Research Article
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Year 2020, , 7 - 13, 15.03.2020


Project Number



  • Ackman, R.G. (1998). Remarks on official methods employing boron trifluoride in the preparation of methyl esters of the fatty acids of fish oils. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 75, 541-545.
  • Al-Khalifah, A., Al-Kahtani, H. (1993). Composition of ghee (Samn Barri's) from cow's and sheep's milk. Food Chemistry, 46(4), 373-375.
  • Atamer, M., Senel, E., Oztekin, F.S. (2007). Farkli tur sutlerden uretilen yayik terayaglarinin bazi nitelikleri. Project report (No: 105 O 157) TUBITAK, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Atasoy, A.F., Türkoğlu, H. (2010). A study on investigation of free fatty acid contents of Sade Yag (Urfa Yagi) produced and marketted in Sanliurfa. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture of Harran University 14(2), 9-12.
  • Bannon, C.D., Craske, J.D., Hain, N.T., Harper, N.L., O'Rourke, K.L. (1982). Analysis of fatty acid methyl esters with high accuracy and reliability : II. Methylation of fats and oils with boron trifluoride-methanol. Journal of Chromatography A, 247(1), 63-69.
  • Bernard, L., Bonnet, M., Delavaud, C., Delosiere, M., Ferlay, A., Fougere, H., Graulet, B. (2018). Milk Fat Globule in Ruminant: Major and Minor Compounds, Nutritional Regulation and Differences Among Species. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 120, 1700039.
  • Bintsis, T., Robinson, R.K. (2004). A study of the effects of adjunct cultures on the aroma compounds of Feta-type cheese. Food Chemistry, 88(3), 435-441.
  • Blasko, J., Kubinec, R., Gorova, R., Fabry, I., Lorenz, W., Sojak, L. (2010). Fatty acid composition of summer and winter cows’ milk and butter. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 49(4), 169-177.
  • Bontinis, T.G., Mallatou, H., Pappa, E.C., Massouras, T., Alichanidis, E. (2012). Study of proteolysis, lipolysis and volatile profile of a traditional Greek goat cheese (Xinotyri) during ripening. Small Ruminant Research, 105, 193-201.
  • Centeno, J.A., Morales, P., Fernandez-Garcia, E., Gaya, E., Nunez, M. (2003). The effect of meshophilic starter culture composition on the volatile compounds of raw ewe milk cheese. Italian Journal of Food Science, 15(1), 63-73.
  • Chilliard, Y., Selselet-Attou, G., Bas, P., Morand-Fehr, P. (1984). Characteristics of lipolytic system in goat milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 67(10), 2216-2223.
  • Collins, Y.F., McSweeney, P.L., Wilkinson, M.G. (2003). Lipolysis and free fatty acid catabolism in cheese: a review of current knowledge. International Dairy Journal, 13, 841-866.
  • Condurso, C., Verzera, A., Romeo, V., Ziino, M., Conte, F. (2008). Solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography mass spectrometry analysis of dairy product volatiles for the determination of shelf-life. International Dairy Journal, 18 819-825.
  • Deeth, H.C., Fitz-Gerald, C.H., Snow, A.J. (1983). A gas chromatographic method for the quantitative determination of free fatty acids in milk and milk products. New Zealand Journal of Dairy Science and Technology, 18, 13-20.
  • Guler, Z. (2008). Evaluation of lipolysis in set-type fermented milks made with different commercial yogurt starter cultures during storage. Milchwissenchaft, 33, 73-77.
  • Haenlein, G.F. (2004). Goat milk in human nutrition. Small Ruminant Research, 51, 155-163.
  • Hayaloglu, A.A., Karagul-Yuceer, Y. (2011). Utilization and characterization of small ruminants’ milk and milk products in Turkey: Current status and new perspectives. Small Ruminant Research, 101, 73-83.
  • Iradukunda, C., Aida, W.M., Ouafi, A., Barkouch, Y., Boussaid, A. (2018). Aroma profile of a traditionally fermented butter (smen). Journal of Dairy Research, 85(1), 114-120.
  • Liu, S.Q., Holland, R., Crow, V.L. (2004). Esters and their biosynthesis in fermented dairy products: a review. International Dairy Journal, 14, 923-945.
  • Lucas, A., Rock, E., Agabriel, C., Chilliard, Y., Coulon, J.B. (2008). Relationships between animal species (cow versus goat) and some nutritional constituents in raw milk farmhouse cheeses. Small Ruminant Research, 74, 243-248.
  • Méndez-Cid, F.J., Centeno, J.A., Martínez, S., Carballo, J. (2017). Changes in the chemical and physical characteristics of cow’s milk butterduring storage: Effects of temperature and addition of salt. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 63, 121-132.
  • Molimard, P., Spinnler, H.E. (1996). Compounds involved in the flavor of surface mold-ripened cheeses: Origins and properties. Journal of Dairy Science, 79(2), 169-184.
  • Paszczyk, B., Tońska, E., Luczyńska, J. (2019). Health-promoting value of cow, sheep and goat milk and yogurts. Mljekarstvo, 69(3), 182-192.
  • Pegolo, S., Cecchinato, A., Mele, M., Conte, G., Schiavon, S., Bittante, G. (2016). Effects of candidate gene polymorphisms on the detailed fatty acids profile determined by gas chromatography in bovine milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 99(6), 4558-4573.
  • Sağdiç, O., Arici, M., Simşek, O. (2002). Selection of starters for a traditional Turkish yayik butter made from yoghurt. Food Microbiology, 19, 303-312.
  • Sağdıç, O., Dönmez, M., Demirci, M. (2004). Comparison of characteristics and fatty acid profiles of traditional Turkish yayik butters produced from goats’, ewes’ or cows’ milk. Food Control, 15, 485-490.
  • Schennink, A., Heck, J.M., Bovenhuis, H., Visker, M.H., van Valenberg, H.J., van Arendonk, J.A. (2008). Milk fatty acid unsaturation: genetic parameters and effects of stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD1) and acyl CoA: diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1). Journal of Dairy Science, 91(5), 2135-2143.
  • Shingfield, K.J., Chilliard, Y., Toivonen, V., Kairenius, P., Givens, D.I. (2008). Trans fatty acids and bioactive lipids in ruminant milk. In: Bioactive components of milk. NY: Springer, New York, 3-65.
  • Simopoulos, A.P. (2002). The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 essential fatty acids. Biomed Pharmacother, 56, 365-379.
  • Sommerfeld, M. (1983). Trans Unsaturated Fatty Acids in Natural Products and Processed Foods. Progress in Lipid Research, 22(3), 221-233.
  • Stashenko, E.E., Martínez, J.R. (2007). Sampling volatile compounds from natural products with headspace/solid-phase micro-extraction. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, 70(2), 235-242.
  • Şenel, E., Atamer, M., Öztekin, Ş.F. (2011). The oxidative and lipolytic stability of Yayık butter produced from different species of mammals milk (cow, sheep, goat) yoghurt. Food Chemistry, 127, 333-339.
  • Tahmas Kahyaoğlu, D. (2014). The determination of volatile compounds, oxidation stability and some quality characteristics of butters produced from cow, sheep and goat milk during storage period, Atatürk University, Erzurum.
  • Tosun, F. (2016). Effect of exopolysaccharide producing lactic cultures on quality characteristics of butter, churn butter and cream (kaymak), Erciyes University, Kayseri.
  • Ulbricht, T.V., Southgate, D.T. (1991). Coronary heart disease: seven dietary factors. The Lancet, 338(8773), 985-992.
  • Vagenas, G., Ioannis, G.R. (2012). Fat-derived volatiles of various products of cows', ewes', and goats' milk. International Journal of Food Properties, 15(3), 665-682.
  • Whetstine, C.M., Karagül-Yüceer, Y., Avşar, Y.K., Drake, M.A. (2003). Identification and Quantification of Character Aroma Components in Fres Chevre-Style Goat Cheese. Journal of Food Science, 68(8), 2441-2447.

Determination of fatty acids profiles and volatile compounds of cows’ and goats’ butters

Year 2020, , 7 - 13, 15.03.2020


In this study, the fatty acid composition and volatile components of cows’ and goats’ yayik butters were analyzed. For this purpose, analyzes in cows’ and goats’ yayik butter obtained from local markets in Adıyaman province were performed. Saturated fatty acids (SFAs) were determined as dominant fatty acids in the butter samples. While the highest SFA content was detected in goats’ butters, the highest unsaturated fatty acid (UNSFA) and monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) contents were in cow samples. Furthermore, some individual fatty acid concentrations (tridecanoic, behenic and α-linolenic) of cows’ and goats’ butters were significantly different. Additionally, the total 27 volatile compounds including alcohols, aldehydes, acids, esters, hydrocarbons, ketones and terpenes were quantified in samples. The most important volatile compounds in samples were oxylene, mxylene, butyric, caprylic and valeric acids.

Supporting Institution

This work was financed by Harran University Scientific Research Projects Authority (HUBAK)

Project Number



  • Ackman, R.G. (1998). Remarks on official methods employing boron trifluoride in the preparation of methyl esters of the fatty acids of fish oils. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 75, 541-545.
  • Al-Khalifah, A., Al-Kahtani, H. (1993). Composition of ghee (Samn Barri's) from cow's and sheep's milk. Food Chemistry, 46(4), 373-375.
  • Atamer, M., Senel, E., Oztekin, F.S. (2007). Farkli tur sutlerden uretilen yayik terayaglarinin bazi nitelikleri. Project report (No: 105 O 157) TUBITAK, Ankara, Turkey.
  • Atasoy, A.F., Türkoğlu, H. (2010). A study on investigation of free fatty acid contents of Sade Yag (Urfa Yagi) produced and marketted in Sanliurfa. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture of Harran University 14(2), 9-12.
  • Bannon, C.D., Craske, J.D., Hain, N.T., Harper, N.L., O'Rourke, K.L. (1982). Analysis of fatty acid methyl esters with high accuracy and reliability : II. Methylation of fats and oils with boron trifluoride-methanol. Journal of Chromatography A, 247(1), 63-69.
  • Bernard, L., Bonnet, M., Delavaud, C., Delosiere, M., Ferlay, A., Fougere, H., Graulet, B. (2018). Milk Fat Globule in Ruminant: Major and Minor Compounds, Nutritional Regulation and Differences Among Species. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 120, 1700039.
  • Bintsis, T., Robinson, R.K. (2004). A study of the effects of adjunct cultures on the aroma compounds of Feta-type cheese. Food Chemistry, 88(3), 435-441.
  • Blasko, J., Kubinec, R., Gorova, R., Fabry, I., Lorenz, W., Sojak, L. (2010). Fatty acid composition of summer and winter cows’ milk and butter. Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 49(4), 169-177.
  • Bontinis, T.G., Mallatou, H., Pappa, E.C., Massouras, T., Alichanidis, E. (2012). Study of proteolysis, lipolysis and volatile profile of a traditional Greek goat cheese (Xinotyri) during ripening. Small Ruminant Research, 105, 193-201.
  • Centeno, J.A., Morales, P., Fernandez-Garcia, E., Gaya, E., Nunez, M. (2003). The effect of meshophilic starter culture composition on the volatile compounds of raw ewe milk cheese. Italian Journal of Food Science, 15(1), 63-73.
  • Chilliard, Y., Selselet-Attou, G., Bas, P., Morand-Fehr, P. (1984). Characteristics of lipolytic system in goat milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 67(10), 2216-2223.
  • Collins, Y.F., McSweeney, P.L., Wilkinson, M.G. (2003). Lipolysis and free fatty acid catabolism in cheese: a review of current knowledge. International Dairy Journal, 13, 841-866.
  • Condurso, C., Verzera, A., Romeo, V., Ziino, M., Conte, F. (2008). Solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography mass spectrometry analysis of dairy product volatiles for the determination of shelf-life. International Dairy Journal, 18 819-825.
  • Deeth, H.C., Fitz-Gerald, C.H., Snow, A.J. (1983). A gas chromatographic method for the quantitative determination of free fatty acids in milk and milk products. New Zealand Journal of Dairy Science and Technology, 18, 13-20.
  • Guler, Z. (2008). Evaluation of lipolysis in set-type fermented milks made with different commercial yogurt starter cultures during storage. Milchwissenchaft, 33, 73-77.
  • Haenlein, G.F. (2004). Goat milk in human nutrition. Small Ruminant Research, 51, 155-163.
  • Hayaloglu, A.A., Karagul-Yuceer, Y. (2011). Utilization and characterization of small ruminants’ milk and milk products in Turkey: Current status and new perspectives. Small Ruminant Research, 101, 73-83.
  • Iradukunda, C., Aida, W.M., Ouafi, A., Barkouch, Y., Boussaid, A. (2018). Aroma profile of a traditionally fermented butter (smen). Journal of Dairy Research, 85(1), 114-120.
  • Liu, S.Q., Holland, R., Crow, V.L. (2004). Esters and their biosynthesis in fermented dairy products: a review. International Dairy Journal, 14, 923-945.
  • Lucas, A., Rock, E., Agabriel, C., Chilliard, Y., Coulon, J.B. (2008). Relationships between animal species (cow versus goat) and some nutritional constituents in raw milk farmhouse cheeses. Small Ruminant Research, 74, 243-248.
  • Méndez-Cid, F.J., Centeno, J.A., Martínez, S., Carballo, J. (2017). Changes in the chemical and physical characteristics of cow’s milk butterduring storage: Effects of temperature and addition of salt. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 63, 121-132.
  • Molimard, P., Spinnler, H.E. (1996). Compounds involved in the flavor of surface mold-ripened cheeses: Origins and properties. Journal of Dairy Science, 79(2), 169-184.
  • Paszczyk, B., Tońska, E., Luczyńska, J. (2019). Health-promoting value of cow, sheep and goat milk and yogurts. Mljekarstvo, 69(3), 182-192.
  • Pegolo, S., Cecchinato, A., Mele, M., Conte, G., Schiavon, S., Bittante, G. (2016). Effects of candidate gene polymorphisms on the detailed fatty acids profile determined by gas chromatography in bovine milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 99(6), 4558-4573.
  • Sağdiç, O., Arici, M., Simşek, O. (2002). Selection of starters for a traditional Turkish yayik butter made from yoghurt. Food Microbiology, 19, 303-312.
  • Sağdıç, O., Dönmez, M., Demirci, M. (2004). Comparison of characteristics and fatty acid profiles of traditional Turkish yayik butters produced from goats’, ewes’ or cows’ milk. Food Control, 15, 485-490.
  • Schennink, A., Heck, J.M., Bovenhuis, H., Visker, M.H., van Valenberg, H.J., van Arendonk, J.A. (2008). Milk fatty acid unsaturation: genetic parameters and effects of stearoyl-CoA desaturase (SCD1) and acyl CoA: diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1). Journal of Dairy Science, 91(5), 2135-2143.
  • Shingfield, K.J., Chilliard, Y., Toivonen, V., Kairenius, P., Givens, D.I. (2008). Trans fatty acids and bioactive lipids in ruminant milk. In: Bioactive components of milk. NY: Springer, New York, 3-65.
  • Simopoulos, A.P. (2002). The importance of the ratio of omega-6/omega-3 essential fatty acids. Biomed Pharmacother, 56, 365-379.
  • Sommerfeld, M. (1983). Trans Unsaturated Fatty Acids in Natural Products and Processed Foods. Progress in Lipid Research, 22(3), 221-233.
  • Stashenko, E.E., Martínez, J.R. (2007). Sampling volatile compounds from natural products with headspace/solid-phase micro-extraction. Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods, 70(2), 235-242.
  • Şenel, E., Atamer, M., Öztekin, Ş.F. (2011). The oxidative and lipolytic stability of Yayık butter produced from different species of mammals milk (cow, sheep, goat) yoghurt. Food Chemistry, 127, 333-339.
  • Tahmas Kahyaoğlu, D. (2014). The determination of volatile compounds, oxidation stability and some quality characteristics of butters produced from cow, sheep and goat milk during storage period, Atatürk University, Erzurum.
  • Tosun, F. (2016). Effect of exopolysaccharide producing lactic cultures on quality characteristics of butter, churn butter and cream (kaymak), Erciyes University, Kayseri.
  • Ulbricht, T.V., Southgate, D.T. (1991). Coronary heart disease: seven dietary factors. The Lancet, 338(8773), 985-992.
  • Vagenas, G., Ioannis, G.R. (2012). Fat-derived volatiles of various products of cows', ewes', and goats' milk. International Journal of Food Properties, 15(3), 665-682.
  • Whetstine, C.M., Karagül-Yüceer, Y., Avşar, Y.K., Drake, M.A. (2003). Identification and Quantification of Character Aroma Components in Fres Chevre-Style Goat Cheese. Journal of Food Science, 68(8), 2441-2447.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Food Engineering
Journal Section Research Articles

Filiz Yıldız Akgül 0000-0001-7894-6531

Huriye Gözde Ceylan 0000-0001-7363-554X

Ahmet Ferit Atasoy 0000-0002-3390-1177

Project Number 18058
Publication Date March 15, 2020
Submission Date November 21, 2019
Acceptance Date January 16, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Yıldız Akgül, F., Ceylan, H. G., & Atasoy, A. F. (2020). Determination of fatty acids profiles and volatile compounds of cows’ and goats’ butters. International Journal of Agriculture Environment and Food Sciences, 4(1), 7-13.

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