Aim & Scope

The Journal of Faculty of Agriculture of Düzce University is a scientific, peer-reviewed, academic journal that publishes qualified research and well-prepared review articles on current topics that have not been published elsewhere before in order to bring important studies in the fields of agriculture, food, and agricultural biotechnology to a wide range of scientists at the national and international level.

The Journal of Agriculture Faculty of Düzce University (JAFDU) includes original research articles and a limited number of review studies on all agricultural fields such as plant protection, horticulture, field crops, agricultural economics, agricultural machinery, agricultural biotechnology, agricultural structures and irrigation, soil science and plant nutrition, zootechnics, biosystems and food science. The Journal of Faculty of Agriculture of Düzce University is published at least twice a year. Submitted articles must be original and written in Turkish or English. Only articles whose abstracts are published in a congress or symposium can also be submitted to the journal. The most important feature of the publication policy is its contribution to science. Studies that are stated by the referees that they do not contribute are not published.

Period Months
June December
Last Update Time: 3/4/25, 2:59:24 PM