Writing Rules

Articles must be prepared with the Article Template.

No information about the authors should be added to the article template.

While the article is being uploaded to the system;

1) Title Page

2) Copyright Transfer and Conflict of Interest Declaration Form

3) Ethical Approval Declaration Form

4) Plagiarism Report (taken from intihal.net) (there must be a maximum of 20% plagiarism rate, excluding bibliography)

must be uploaded together with these documents.

NOTE: No information about the authors (name, surname, mail, etc.) should be added to the article template and file headers.

General Format Features

The article text must be in 12 point font size and Cambria font.

Line spacing should be 1.15.

It should be prepared as a single column, leaning on both sides.

The article prepared according to the template should not exceed 15 pages.

Line numbers should be given separately for each page.

No changes should be made to the page structure and page margins of the article template.

The first lines of the paragraphs should be indented by 0.5 cm.

Article Title

Each study must have a title in English and Turkish.

In articles written in English with a Turkish abstract, the English article title should be in 14-point font size, and the Turkish article title should be in 12-point font size.

In articles written in Turkish with an English abstract, the Turkish article title should be in 14-point font size, and the English article title should be in 12-point font size.

The title should be left aligned and only the first word of the title should start with a capital letter, all other letters should be written in lowercase letters.

If the article is a research based on a project, master's or doctoral thesis, it should be stated in the "Acknowledgments" section.


The name, surname, e-mail address and ORCID number of all authors (including graduate students) and the contact phone number of the responsible author should be written on the cover page.

Only the initial letters of the author's names and surnames should be written in capital letters.

Author title information should not be included.

Author address information must be stated. (E.g. Department of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Düzce University, Düzce, Türkiye,)

At least 4 referee suggestions should be stated on the cover page.

If part or all of the study has been published as a paper anywhere (congress, conference, symposium, panel, etc.), all information about the published study must be stated on the title page.

Abstract and Turkish Abtract (ÖZET)

Abstract (Maximum 300 words) and Turkish abstract (Maximum 250 words) should be in 7 point font size and written justified.

It is mandatory to write a Turkish abstract for article presentations in English.


Articles must contain at least 3 and at most 6 keywords.

Main Text

Article; It should include Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion sections.

In the introduction section; The importance of the subject should be explained with its place in the literature.

Studies should reveal the problem, analyze the relevant literature competently, emphasize the deficiencies, gaps and contradictions in the literature, and mention the steps to be taken for a solution.

The materials and methods used in the research should be clearly stated.

In the Materials and Methods section, if an original model is used in the study, there must be a model subsection and Sample/Study Group, Data Collection Tools and Procedure subsections.

In the research results and discussion section; The results should be discussed with their place in the literature.

At the end of the article; Acknowledgment Statement, Researcher Contribution Rate declaration, Conflict of Interest declaration must be stated.


The citing rules specified in the Publication Manual of American Psychological Association (APA) (7th edition) published by the American Psychological Association should be applied both in the text and in the bibliography.

You can access detailed information about the APA-7 format at https://libguides.csudh.edu/citation/apa-7.

Last Update Time: 3/4/25, 5:25:26 PM