cumhuriyet, 13 August, 1948, 2.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name, "Article Title," page number.

SF     Adıvar, "Fikir Hareketleri," 2.


Last Name, First Name. "Article Title." Newspaper Title, Day Month, Year.

B     Adıvar, Adnan. "Fikir Hareketleri ve Yabancı Diller." Cumhuriyet, 13 August, 1948.

Newspaper Article, Electronic

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name, "Article Title," Newspaper Title, Day Month, Year, URL.

FF      Nazmi Özüçelik, "Sanatın Dili ve ‘Ahlat Ağacı’," Parşomen Fanzin, 8 September, 2020, https://parsomenfanzin.com/2020/09/08/sanatin-dili-ve-ahlat-agaci/

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name, "Article Title."

SF      Özüçelik, "Sanatın Dili ve ‘Ahlat Ağacı’."


Last Name, First Name. "Article Title." Newspaper Title, Day Month, Year, URL.

B     Özüçelik, Nazmi. "Sanatın Dili ve ‘Ahlat Ağacı'." Parşomen Fanzin, 8 September, 2020, https://parsomenfanzin.com/2020/09/08/sanatin-dili-ve-ahlat-agaci/


Online Thesis (In Institutional Database)

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name, "Thesis Title" (Master's Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation, Academic Institution, Year), page number / range, Database (Thesis number).

FF      Emine Temel, "Doğu Türkçesi Kur’an Tefsiri (Nur ve Furkan Sureleri) (İnceleme-Dizin-Tenkitli Metin-Tıpkıbasım)" (Master's Thesis, Marmara University, 2013), 90, National Thesis Center (331183).

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name, "Abbreviated Thesis Title," page number / range.

SF     Temel, "Doğu Türkçesi Kur’an Tefsiri," 90.


Last Name, First Name. "Thesis Title." Master's Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation, Academic Institution, Year. Database (Thesis number).

B     Temel, Emine. "Doğu Türkçesi Kur'an Tefsiri (Nur ve Furkan Sureleri) (İnceleme-Dizin-Tenkitli Metin-Tıpkıbasım)." Master's Thesis, Marmara University, 2013. National Thesis Center (331183).

Online Thesis (Accessed from the Internet)

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name, "Thesis Title" (Master's Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation, Academic Institution, Year), page number / range, Access Address (URL).

FF     Samet Onur, "Harezm Türkçesinin İdil Boyundaki Tarihî Seyri ve Nasîhatü’s-Sâlihîn (İnceleme- Tenkitli Metin - Aktarım - Dizin - Tıpkıbasım)" (Doctoral Dissertation, Istanbul University, 2023), 7-8,

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name, "Abbreviated Thesis Title," page number / range.

SF     Samet Onur, "Nasîhatü’s-Sâlihîn," 7-8.


Last Name, First Name. "Thesis Title." Master's Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation, Academic Institution, Year. Access Address (URL).

B     Onur, Samet. "Harezm Türkçesinin İdil Boyundaki Tarihî Seyri ve Nasîhatü’s-Sâlihîn (İnceleme- Tenkitli Metin - Aktarım - Dizin - Tıpkıbasım)." Doctoral Dissertation, Istanbul University, 2023.


In Printed / Electronic Conference Proceedings

First Citation

Footnote number. Author’s First and Last Name, “Title of the Paper,” in Conference / Symposium Proceedings, ed. Editor’s First and Last Name (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page number(s) / range. (If applicable) DOI or URL.

FF     Lisa Maria Teichmann, “Portraying Social Hierarchies in the Narrative Architecture of Haldun Taner’s ‘Ayışığında Çalışkur’ (Çalışkur in the Moonlight),” in V. Uluslararası Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Öğrenci Kongresi         TUDOK 2014, ed. Bahtiyar Aslan (Istanbul: Istanbul Kültür University Press, 2014), 514.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name, “Shortened Title of the Paper,” page number(s) / range.

SF     Teichmann, “Portraying Social Hierarchies,” 514.


Last Name, First Name. “Title of the Paper,” in Conference / Symposium Proceedings, edited by Editor’s First and Last Name, page range. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. (If applicable) DOI or URL.

B      Lisa Maria Teichmann, “Portraying Social Hierarchies in the Narrative Architecture of Haldun Taner’s ‘Ayışığında Çalışkur’ (Çalışkur in the Moonlight),” in V. Uluslararası Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Öğrenci Kongresi         TUDOK 2014, edited by Bahtiyar Aslan, 513-527. Istanbul: Istanbul Kültür University Press, 2014.

Unpublished Conference / Symposium Paper

First Citation:

Footnote number. Author’s First and Last Name, “Title of the Paper,” presented at the ………Conference / Symposium, Place of Conference / Symposium, Day Month Year.

FF    Erdal İnönü and Harun Doğan, “Türk Bilimcilerinin Adlarıyla Anılan Bazı Buluşlar” (presented at the II. National Symposium of the Science History, Philosophy, and Sociology Study Group, Assos, 18-20 June         2004).

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name, “Shortened Title of the Paper.”

SF     İnönü and Doğan, “Türk Bilimcilerinin.”


Last Name, First Name. “Title of the Paper.” Presented at the ………Conference / Symposium, Place of Conference / Symposium, Day Month Year.

B     İnönü, Erdal, and Harun Doğan. “Türk Bilimcilerinin Adlarıyla Anılan Bazı Buluşlar.” Presented at the II. National Symposium of the Science History, Philosophy, and Sociology Study Group, Assos, 18-20 June         2004.


First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name, "Title of the Review / Critique", ... Title of the Work... review, written by First Name Last Name, Publishing organization, Year of Publication / Date, (if applicable) page number / range.

FF     Muhammed Doruk, "Derbendnâme," review of Derbendnâme, written by Gökçen Yükselen Peler, Türkiyat Mecmuası, 28/2 (2018), 333.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name, "Title of the Review / Critique", page number / range.

SF     Doruk, "Derbendnâme," 334.


Last Name, First Name. "Title of the Review / Critique". ... (Title of the Work)... review, written by First Name Last Name, Publishing organization, Year of Publication / Date, (if applicable) page number / range.

B     Doruk, Muhammed. "Derbendnâme". Review of Derbendnâme, written by Gökçen Yükselen Peler, Türkiyat Mecmuası, 28/2 (2018): 333-338.


First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name, "Article Title", in Encyclopedia Title, ed. First Name Last Name (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), volume number: page number / range.

FF     Ahmet Temir, "Mongol (or Turk-Mongol) Khanate," in Encyclopedia of the Turks, ed. (Ankara: Yeni Türkiye Yayınları, 2002), 8: 416.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name, "Article Title", page number / range.

SF    Temir, "Mongol (or Turk-Mongol) Khanate", 416.


Last Name, First Name. "Article Title", in Encyclopedia Title, edited by First Name Last Name, volume number: page number / range. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

B     Temir, Ahmet. "Mongol (or Turk-Mongol) Khanate". İn Encyclopedia of the Turks, edited by (8: 416-432). Ankara: Yeni Türkiye Yayınları, 2002.


First Citation:

Footnote number. Archive Name (Abbreviation of Archive Name), Name of the Register [Register Code], No. Number, (if applicable) Folder No. Number, Page number.

FF     Presidency of the Republic State Archives, Ottoman Archive (BOA), Mühimme-i Asâkir Registers [A.DVNS. ASK.MHM.d], No. 989, Folder No. 7, 440a.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Abbreviation of Archive Name, Register Code, No. Number, (if applicable) Folder No. Number, Page number.

SF     BOA, A.DVNS.ASK.MHM.d, No. 989, Folder No. 8, 440a.


Abbreviation of Archive Name, Full Name of the Archive, Name of the Register [Register Code]. No. Number, (if applicable) Folder No. Number. (if applicable) Access Address.

B     BOA, Presidency of the Republic State Archives, Ottoman Archive, Mühimme-i Asâkir Registers [A.DVNS. ASK.MHM.d], No. 989, Folder No. 7. https://katalog.devletarsivleri.gov.tr


- For sources without a publication or revision date, an access date (Day Month Year) should be added.

- The URL address should always end with a period in footnotes and bibliographies.

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name, "Title of the Web Page", Website, access date (Day Month Year), URL.

FF     "In Search of Knowledge," History of Science, accessed March 14, 2018, http://www.bilimtarihi.org/bilginin_izinde.html.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name, "Title of the Web Page".

SD     "In Search of Knowledge."


Last Name, First Name. "Title of the Web Page", Website, access date (Day Month Year), URL.

B      "In Search of Knowledge," History of Science, Accessed March 14, 2018, http://www.bilimtarihi.org/bilginin_izinde.html.


Published Interview - Magazine:

A published or online-accessed interview is treated generally like a magazine article, book chapter, or web page. The name of the interviewee is written first as the author, and the name of the person conducting the interview is indicated before the source.

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name of the Interviewee, "Title of the Interview," (Name of the Interviewer), Magazine Name Volume (Issue) (Year of Publication), page number / range.

FF     Sevinç Çokum, "The Hero Inside, The First Word That Comes to Mind, The First Pure Feeling... Interview with Sevinç Çokum," (Duygu Oylubaş Kaftar), Bizim Külliye 75 (2018), 72.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name of the Interviewee, "Title of the Interview," page number / range.

SF     Çokum, "The Hero Inside," 72.


Last Name of the Interviewee, First Name. "Title of the Interview" (Interviewer’s First Name Last Name). Magazine Name Volume (Issue) (Year of Publication), page range. Web Address.

B     Çokum, Sevinç. "The Hero Inside, The First Word That Comes to Mind, The First Pure Feeling... Interview with Sevinç Çokum" (Duygu Oylubaş Kaftar). Bizim Külliye 75 (2018), 68-76.


Unpublished Interview:

Unpublished interviews are cited in footnotes but are not included in the bibliography.

First Citation:

Footnote number. First Name Last Name of the Interviewee, "Title of the Interview," (Place, Day Month, Year).

FF   Yaprak Su Marmara, Interview with Neslihan Can, (Ankara, October 21, 2012).

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Last Name of the Interviewee, First Name, interview.

SF    Marmara, interview.


If the author, editor, or organization as the author is unknown, the citation starts with the "title" in both footnotes and the bibliography. This reference is placed alphabetically in the bibliography.

Anonymous Book

First Citation:

Footnote number. Title of the Book (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page number / range.

FF     New York Public Library American History Desk Reference (New York: Macmillan, 1997), 87.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. Title of the Book, page number / range.

SF     New York Public Library, 89.


Title of the Book. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.

B     New York Public Library American History Desk Reference. New York: Macmillan, 1997.

Anonymous Article

First Citation:

Footnote number. "Title of the Article," Magazine Name (Day Month, Year): page number.

FF    "Turkish Presence in the Balkans," Toplumsal Tarih, May 7, 1990: 8.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. "Title of the Article," page number.

SF      "Turkish Presence in the Balkans," 8.


"Title of the Article." Magazine Name (Day Month Year): page range.

B "Turkish Presence in the Balkans." Toplumsal Tarih (May 7, 1990): 1-17.

Anonymous Newspaper Article / News:

First Citation:

Footnote number. "Title of the Article / News," Newspaper Name, Day Month, Year. (if applicable) URL.

FF    "Art Provides Freedom," Bir Gün, January 14, 2025, https://www.birgun.net/makale/sanatozgurluk-verir-590582.

Subsequent Citations:

Footnote number. "Title of the Article / News."

SF      "Art Provides Freedom."


"Title of the Article / News." Newspaper Name, Day Month, Year, (if applicable) URL.

B     "Art Provides Freedom." Bir Gün, January 14, 2025, https://www.birgun.net/makale/sanatozgurluk-verir-590582.


Generally, only footnotes are used for emails or text messages. It is not mandatory to include them in the bibliography.

FF    Ahmet Temir, email to the author, October 16, 2015.

SF    Temir, email.



Copyright Agreement Form

Author Form

Title Page 


Article Template

Book Review Template


Ensure that none of the following is missing:

    - The type of the article is clearly stated.

    - The article has not been submitted to another journal.

    - If there is a relationship with a sponsor or a commercial firm, it is indicated.

    - The article has been checked for English language accuracy.

    - References are formatted according to the Chicago Manual of Style, 18th Edition.

    - The journal policies, detailed in the Writing Guidelines section, have been reviewed.

* Copyright Agreement Form

* Author Form

* Permission Document (if previously published material, such as text, images, or tables, is used).

* Title Page;

    - Article category,

    - Title in the article's original language and in English,

    - Authors’ full names, academic titles, affiliated institutions (including university and faculty information, followed by the city and country), and email addresses,

    - Corresponding author’s email address, full mailing address, work phone number, mobile phone number, and fax number,

    - ORCID IDs for all authors.

* Article Main Text;

    - Important: The main text must not include any identifying information about the author(s).

    - Titles in both the article's original language and in English,

    - Abstracts: 180–200 words in the original language, 180–200 words in English, and an extended abstract of 700–800 words in English,

    - Keywords: 5 in the original language and 5 in English,

    - Sections of the main text,

    - Financial support (if any, specify),

    - Conflict of interest (if any, specify),

    - Acknowledgments (if any, specify),

    - References,

    - Tables, Images, Figures (with titles, descriptions, and captions).

Last Update Time: 3/11/25, 12:48:52 PM